Gotta love that title.

Ted Haggard, President of The World Prayer Team, says his office has been flooded with messages from people all over the world saying that God is impressing upon them to prepare to pray on 03-03-03. "These believers do not know one another, nor are they connected to one another. They do not know that the others are saying the same thing. Clearly, the Holy Spirit is speaking to His church, and He is calling His people to pray," says Haggard.

"As these reports began to come in, we sensed in our hearts that God wants us to promote a huge outpouring of prayer on this special date. Many believe there is significance to this date because of its numerical sequence (03-03-03) which reminds many Christians of the Trinity. Moreover, the Holy Spirit has highlighted Jeremiah 33:3 (again, three 3's) as our call to action, 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know,'" says Haggard.
I always find these amusing. People find such trivial things to be significant.

First; one should note that our C.E. date is only loosely based upon Jesus' supposed lifetime which (based upon calendar calculations) began somewhere around 2B.C. and ended somewhere around 30A.D; never even mind the month and the day.

Second; since the calendar is a human invention I find it odd that anyone can think that it has any relation to when God decides to act. Basically; why would God care what date you think it is? BTW: Wasn't it you that was asserting in another thread that time is imaginative?

Third; we hear this stuff all the time. There are so many of these 'significant dates' that have passed without diddly-squat happening that it's absurd. What about; 02-02-02 or 01-01-01? What will happen on 06-06-06?!?

People have a very strong tendency to perceive patterns; its part of the way we filter and process information. The problem is that we also have a tendency to go overboard with it and see 'significance' where none really exists.

what me overboard?

today is my friend's birthday. I'm sure she will be glad that everyone is praying for her:D

the year is 2003. not 03. so does that 2 kind of screw things up? shouldn't we waint until this date in 3003, or 3333?
The prophetic word was to pray. God didn't say what would happen. Maybe anything will happen. This is happening because God want us to pray.

Besides, the numbers have no significance. What has significance is that it is an important date for Muslins, which can induce them in doing something. Besides, the circumstances doesn't seem very great. That's why we are praying.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
The prophetic word was to pray. God didn't say what would happen. Maybe anything will happen. This is happening because God want us to pray.
I'm having a prophetic vision. The prophetic word is to pay. God wants you to send me money. Lots of money.Maybe anything will happen.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Besides, the numbers have no significance.
Besides, the circumstances doesn't seem very great. That's why we are praying.
Did you even read it?

"As these reports began to come in, we sensed in our hearts that God wants us to promote a huge outpouring of prayer on this special date. Many believe there is significance to this date because of its numerical sequence (03-03-03) which reminds many Christians of the Trinity. Moreover, the Holy Spirit has highlighted Jeremiah 33:3 (again, three 3's) as our call to action, 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know,'" says Haggard.
(emphasis mine)
Certainly if something of particular significance had happened today you would be expounding upon it at this very moment, calling it 'proof'. And this is exactly the problem I have with this sort of thing. This day will be forgotten along with all the other misses but when chance favors you and a "prediction" comes true it is declared as proof of prophecy.

Those who believe in prognostication have the same problem as inveterate gamblers; they don't understand probability.


Certainly if something of particular significance had happened today you would be expounding upon it at this very moment, calling it 'proof'. And this is exactly the problem I have with this sort of thing. This day will be forgotten along with all the other misses but when chance favors you and a "prediction" comes true it is declared as proof of prophecy.
Whos said nothing happened? Only because something didn't happen in the physical world it doesn't mean there is nothing happening in the spiritual. Besides, the US did begin to bomb Iraq today.
"We are not stating that any given event is going to take place on that date [ March 3, 2003 ] but yet there is a call to fast and pray on and around that specific date by many prophetic voices. It should also be said that neither can we state that nothing is planned by the enemy to happen on that date. But either way, the solution is the same . . . prayer

I guess that is pretty clear.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Whos said nothing happened? Only because something didn't happen in the physical world it doesn't mean there is nothing happening in the spiritual.
Or on Alpha Centauri.

