Creation is Imagination...


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Does creation really exists?

It seems that anything is created. It seems that everything that exist is transformed ...

But then, a paradox is formed. If there's only transformation, something had to exist before the Universe was "created" so that it could be transformed into the universe we are in. And before that, it must have been something else. And then, something else... and it goes on...

What I'm trying to say is that for something to be transformed, there must be something before... but this implies infinite time in the past! And even if there IS (WAS...?) infinite past time, how can this be possible?? How can this work?

It seems that Creation is necessary for the beginning... unless there's no beginning... but this also implies that there is no end... and also that there ISN'T!!! That nothing exists!! Another paradox....!:bugeye: :eek:

If nothing existed before, then, Nothingness must be REALLY interesting... It must have made all the Universe out of... Itself... But how...? If there were no laws... how they were "created"...?

Uhhh... ehh.... I don't know what to say anymore... :eek:
At least I'm having fun here... :D

Well... and Imagination? For something to be created (or transformed, whatever...) there must be first an idea... So what's imagination? Is imagination infinite? I mean... can you imagine whatever you want? It seems that imagination is directly linked with knowledge. Can you imagine something completly different then we know? I don't think so...

Just try... try to imagine something completly different then everything you know. Can you?

Nothingness must be omniscient so that the possibilities can be infinite... so that Nothingness' "imagination" can be able to create whatever it "wants"...

It seems that we have to talk more about limits...

Well... it's a nice title... it rhymes... but I can't link Creation to Imagination well enough... :D (Oooops... :eek::eek: )

Can someone help me out here!! I'm loooooost!!:eek:

I don't think there is such thing as creation in the "poofing" sense.

Look at the conservation laws, matter is basically eternal, energy, momentum, electric charge, cannot be created or destroyed. And probably everything is made up of energy.

Everything existed, to why we all exist, I believe, is because God organized the universe for us.
Yeah... but how can time exist...?? Making it better... how can transformation fits in time?

And since when energy exists? And what is energy...??
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Yeah... but how can time exist...?? Making it better... how can transformation fits in time?

Time is most likely a reaction of space and motion. What do you mean by "transformation fits in time"?

Time first existed when the reactions of space and motion first occured.

Who/what brought about the first reactions of space and motion?

And since when energy exists? And what is energy...??
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Energy always did exist, it's a hard concept to grasp. Creation (poofing) was brought up through Human imagination, so most likely it's untrue.

I believe energy is everything. Matter is energy, light, gravity (a form of energy), etc. EVERYTHING.

I'm pretty positive scientists may continue to discover and find out that everything is related to energy in one way or another.

What do you mean by "transformation fits in time"?
How can energy be transformed if time is not in a sequence...
That's hard to explain...
I mean... for something to be transformed, there must be time. But what is time anyways...? We have a sequence of time... but in the subatomic world, we often have loops and things like that. It's a little confusing that in the tiny world time not always follow a "straigh line"... but the transformation begins there and must fit in time. In a strange time pattern like that...

Well... if you don't understand, forget about it... that's confusing... we are getting pretty far... :D:D

Who/what brought about the first reactions of space and motion?

That's an interesting question...

Energy always did exist, it's a hard concept to grasp. Creation (poofing) was brought up through Human imagination, so most likely it's untrue.

Yeah... look at my title... :D;)

I believe energy is everything. Matter is energy, light, gravity (a form of energy), etc. EVERYTHING.

Well... if everything is energy... then energy is everywhere. In theis case, energy is omnipresent, omnipotent and... omniscient! Oh... it seems that


Yeah... that's one of my oldest ideas...
Well... taht's where imagination come about... through omniscience. This means that energy is conscient...

Nowdays, our scientists seems to know that energy is omnipresent and omnipotent... but omniscience we didn't discovered yet... how will we do that?

Btw... if everything is energy, what makes matter and light be differnt kind of energies? I would say that matter has low energy and light hight energy... what do you think? :)

Love :)