Creating a Moral Society

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Registered Senior Member
Whydo people engage in self-destructive behavior and what causes someone to start a war? Is there any way to change immoral behavior?

Why do people destroy themselves with drug abuse? What possible motivation could there be for self destructive and immoral lifestyles? By revealing immoral tendencies at their source, we can then begin to build a moral society. Drug users are punishing evil they have been led to believe comes from inside themselves…
People want to punish evil. Have you noticed how they complain about it? When they see themselves as the source of that evil, they punish themselves through destructive methods such as drug abuse and immoral sex. Proving the opposite of what is commonly believed, they take the drug because of feeling inadequate. For a while they feel good about themselves when high, drugs are rarely taken simply for self-enjoyment. Self-improvement is the more common motivation or to escape feelings of inadequacy. Drug users are punishing evil by punishing themselves! But how can they be essentially evil if they wish to destroy evil and willingly destroy themselves if necessary to destroy evil? Their main mistake is firing in the wrong direction, destroying themselves who are haters of evil, thinking themselves as a source for all evil. A removal of the appalling ignorance is really needed. The people, with some exceptions, are in an all-out war against evil; even punishing the evil within when seen as necessary.
As shown by the self-destruction of drug abuse, people have proven their true nature will attack any source of wrong wherever it may reside. If their neighbors are seen as sinful and evil, they will reject agreements with that sinful evil neighbor in preference of war. Since lovers of good, they will not coexist with a perceived evil. Their assumption of guilty humans can only result in the ultimate solution of warfare. There can be no peace between good and evil. Simply teaching that people are not essentially evil alleviates this problem. They simply are not aware of their true basic nature that was created in the likeness of God. To prevent war and violence, they must recognize each other as children of God and not a highly evolved animal.
People are designed morally. This not only makes us capable of separating right from wrong, it also makes us easily deceivable by the truly evil because evil, people do not initially perceive. Remember in chapter eight how Adam and Eve had no concept of evil at first. Remember how they did not have to learn what is right because that is part of God’s original design, but they did have to learn evil after making their choice. They and their descendants are initially caught by surprise when confronted by an evil design and therefore get caught up in evil or taken in by it. Remember how the evil ones thought conquering the universe would be so easy.
Humane accomplishments only occurred because people are created in God's image. The following quote reveals the philosophy behind one of the most productive minds of human history:
Yes drugs are self destructive and sex outside of marriage sells one cheap. If she believes she is not worth much she will freely give sex. If he believes he is a bad person he will freely take drugs because he does not like bad persons.
My point is, The Assumption of Innocence of western civilization is what led to our modern and better way of life
Originally posted by Deist27
If she believes she is not worth much she will freely give sex.
Believe this or not women can enjoy sex too... I assume you don't have any expertise with that though...
Women actually enjoy sex more than men if he goes with the flow. The point is sex is made cheap without morals and feelings of self worth:confused:
My point is, The Assumption of Innocence of western civilization is what led to our modern and better way of life

Nonsense sentance with no probative value. Try again.
The value is in all the benifits modern society brings over the old barbaric ways. Progress has been made

Thanks for the reply ;)
why do people use drugs?or drink too much?
I've heard that about 10% of people have a chemical dependency,they just need to get away from reality,
IMO it can be cured with proper nutrition,as most any sickness,(for example high fat diet can cure epilepsy in children)unfortunately you will never hear a doctor admit it,for obvious reasons,(they make money from sick people)
why people have sex?
b/c it feels good,and its perfectly natural.
Originally posted by Deist27
Whydo people engage in self-destructive behavior and what causes someone to start a war?
Why do people destroy themselves with drug abuse?
They simply are not aware of their true basic nature that was created in the likeness of God. To prevent war and violence, they must recognize each other as children of God and not a highly evolved animal.
People are designed morally. This not only makes us capable of separating right from wrong, it also makes us easily deceivable by the truly evil because evil, people do not initially perceive. Remember in chapter eight how Adam and Eve had no concept of evil at first. Remember how they did not have to learn what is right because that is part of God’s original design, but they did have to learn evil after making their choice. They and their descendants are initially caught by surprise when confronted by an evil design and therefore get caught up in evil or taken in by it. Remember how the evil ones thought conquering the universe would be so easy.
Humane accomplishments only occurred because people are created in God's image.
if you BELIEVE that God created everyone than He CREATED some people EVIL,wouldnt you say?
if you want to preach that your God is the goody,good skydady you might want to see;
click on Bible Quotes.
On the subject of drugs and alcohol:

It's not like I'm using. It's like my body's developed this massive drug defi-ciency."

