Cricific of Horus

Darkman said:
What is that?
It is a crucifix of Horus. Horus is depicted fastened to a post with arms or wings outstreatched in the shape of a cross as that was the symbol for the sun and he was a sun god. Jesus is a remake of the Horus-Osiris dying rising godman religion.
Trilairian said:
It is a crucifix of Horus. Horus is depicted fastened to a post with arms or wings outstreatched in the shape of a cross as that was the symbol for the sun and he was a sun god. Jesus is a remake of the Horus-Osiris dying rising godman religion.
M*W: Therefore, Jesus didn't really exist. The myth of Jesus has been passed down through the ages, but only the original gods, perhaps, existed. Ultimately, all religions are an interpretation of the stars and constellations. There are really no Gods nor gods. That pretty much levels the playing field, I'd say.
M*W thats wrong, god may or may not exist but Jesus did and he WAS probably crusifide (all though the IMAGE could have been taken from that of horus i dont know). We KNOW he lived because there are historical documents from the roman empire that SAY he lived and that he was crusifide and that was because it was the way romans put people to death. Christans would probably worship a rope if they hung people then or an electric chair if the romans had electricity.

Im sorry i disagree with there religion but that part is factual
Asguard said:
M*W thats wrong, god may or may not exist but Jesus did and he WAS probably crusifide (all though the IMAGE could have been taken from that of horus i dont know). We KNOW he lived because there are historical documents from the roman empire that SAY he lived and that he was crusifide and that was because it was the way romans put people to death. Christans would probably worship a rope if they hung people then or an electric chair if the romans had electricity.

Im sorry i disagree with there religion but that part is factual
M*W: Asguard, this is not about god, it's about Jesus's crucifixion. There may have been a crucifixion according to Roman records, but I've yet to find them. Although crucifixion did, in fact, occur during that time, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE suggesting that Jesus of Nazareth ever met his death by that form. In fact, there is actually more evidence that Jesus never died on the crucifix. There is more evidence that Jesus never existed.

That's true what you said, had it been a rope or electric chair, Christians would honor that symbol, but the fact it, Jesus is nothing more than a pagan god. All christians worship a pagan god, but they don't know that. It's funny, really, that christians bestow honor on pagan symbols. I prefer to pursue reality, myself, where there are no gods to deal with.
There is more evidence that Jesus never existed.

what evidence?
i thought we had the roman senses that said yes, there was a boy born to mary and josph, they are even claiming to have found the casket his brother was buried in so i seriously doubt that he wasnt a REAL person. What i doubt is that he brought people back from the dead unless he worked out CPR ect
There is anecdotal evidence that Jesus existed. It is certainly consistant with the mood of the times, with many religious thinkers accepting followers, and a great flow and exchange of ideas through the trade routes.
spidergoat said:
There is anecdotal evidence that Jesus existed. It is certainly consistant with the mood of the times, with many religious thinkers accepting followers, and a great flow and exchange of ideas through the trade routes.
M*W: I believe the references to Jesus existing have proved false, even though they existed in Josephus's works. His existence is just too close to the pagan gods of the day.
Asguard said:
i thought we had the roman senses that said yes, there was a boy born to mary and josph,
There was no census at the time of Jesus' supposed birth. The closest census was in 6AD and there are no surviving census records. Side notes: Rome did not make families return to their city of origin for census. Nor is there any record of the "Star of Bethlehem" despite that fact that many civilizations at the time kept very detailed accounts of astronomical events.

they are even claiming to have found the casket his brother was buried in so i seriously doubt that he wasnt a REAL person.
While the ossuary was ancient the inscription "brother of Jesus" was a forgery.
Associated Press - December 29, 2004

JERUSALEM - Israeli authorities indicted four antique dealers and collectors Wednesday on charges of running a sophisticated forgery ring that created a trove of fake biblical artifacts, including some hailed as among the most important archaeological objects ever uncovered in the region.

The forged treasures include an ivory pomegranate touted by scholars as the only relic from Solomon's Temple, an ossuary that reputedly held the bones of James, Jesus' brother, and a stone tablet with inscriptions on how to maintain the Jewish Temple, officials said.
Among objects the police tagged as forgeries were two of Golan's possessions, the James ossuary and the "Yoash inscription," a shoebox-sized tablet from about the ninth century B.C., inscribed with 15 lines of ancient Hebrew with instructions for maintaining the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
The ossuary, with the words "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus," had been touted as a major archaeological discovery - the oldest physical link between the modern world and Jesus. But last year, Israeli experts said that while the ossuary, a 2,000-year-old limestone box, was indeed ancient, parts of the inscription were added recently.