Besides, the US did begin to bomb Iraq today.
Actually, the bombing has never really stopped since the Gulf War*, but in recent events:

"U.S. Strikes Iraq Communications Sites
Assoc. Press
Feb 27, 2003
WASHINGTON - In a third straight day of airstrikes on Iraq, American planes on Thursday fired upon military communications sites, U.S. officials said.
U.S. planes hit three communications sites 15 miles west and 18 miles south of the northern city of Mosul, according to a statement from the U.S. task force that patrols the northern no-fly zone. "


"We are not stating that any given event is going to take place on that date [ March 3, 2003 ] but yet there is a call to fast and pray on and around that specific date by many prophetic voices. It should also be said that neither can we state that nothing is planned by the enemy to happen on that date. But either way, the solution is the same . . . prayer

I guess that is pretty clear.
Prophetic of what? Nothing?

I'm sorry, I know I'm being rather aggressive here but can you give me some reason for this call to prayer other than the perceived numeric 'significance' of the date? It's not that I have something against prayer; I don't. But what's the point of this particular alert? Why did you feel the need to post it?

You need a color coded system so that people understand when to pray.
We always have to pray. Maybe nothing happened because of prayer. But that's not the point. Sometimes people are compelled to prayer - even unbelievers sometimes catch themselves praying in difficult times. Maybe not you guys, but I know some even feel guilty after feeling compelled to pray - as if they betrayed reason.

By the way, there's a good example of this in Anna Karenina, near the end, when Levin's son is born.

Romans 8 (NLT)
26And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we don't even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. 27And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will.

Prophetic of what? Nothing?
A prophetic word is not a word of divination about something that will happen in the future. prophetic word is a word that comes dircetly from God. In this case, God told us to pray. That is the prophetic word.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being rather aggressive here but can you give me some reason for this call to prayer other than the perceived numeric 'significance' of the date? It's not that I have something against prayer; I don't. But what's the point of this particular alert? Why did you feel the need to post it?
The point of this alert is that the world needs to be prayed for. It is not that something would happen on that day, but as the days pass and we see this war coming closer and closer, we really do need to pray for this situation to come to an end. The problem with this situation is that it involves the free will of people. Although God can change circumstances around those people, encouraging them to change, He can't stop them directly. I did feel a need to post this because the body of Christ should be way more active nowdays. The authority that we have in Christ Jesus is barely used nowdays and that is almost (if not certainly) a shame for Christians. God gave us power to do way more then what we do nowdays. It is pretty sad that many of us apparently don;t have enough faith or servent Love in order to do something about this whole situation.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
A prophetic word is not a word of divination about something that will happen in the future. prophetic word is a word that comes dircetly from God. In this case, God told us to pray. That is the prophetic word.
pro·phet·ic - Foretelling events as if by divine inspiration

The point of this alert is that the world needs to be prayed for.

But the day was choosen because of the 3/3/3

Although God can change circumstances around those people, encouraging them to change, He can't stop them directly.

Um... he's God... he can flood the planet, create life, take away life, grant mysical powers, etc... I'm sure he could stop people directly. Of course he may have looked up the definiion of love since inspiring the bible, and decided that what he was doing was acting like an abusive parent.

I did feel a need to post this because the body of Christ should be way more active nowdays. The authority that we have in Christ Jesus is barely used nowdays and that is almost (if not certainly) a shame for Christians.

And which authority is this? Every religion thinks they have authority. I might as well claim that I have some authority too. Remember the words of the great Cartman: "Respect my athoritty".

God gave us power to do way more then what we do nowdays.

Oh... you must mean that whole feeding people without working thing... I'm still looking forward to seeing that.

It is pretty sad that many of us apparently don;t have enough faith or servent Love in order to do something about this whole situation.

