Creating the universe with the power of mind


Registered Senior Member
Creating the universe with the power of mind

In primary condition dominates a balance of energy in a space that already excists. In this balance the energyconsentrations that have the same density and volyme radiate and absorb energy in a same relation, because from the energyconsentarions around possessing the same density and volume create energy all the time smoothly and the energyconsentraion is able to absorb this energy towards itself.

So all the energyconsentrations possessing the same density and volyme possess also the same electric charge.

The eternal energy that is to say us, have the power of mind to our own eternal energy that we can make by the power of mind to straighten (=to explode, to expand, to alter into a less dense).

1. A lot of energyconsentrations possessing the same charge. Energyconsentrations that possess the same density and the same volyme. Equally as far away from each other. Radiate their energy toeards each other. Absorb energy in same relation as they radiate!

2. With the power of thought they can be moved towards the same area. When the energy straightens itself, the pressure breaks out and pushes the energy around into a another direction. This way we can push similar energyconsentraions towards a same area without the gravity. Even you can make your body to a roll with the power of mind and then you can straighten your body without the gravity!

3. So we created dense “dices” and threw “dices”. Now we are beginning to find ourselves. We can observe what we have created from our own eternal energy into a eternal space that does not alter in any eays!

In popularized version of creating theory in separate groups of people a part of the people sacrifises by straightening. Push for example their feet straight and boost themselves away from their group. At the same time the group of people is pushed away towards the same area where the other groups are pushed in the same principle without the gravity.

At the moment everything is based on entropy in other words to a theory that the eternal energy straightens (=expands, =explodes,=alters into a less dense energy). In a space that already excists and does not expand or curve.

So the qvarks explode, in other words expand three dimentionally, radiate their energy and absorb all the time the energy to themselves. This is how the qvarks recycle energy. At the same time the energy in the qvarks alters with time totally.

So everything is based on the varioation og the pressure. There is no such thing as the gravity! Gravity is not needed to explain any phenomenon. Neither expanding and curving or additional spacedimentions are needed!

And where did you go to school to get your physics degree anyway? This sounds like you had way to much kick-a-poo joy juice last night!
And where did you go to school to get your physics degree anyway? This sounds like you had way to much kick-a-poo joy juice last night!

I know, there is no gravity at all!

If there is some hokkus pokkus drawing force, please, tell me, how that hokkus pokkus force born and working?

If you cant tell that, forget that stupid force!
