Criss Angel


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
Anyone know how he does his illusions, for instance, flying?
So they cheat? That ruins the entire point of magic. The whole idea is to be amazed by what they accomplished not because it looked cool, but because of the way they figure out ways to trick us. Using CGI destroys the idea because there's no brains behind it, just some creativity and a little work. I only just watched his show for the first time this week, and was planning on watching it again...but now I don't find him so cool anymore.:( Way to ruin magic Criss...*shakes head sadly*
crazyfreespirit said:
So they cheat?
You act like that is something new.
All magic is nothing but cheating.
Tricks are so obvious that people dismiss many cheats as if they would not do that. Yes they would. That is all what magic "tricks" are.

The only difference is that Chris Angel is plain and simply wack as wack can be.

Check this one out:
It amazes me that anybody could take this man seriously: angel
Ya but I mean there is no trick-no hidden door, no extra card..cheating yes, but still a trick...they had to come up with a way to trick you-what I ment by cheating was that they don't do anything...It's like "oh well that would look cool...go bribe he audience and draw some stuff up on a cmputer and voila!" That just ruins it.
Well there is one thing for sure.
He is an insult to real magicians because at least other magicians their tricks in front of actual people. He's so fake even the audience in his shows watching his tricks are fake.
Their whole purpose is to say "OMG! OMG!"
Many of his videos have the same "random people" that were in other videos.
I myself find Criss Angel to not only be remarkably entertaining, but an excellent magician on all levels. Therefore, out of my fandom of him, I would ask if any of you are capable of presenting credible proof of him using underhanded tactics on his television shows or live performances, to trick the audience into thinking that what is a fake trick - and by that, I mean staged, or with fake spectators - is in fact a real one. Or are you simply affirming? For I have watched all his s hows -numerous times- and I, for one, have never seen a repeat of spectators on anything but the clip shows.
What is being said is that Chris Angel is different from other magicians.
1. All magicians do live magic tricks in front of real people watching the tricks.
2. All magicians sometimes also do tricks for TV audiences in which they use special effects, and fake actors.
3. Chris Angel only does tricks in front of fake actors using special effects. Chris Angel has never done an actual magic trick in front of real people.

Therefore, he is a joke to real magicians.
He is no Mr Norrell, that's for sure. His affinity for theatrics puts him more along the line of Jonathan Strange, actually.
Being a magician myself, I can assure you that "Criss Angel" has very little talent as a magician. Sure, he's charming and diplomatic, but definitely not a skilled magician. In the episodes where he teaches the viewers simple tricks, he performs them terribly. These are tricks I learned to do when I was 6. And Criss, who claims to be a "master magician" can barely do them. It should be clear that he's a bit of a joke to magicians.

One should also keep in mind that a lot of the camera cuts are taken out of context to what was in the last cut. Unless... You want to be amazed. But that's what Blaine and Burton and Harris are for (to name a few). Mainly Harris 'cuz he thinks up all the stuff...

With that aside, I still watch the show. I am glad that he exists, because his tricks inspire me to think of creative ways to accomplish some of the feats he does without the use of camera tricks and payed audience and general fake-ness.
cool skill said:

Chris Angel is the worst magician ever.
Yeah, Chris Angel is the worst magician EVER in the history of magic. :rolleyes:

Your such a drama queen.
And yet still, the proof is not forthcoming.

Cool Skill, you claim that Criss Angel is a fraud. -Prove it-. Give me the mountains of evidence which must support your claims in order for them to be legitimate.

I await, as it stands, even the first iota of such.


You make two claims. One that he is unskillful and another that the cuts aren't in line with what previously happened. In regards to the latter, please demonstrate some examples of such. And as regards the former, I must disagree. He attempts those tricks for the camera to give people a way to learn the trick, not "poorly".
Iv looked but there is a clip of him taking a bird out of a egg and the egg out of a orange but anyway he uses his son as the person picking the egg and oranges and otheir stand-ins, but he even riped that trick of a guy in China.....Hes FULL of it and him self.

He uses his "son"? That isn't his son. That is a kid that has cancer that wrote in for him. If you can show that he is in fact Criss' son, please show me.
A couple of examples. I don't have links to the youtube videos, but that's where I saw them to begin with.