And what would you like to do? All the protesting in the world will not stop Bush from attacking. Just wait till next election and boot his ass out.

pro?het?c - Foretelling events as if by divine inspiration
This is the atheist interpretation. Again, atheist scholars made the traductions, by their own interpretation. For example, the word "prosperity" in the Greek is read as "abundance". There is a difference between those words, although it is a slight difference. In the same way, "prophecy" just means "to hear from God".

But the day was choosen because of the 3/3/3
No it wasn't. The day was chosen because many powers of darkness were into work at that date. Powers of darkness deceive people by making they believe in such thing. Although there is a significance and importance in numbers, they are not as important as that.

Um... he's God... he can flood the planet, create life, take away life, grant mysical powers, etc... I'm sure he could stop people directly. Of course he may have looked up the definiion of love since inspiring the bible, and decided that what he was doing was acting like an abusive parent.
He cannot go against people's free will. He promised Himself He wouldn't do it, and He will always keep His Word.

And which authority is this? Every religion thinks they have authority. I might as well claim that I have some authority too. Remember the words of the great Cartman: "Respect my athoritty".
Authority to heal people... basically to neutralize the powers of darkness that work in this planet. Darkness is violence, hate, poverty, sickness, destruction, lust, etc... Not other people.

Oh... you must mean that whole feeding people without working thing... I'm still looking forward to seeing that.
You will see, if you live long enough...

And what would you like to do? All the protesting in the world will not stop Bush from attacking. Just wait till next election and boot his ass out.
Don't know if there is time to wait... But again, Christians CAN stop the powers of darkness.

Darkness is violence, hate, poverty, sickness, destruction, lust, etc... Not other people.

If we eliminate the “other people” out of your equation, will violence, hate, poverty, sickness, destruction, lust, etc. still exist?

Christians CAN stop the powers of darkness

You make it sound like a movie.

Christians are the Yodas of the world!
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
pro?het?c - Foretelling events as if by divine inspiration
This is the atheist interpretation.

I'm sorry... I thought we were speaking english.

The day was chosen because many powers of darkness were into work at that date. Powers of darkness deceive people by making they believe in such thing. Although there is a significance and importance in numbers, they are not as important as that.

And exactly how do you know when the 'powers of darkness' are at work and when people are just telling people to pray because they feel like it.

He cannot go against people's free will. He promised Himself He wouldn't do it, and He will always keep His Word.

Then I will that if an afterlife exists tat God will allow me to enter heaven and have my way with the virgins.

Authority to heal people... basically to neutralize the powers of darkness that work in this planet.

Who gives you the right to decide what is good and what is evil? Don't say God, because every religion thinks that. Hell, Hitler used this as an excuse. Invoking the authority of a god is one of the ways people try to achieve their goals.

Darkness is violence, hate, poverty, sickness, destruction, lust, etc... Not other people.

Last time I checked it was people that caused violence and hate, god that cause destruction, and science that cured sickness.

Oh... you must mean that whole feeding people without working thing... I'm still looking forward to seeing that.
You will see, if you live long enough...

LMAO... I'm sorry but... lol
Why exactly would people suddenly start not needing to work in order to eat. The time hasn't been right in the last 2000 years? Poor kids in Africa. You have the secrets of feeding without food and you are being selfish enough to go to school (which is costing money which they don't even have) while thousands a day die. Shame on you!

Don't know if there is time to wait... But again, Christians CAN stop the powers of darkness.

Not more then anyone else can.
Originally posted by (Q)
Christians are the Yodas of the world!
Destroy the evil they will:)

If we eliminate the “other people” out of your equation, will violence, hate, poverty, sickness, destruction, lust, etc. still exist?
Yes, but what about God's commandment: "Love one another". You cannot kill people, because that's against God's will. That was the problem with the Crusades and many other abominations "Christians" have done before. It is totally out of stupidity, since God clearly told us that His commandment that we should always follow is to "Love one another", including our "enemies".

Christians are the Yodas of the world!
That's true... :p:D:)

And the force is faith... working through Love...:)