creating blood and organs,


why cant we create blood in mass yet if we fully understand it?

the basic element to animal life on land. why cant we create it for blood transplant? why cant we create organs without cloaning if we fully understand those also?

without cloaning, because thats not creating thats just growing with natures help in hand then taking,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
why cant we create blood in mass yet if we fully understand it?

the basic element to animal life on land. why cant we create it for blood transplant? why cant we create organs without cloaning if we fully understand those also?

without cloaning, because thats not creating thats just growing with natures help in hand then taking,

Very simple, Chi. Everything you've listed, including bood, is alive - and we cannot (yet) create life. We may be pretty smart but we're not that smart.
so how can simple earthly elements create it, and we have control of these simple elements,

why cant we what are the exact problems?

can we even create a single cell of life yet?

if not i am not impressed atall.

only nature has impressed me so.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
so how can simple earthly elements create it, and we have control of these simple elements,

why cant we what are the exact problems?

can we even create a single cell of life yet?

if not i am not impressed atall.

only nature has impressed me so.

You've got to be kidding, right? It's not a matter of "earthly elements" - life can only come from life as far as we know and can prove.

Certainly we've had lots of ideas - but still haven't made a single one of them work.
Light said:
You've got to be kidding, right? It's not a matter of "earthly elements" - life can only come from life as far as we know and can prove.

Certainly we've had lots of ideas - but still haven't made a single one of them work.

if earth didnt create life on earth then what could of?,

a commet/meteorite,? (how did life get on there to start with)
hand of god,? (cant think how to dispute him)
aliens,? (this still leads to the alien life starting leaving you at square 1)

i would have guessed it came with the water if you have to ask me personally, the water (wherever that comes from) huge dust clouds or something, highly unlikely with that amount of water,

but yeah maybe life came along with the water?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
if earth didnt create life on earth then what could of?,

a commet/meteorite,? (how did life get on there to start with)
hand of god,? (cant think how to dispute him)
aliens,? (this still leads to the alien life starting leaving you at square 1)

i would have guessed it came with the water if you have to ask me personally, the water (wherever that comes from) huge dust clouds or something, highly unlikely with that amount of water,

but yeah maybe life came along with the water?

You're right, of course, about aliens and square one. No matter if it was brought to Earth from somewhere else it still had to have originated somewhere. And that's something that far too many people try to ignore in giving the alien "answer."

As best we can tell there are only two possibilities: God did it or it happened by pure chance. There are all kinds of theories about that chance but so far they are just that - theories - because no one has been able to produce it yet no matter how hard they try.
Light said:
You're right, of course, about aliens and square one. No matter if it was brought to Earth from somewhere else it still had to have originated somewhere. And that's something that far too many people try to ignore in giving the alien "answer."

As best we can tell there are only two possibilities: God did it or it happened by pure chance. There are all kinds of theories about that chance but so far they are just that - theories - because no one has been able to produce it yet no matter how hard they try.

the more i look deeper into science or philosophy,

the more times 2 words pop into my head,


maybe god was random.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
the more i look deeper into science or philosophy,

the more times 2 words pop into my head,


maybe god was random.

And then again, maybe He wasn't. ;)
Light said:
And then again, maybe He wasn't. ;)


even if we knew the answer in our already existing knowledge, we still wont know that we know, because theres nobody to tell us who is right and who is wrong, so it will remain a mystery forever?

i wanted to ask you a question, as your christian do you believe in a spirit and heaven?

because one can believe there is a god but no afterlife, i obviously dont believe anything because as i told you before i dont trust even my own 5 senses and anything is possible,

EmptyForceOfChi said:

even if we knew the answer in our already existing knowledge, we still wont know that we know, because theres nobody to tell us who is right and who is wrong, so it will remain a mystery forever?

i wanted to ask you a question, as your christian do you believe in a spirit and heaven?

because one can believe there is a god but no afterlife, i obviously dont believe anything because as i told you before i dont trust even my own 5 senses and anything is possible,



I've no doubt that some will find that strange coming from a professional scientist but that causes me no concern personally. :)
Light said:

I've no doubt that some will find that strange coming from a professional scientist but that causes me no concern personally. :)

i have heard alot stranger, this isnt strange to me, its actually a refreshing sight to behold, an intelligent man of science, who realises that everything he see's isnt everything that is possible,

but could i ask you anouther Q?. what makes you believe it all?.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i have heard alot stranger, this isnt strange to me, its actually a refreshing sight to behold, an intelligent man of science, who realises that everything he see's isnt everything that is possible,

but could i ask you anouther Q?. what makes you believe it all?.

Well, Chi, what I'm about to say will be considered a cop-out for some but from me it's the honest truth. The deeper I've gotten into science the more I see the complexity of it all. It seems, in fact, to be far TOO complex to be considered purely random. Therefore I believe in God and the rest naturally follows.

Our understanding will never reach the end of the complexity. For every answer we uncover, a dozen more questions arise. As powerful as science is, it will never discover all the answers.

Let me also make it clear that I never bother debating the subject with those who do not believe - that is their choice to make. Everyone follows their own convictions and I don't wish to push my beliefs on others. Scientific matters, yes, I will debate them with no hesitation when anyone states scientific matters incorrectly.
Light said:
Well, Chi, what I'm about to say will be considered a cop-out for some but from me it's the honest truth. The deeper I've gotten into science the more I see the complexity of it all. It seems, in fact, to be far TOO complex to be considered purely random. Therefore I believe in God and the rest naturally follows.

Our understanding will never reach the end of the complexity. For every answer we uncover, a dozen more questions arise. As powerful as science is, it will never discover all the answers.

Let me also make it clear that I never bother debating the subject with those who do not believe - that is their choice to make. Everyone follows their own convictions and I don't wish to push my beliefs on others. Scientific matters, yes, I will debate them with no hesitation when anyone states scientific matters incorrectly.

hey light,

cop out, not atall quite the opposite from my pesonal opinion, more like realisation of a vital possibility, i believe there could be a god, and i dont take the holybooks into consideration when thinking about god, i just think about it like this,

an infinite force/energy/being, that gave birth to the universe/creation etc, it would explain many things if a god existed, but religious sects are not true,
the only true religion is the man and his faith right? you do not need a church, preacher, building, book of stories to philosophies about the concept of god,

anyway, thats what i try to explain to peple but it never seems to get across right, "we will never know EVERYTHING" i try to explain that there will always be things we do not know, and some things we just cannot understand,
but people have a erge and lust for allknowingness, it seems to blind them, we just cant know everything no matter what tests we do, unless we have total control of space and time and basically have the powers of a god, we cannot know,

we can theorise and guess how the universe began, but can we truley "know" what happened billions of years ago, can we have proof? i say no personally,

i personally am content with not knowing everything, i will continue to philosophise aslong as i can think and deep down something tells me i already know the answers, but i know right here on this earth i will never know if i know, because there is nobody here to tell me if im right or not, there isnt even anybody on this earth who was alive 200 years ago, and we have no real video footage of what happened 500+ years ago etc so we cant even be sure is history is all correct, i could go on and i had some other things to say but i forgot... so yeah,
