Creative ways to die


Deranged Hermit
Registered Senior Member
I got the idea for this after reading Goofyfish's "Death by Sack" thread, about the Iranian rapist who is going to be executed by being thrown off a cliff in a sack. If he survives he will be hanged.

What are some other creative/amusing ways to die?
Creative/amusing ways to die?

I do not think of this as creative/amusing. I think it is pretty sick, too. If you have the urge to die in this kind of way and think of it as creative/amusing, then why not go to that countries whch actually have this "creative/amusing" ways to "do justice"...
I think it's amusing (as black humor, that is). I once built a site about ways to commit suicide.
I think I have a huge text file with hundreds of ways to die somewhere on my hard disk.

And for all the people who take it too seriously:
Death is a part of life, and just like anything in life, it can be amusing. If you take everything too seriously, you might get yourself a heart attack.
I think it's bloody hilarious! I mean, thrown off a cliff in a sack! Think of all the jokes!

"Don't let the pedophile/murderer/rapist out of the bag!"
"Ha ha, he was never much in the sack!"

We gotta tell Texas! :D
Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
Death is a part of life, and just like anything in life, it can be amusing. If you take everything too seriously, you might get yourself a heart attack.

This kind of deaths is not a part of life. Dying is part of life, not killing others in the most idiotic way possible. There are good ways to punish such criminals. This is ridiculous.

I do not think it is taken too seriously here. It are the laws of that country, just as the woman who was stoned to death because someone else committed a crime. More about the subject you can find in Philosophy somewhere.

Have an amusing time there. However, if you live in the US, you are used to the death penalty. That is ridiculous too. Much more effective to sentence such a person to prison for life.

Dying is done in a jiffy. Too quick in some cases. However, the ways used as an example here are the opposite and make really no sense...
Originally posted by Xev

We gotta tell Texas! :D

We, in Texas, already know. We still euthanize felons in the most mamby-pamby style. As I have stated before... I would much rather see public hangings & other such "creative/amusing" ways to dispose of the criminal element.

DAMN!!! The dark side has taken over, again.
I believe that cruel and unusual punishment should not be done, but there is a limit. Prison is supposed to be so horrible that no one who goes there wants to go back, giving them incentive not to. Perhaps some therapy should be included. My theory on the death sentence is that you sit around unitl the gaurds get bored, then they take you to the courtyard and put a bullet in the back of your brain. No more appeals for ten years, wasting our tax money.
Banshee, the bastard deserved what he got. You can't argue with that. Raping then murdering your cousin is one of the most revolting things you can do. And remember, he was gonna die somehow, so why not make it appropriate for the crime?
Lesion42, do you have Diablo 2. My bro TTIIMMMMAAAY wants to play you...... Private message me back... Thanks.