Raithere said:
There was no census at the time of Jesus' supposed birth. The closest census was in 6AD and there are no surviving census records. Side notes: Rome did not make families return to their city of origin for census. Nor is there any record of the "Star of Bethlehem" despite that fact that many civilizations at the time kept very detailed accounts of astronomical events.

While the ossuary was ancient the inscription "brother of Jesus" was a forgery.

M*W: So, therefore, there is no authenticity to the existence of Jesus. Why do some 2 billion idiots still believe this is so?
Asguard said:
There is more evidence that Jesus never existed.

what evidence?
i thought we had the roman senses that said yes, there was a boy born to mary and josph, they are even claiming to have found the casket his brother was buried in so i seriously doubt that he wasnt a REAL person. What i doubt is that he brought people back from the dead unless he worked out CPR ect
Where do you get that information. I would like to see it for myself as all evidence indicates that even if there were a person who would actually have been named Yeshua on whome the modern version of the Horus religion called Christianity is based, his parents were probably not actually named Mary and Joseph. Those were just distorsions of the names of the parents of Horus, Meh and Seb.
Jo(lord or god) Seb
Even the baptist's name seems to have come from Anup who baptised Horus. Makes me wonder if Jovanites were Anup worshipers.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: So, therefore, there is no authenticity to the existence of Jesus. Why do some 2 billion idiots still believe this is so?
Actually there were quite a few men called Yeshua, Josephus mentions 19 of them. But the NT story is almost completely unfounded. No census, no star, no record of Herod ordering the death of children, no cliff in Nazareth, etc. Examining the earliest Christian writings there is very little consensus at all about who Jesus was, what he preached, or what happened.

But it's not that Christians are idiots, they're just like everyone else. Beliefs filter chaos into order. We all rely upon unfounded beliefs from which we form a self-supporting world-view. Logic and science are not intrinsically any more truthful than religious or other belief systems but they are self-adjusting. It is this, rather than any demonstrable truth that recommends these systems to me. They allow for adjustment, adaptation, and correction rather than striving merely for confirmation. In a changing Universe a static system falls ever further away from reality.

Raithere said:
But the NT story is almost completely unfounded. No census, no star, no record of Herod ordering the death of children, no cliff in Nazareth, etc.
just a little chink in your armor, that even with accomplished star-gazers, some things escaped world-wide notice,

BTW, I'm more interested in the earthquake that rent the veil in the temple

a new star in the sky
Supernova 1054 - Creation of the Crab Nebula
Strangely enough, it seems that at least almost no records of European or Arab observations of the supernova have survived to modern times.
According to Burnham, the Chinese records were translated by J.J. Duyvendak (1942; also quoted by Mitton): ".. In the 1st year of the period Chih-ho, the 5th moon, the day chi-ch'ou, a guest star appeared approximately several inches south-east of Tien-Kuan [Zeta Tauri]. After more than a year, it gradually became invisible .." It is this date which is July 4, 1054 AD.
WildBlueYonder said:
just a little chink in your armor, that even with accomplished star-gazers, some things escaped world-wide notice,

BTW, I'm more interested in the earthquake that rent the veil in the temple

a new star in the sky
I'm curious, do you happen to have any evidence that there was such an earth quake or that the veil was ever rent at all. If it was rent I would suspect foul play, so any evidence that there was such a quake would be nice.
WildBlueYonder said:
just a little chink in your armor, that even with accomplished star-gazers, some things escaped world-wide notice
Indeed, but we are supposedly talking about an event significant enough to convince the three magi leave their homes and bring treasures gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the new born king. One would assume the birth of God warrants more than some fuzzy little pin-prick of light that only 3 people noticed. But perhaps I'm mistaken.

Trilairian said:
I'm curious, do you happen to have any evidence that there was such an earth quake or that the veil was ever rent at all. If it was rent I would suspect foul play, so any evidence that there was such a quake would be nice.
re-read my post, I'm curious about it too, because its only mentioned in the NT, not by Josephus or other contemporaries, that would be the collaborating evidence that I’m looking for
Raithere said:
Indeed, but we are supposedly talking about an event significant enough to convince the three magi leave their homes
actually, if I remember right, it was a planetary convergence that occurred in the constellation (Ares, I think) that represented the kingdom of Israel in the system of the Magi,

here's a link as reference:
Remember that Jupiter is considered the royal star. Well, in 3 B.C., Jupiter came into conjunction with Regulus, the star of kingship, the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, the first of several such conjunctions over the next year. Leo was the constellation of kings, and it was also closely associated by some with the Lion of Judah. This is beginning to look interesting. "The royal planet approached the royal star in the royal constellation representing Israel."(1) In addition, on September 11, 3 B.C., Jupiter was not only very close to Regulus, but the sun was in the constellation Virgo.
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