Creationism: The Proof!


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I created the universe. I made up all the fossils, I whammied lightspeed, I even made lint and skidmarks. The whole thing, done by me.

I even told some guy about it, and he wrote the story down. The writings are real, they exist. Hell, I exist too, I'm here typing this in for you all.

Now, I am your God. Worship me.

PS: For those who believe in the christian god but don't believe what I have written in this post... Why?
I'll PM you the bank account to transfer funds to...
Since worshipping is the issue, I think blood would be in order. Where do I stick my straw?
Bebelina, you can stick anything of yours anywhere you want in or around me, any time.
I will keep that in mind if I ever have the opportunity to visit the headquarter of the worshipped.
>>>Now, I am your God. Worship me.

now it makes perfect sense why the first man on earth was named Adam ;)
I used to believe in you

At first I felt was love and wonder that you made yourself known, but then why didn't you tell me you existed before I did all those horrible things? If I knew you existed I would have done things differently. I would have liked to meet you and show you my appreciation for giving me so much. But you didn't care whether I knew you or not. You just sat there behind your computer smiled at all the silly things people said and done.

I don't believe you know me or love me or even care. There's this story in another book I read, where someone sacrificed his son to show how much he loved people who didn't even like him. I'd like to see you do that...

But thanks for showing up anyway. No hard feelings...
You're right, I don't know you or love you or even care about you. Why should I? Why would I have a kid just to kill him/her? That's nuts. Look, I'm giving you all some of my time. I am infinite, and my time is infinitely valuable. Appreciate that, you poor schmucks.
Thanks for nothing then!

Well - if everything you created depended on that kid of yours, you might think about it, if you loved everything you created. Of course, being God, you have power over death - so you'll know that your kid would live... after you put him through hell. It must be the worst thing a father could be asked to do (hmmm - the name 'Izaac' rings a bell).

Anyway. It's no fun believing in you :) But your other subject might feel otherwise, so who am I to judge...

The original post has a point htere, the futility of all religion.

Reality was not created by some half baked, self proclaimed "god". The only reality exists in your own mind.
Um wait...

You contradicts yourself, I think. Creating your own reality is futile, because you cannot change anything. OK, You might think you can - but because it's all in your mind, you'll never know if you did. If religion has any use, it is precisely because it makes life less futile.

Because you cannot change anything? The only 'reality' comes from the five senses, and how you interpret that is something you can control. If you change that, you change everything. If you get no information from your senses tellling you about something, for all practical purposes that does not exist. Why do you think Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle works? You might argue, "hey, it's not entirely based on prabibility if we only get down and observe things on a small enough basis, the 'uncertainty' is just equipment error". Well, since you can't do what you claim you need to do, for all practical purposes that darn particle is governed by probability.

Religion makes life less futile? Again, that is your own reality because you convince yourself through religious texts and institutions that life is not futile because you have faith in the love of so-and-so god or goddess. 'You don't change anything' applies there, so you contradict yourself.
I can change anything I want! I can do anything! I'm God, as I mentioned in the start of this thread. No third-hand rumours here folks, you've got the words direct from ME! :p
I can change anything I want! I can do anything! I'm God, as I mentioned in the start of this thread. No third-hand rumours here folks, you've got the words direct from ME!

I'm God. On your knees before me!

*Xev giggles and runs away before anyone gets the reference*
Oh might god!

We, the daktaklakpak, hopping from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, just to seek you, the creator.

Your mighty fleet of robots are at your service.