The first is when he walks on water.
It's in a pool.
Lot's of people swimming around in the pool oohing and ahhing.
It's fairly obvious that what is going on is that there is clear plexiglass just under the surface of the water. With occasional breaks for the 'demonstration' that bubbles come up the surface and whatnot.
The swimmers have to know this. They're swimming all around it in a carefully cued manner.
This is magic that could never be performed in person. It's immediately subject to debunking because it's so lame.

He's in a park.
Asks for a 'volunteer'. Picks a woman. Lays her down on the picnic table. Then decides she's too short so he has to pick another one.
She lays down on the picnic table and he gets a couple of people to start pulling on her.
He pulls her in two and her top half runs off across the park.
Again. Immediatelly subject to debunking by anyone present.

I've not watched much more of his shows than that.
There was the levitation trick. That was fairly obviously a setup too. It was way too extravagant. Anyone in his immediate presence would be able to see that it is fake. Thus, he relies on the magic of television to make him a magic man.


That other guy... I forget his name.. Blaine. That's it. He had a levitation trick too. And he also used wires and basically camera tricks. He did a simple trick at first, by angling himself in a specific manner away from the onlookers, he pushed himself up slightly on one foot, while maintaining the appearance that both feet were off the ground. This is a legitimate trick. But, then, supposedly, he recreated the trick after this. Saying that he wanted to get a better reaction shot or something. I forget exactly. This second take involved him in a harness and the levitation was more extravagant. But still not so extravagant as this Angel guy.

He's playing it up for the new generation of lamoids that need to be smacked over the head with a hammer for effect because they were weaned on CG.

Sad, really.

"The first is when he walks on water.
It's in a pool.
Lot's of people swimming around in the pool oohing and ahhing.
It's fairly obvious that what is going on is that there is clear plexiglass just under the surface of the water. With occasional breaks for the 'demonstration' that bubbles come up the surface and whatnot.
The swimmers have to know this. They're swimming all around it in a carefully cued manner.
This is magic that could never be performed in person. It's immediately subject to debunking because it's so lame."

Plexiglass suspended without support for over 20 feet, without bending or warping, and without the surface of the water appearing to react as shallow? Similarly, in an audience that was claimed to be live, and which had a spectator use his camera to record it as he liked, and for a woman to even swim under him whilst he was doing so, and for people to move across the path he was then taking? And, ontop of that, for him to take off his shoes, and for them to fall through the area immediatly before him, which he would then touch upon?

NOt to say that there isn't some sort of trick involved - he isn't Jesus II - but your assertion does not stand.

He's in a park.
Asks for a 'volunteer'. Picks a woman. Lays her down on the picnic table. Then decides she's too short so he has to pick another one.
She lays down on the picnic table and he gets a couple of people to start pulling on her.
He pulls her in two and her top half runs off across the park.
Again. Immediatelly subject to debunking by anyone present."

This is the only trick I can think of, off hand, that may have been set up beforehand. In the absence of testimony from the participants, and from the show declaring it was fake, I cannot claim this was so - there is no evidence to demonstrate that is the case. That being said, the majority of his tricks are also not of this type that allow for such suspicions. Similarly, a question as to how the bottom legs were moving is worth asking, just as in most of "split people in half" tricks that magicians do.

I am also not sure if he claims this one was not set up. With other people he usually does.

Moreover, one reason to suspect that it was not faked was that none of the responses from the people implied fakeness, nor were their reactions obviously fake. The woman also looked genuinely scared when she was split in half.

"I've not watched much more of his shows than that.
There was the levitation trick. That was fairly obviously a setup too. It was way too extravagant. Anyone in his immediate presence would be able to see that it is fake. Thus, he relies on the magic of television to make him a magic man."

You will have to provide more evidence then "I cannot believe it was a legitimate trick". Considering that he was going over an entire street of sorts in that area, and no one responded negatively...

In essence, what do you besides incredulity bring to this suspicion?

"That other guy... I forget his name.. Blaine. That's it. He had a levitation trick too. And he also used wires and basically camera tricks. He did a simple trick at first, by angling himself in a specific manner away from the onlookers, he pushed himself up slightly on one foot, while maintaining the appearance that both feet were off the ground. This is a legitimate trick. But, then, supposedly, he recreated the trick after this. Saying that he wanted to get a better reaction shot or something. I forget exactly. This second take involved him in a harness and the levitation was more extravagant. But still not so extravagant as this Angel guy."

One magician's fakeness does not imply another's.