Creationist Irony


Valued Senior Member
Can a creationist please explain this to me in a way that makes sense? If God created the entire universe from nothing, why does Adam's rib become a necessity to create a woman?

In order for women to appear subservient. This was also around the time they gave up God's wife.
Spidergoat is on the right track. The woman being formed from the man's rib is a metaphor for the dominion man holds over woman. In making man the original sex, it effectively usurps woman from her role as the creator of life.

It also neutralizes Mary's impact on the role of women. Given that she gave birth to the savior without a man's seed, it would follow that women might have taken on a higher status in the Christian cult if not for the Eden myth having necessitated the importance of man over woman.
Can a creationist please explain this to me in a way that makes sense? If God created the entire universe from nothing, why does Adam's rib become a necessity to create a woman?

Where is it said that the rib was necessary?
Can a creationist please explain this to me in a way that makes sense? If God created the entire universe from nothing, why does Adam's rib become a necessity to create a woman?


It wasn't necessary. God simply chose to use it.

God does not need Christians to give his message either but he chose to use us.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days