creepy coincidence


Registered Member
Hear is a story I'll share with you that's weird. It all started when I had to pick a confirmation name for my confirmation. I decided to pick Nobel after the scientist who invented dynamite and the peace prize. A long time after my confirmation I was on a website seeing what happened on my birthday and weirdly enough Alfred Nobel and I share the same birthday. :eek:

The power of the subconscious. Somewhere you had read (or heard) the date of Alfred Nobel's birthday in the past. By contemplating a name at sciforums, your subconscious search for a user name stimulated older memories regarding Nobel.

There have been many documented cases such as yours.
I get the part about my subconsisous but this forum has nothing to do with it. Confirmation is where you get confirmed into the christian religion. :rolleyes: This wouldn't have been half of creepy if it had been a screename. I wasn't even contemplating his name when I did this. I searched the history channel to see what happened durning my birthday:) Your explantion seems the most logical.
Why do you have to choose another name for confirmation?

Whats wrong with the name you have. If you change your name for confirmation shouldn't you call yourself Nobel permenantly now?
Deadwood is right.
Why is it creepy to you??
Lots of this things happen. Man, when you have to tell everything that is 'coincidence', you are not ready for a long time.

By the way, there is no such thing as coincidence. It has all a meaning. All that talk.
Why don't you all just pay more attention, maybe then you will find 'things' really matter.

Creepy...not creepy, you are quick too scare my friend.