-William Gibson, Neuromancer

So you see, some people just HAVE to take drugs in order to even things out.

Did you know that alcohol is a chemical naturaly found in our bodies? We all have some inside of us, studdies have shown that those with lower levels than most tend to be the ones who develope "Addictions", but you see they just need to drink more to keep up with the rest of us, it's that simple!

(yes, this post was a joke, don't worry :p)
Re: Re: Creating a Moral Society

God created us with free will. Some have chosen evil.

Also the knowledge of God's existance does not require faith. His existance can be proven metaphysically. Believing there is no God requires huge amounts of faith
What is Moral?

Moral is to do what is right without hope of any reward. Knowing good and doing right is to be moral, to know a right action from a wrong one even without being told. Immoral is to do what is wrong and is usually done for a selfish reward. Amoral is doing ANYTHING that feels good, without regard to any right and wrong (like many animals react - instinctively). Those not knowing moral differences must submit to force explaining the differences to them. Amoral and immoral restricts life to spontaneous action or instinctive reactions.
Adam and Eve had for themselves and their future descendants a choice between knowledge of morality, immorality and amorality or the choice of everlasting life. Certainly the decision was an easy one. Everyone desires eternal life in paradise and bliss. But with that choice, they would not have the ability to know right from wrong on their own. Perhaps not a simple decision after all.
They could choose the Tree of moral Knowledge. But that would result in forfeiting eternal life in bliss. A curse will fall upon them and all their descendants for generations to come. They will experience the sufferings of old age and eventual death. Their children will grow up in a world of pain and death. Yet along with this choice, they would acquire the ability to distinguish between good and evil on their own, thereby choosing to take a part in the issues between good and evil between God and Satan.
Originally posted by Q25
why do people use drugs?or drink too much?
I've heard that about 10% of people have a chemical dependency,they just need to get away from reality,
IMO it can be cured with proper nutrition,as most any sickness,(for example high fat diet can cure epilepsy in children)unfortunately you will never hear a doctor admit it,for obvious reasons,(they make money from sick people)
why people have sex?
b/c it feels good,and its perfectly natural.

Yeah doctors go threw all that work of medschool just for money when they could easily go into law or something and make more. Most doctors I know do alot of Pro-bono stuff. Maybe its because what you are saying isint always true. Both sides of my family are have lots of addicts and they all eat good diets.

I don't care if you do drugs. As long as you know what your doing. If your 17 and still in middle school weed is not your friend. If you got a steady job I don't care if you do friggin extasy. Just look at your parents first if non of them ever touch alcohol thier is porbably a big reason. Addiction is genetic.

As for sex. Its immoral if its not with me.
Re: What is Moral?

Originally posted by Deist27
Moral is to do what is right without hope of any reward.
I would define it in a different way. "Trying to be moral is to try to look at the whole before acting (and realize that you may be wrong)." You can not know what is right for all other people, or the chain of events that your action may tip-off. You can only examine these possibilities so you are as right as possible.

Knowing good and doing right is to be moral, to know a right action from a wrong one even without being told.

Knowing right and wrong just classifies you as being sane. You can't always know the right action, because you can't forsee all the consequences.
Re: Re: What is Moral?

Moral is not simply not doing wrong. Moral is doing what is right. Also there can only be one moral standard. Thus you can say what someone else has done is right or wrong. For instance, to harm others is morally wrong for anyone. To save others and for no personal reward is morally right for everyone. Morals are universal