Crime in America is unethically punished.


Registered Senior Member
Why is it that more and more today we see criminals finding clever ways to get off for the punishment of their crimes. There are so many excuses for why they did whatever they did. At the same time, more and more we see people being punished for offending others. Why is it that the most serious crime in america is offense?
That's an interesting question. But first, we have to establish a few things.

1) The legal system is naturally flawed. Some get off easily. Others aren't so lucky - ending up with harsher penalties than they deserve.

2) You can get a scientists to say and back up anything you want him to say, as long as you back it up with the cash. So much science is just theoretical. This means that anyone with enough money can get the counter forensics to work for themselves.

3) Juries consist of disgruntled lowlifes who care more about their cars and penis's than politics and society. So right off the bat we're screwed.

Your question answers itself. The 'cause' is the solution. Offense seems to be a serious crime in America because defense is the most virtuous quality in any emotions driven democracy. So if we can't prove that beyond any circumstantial doubt that you are guilty (which is philosophically impossible), then you get to roam free, saddle up with me and kill as many people as want.
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Why is it that more and more today we see criminals finding clever ways to get off for the punishment of their crimes.

By clever ways do you mean asking for an attorney? Or do you mean remaining silent? Or mabye you mean not incriminating yourself? Oh, I know what you mean. You mean not readily signing a confession because it is a matter of fact that if your a suspect you did SOMETHING wrong. Those clever bastards are obviously taking advantage of the rights that many people died to provide for them.
You know that's not what I mean. By saying that someone died to get those people rights, are you implying that it is acceptable for a criminal to use those rights in such a manner?

All I'm saying is that criminals are getting off for crimes they committed because their lawyers can obscure evidence, lie, and deny the truth.
Its impossible to have a flawless justice system. There will always make mistakes, which is why, in civilized societys, permanent punishments, i.e. execution and dismmeberment are not practiced.

However, in the US the flaws are not of the unavoidable kind, as they occur pretty clearly along economic and racial lines. Our justice system is incredibly biased in favor of those with money(court appointed attorneys are far from equal to high priced private lawyers, there have been numerous documented cases in which they've been found to fail at things like remembering to file appeals in time to being high on drugs while in court), and in many places very biased in favor of those who are white(look at the statistics for how likely a prosecutor is to seek the death penalty in cases where a black person has killed a white person and vice versa.)
it is acceptable for any person to use their rights. it is almost impossible for a criminal to use their rights like you sugest because in america you are inocent until proven guilty. so only an alreay convicted criminal could use their rights.

it is not the fault of the constitution that our juries are for the most part uneducated in the law or easily swaed by smooth talking lawyers.