Craters with out impactors?!?!

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
If all these craters in our solar system are from impactors, then why don't we see ANY of the impactors in or near the craters?

They ALL cant be hypervelocity, some have to be much slower and would show in or near the crater. Show me one on Mars, our moon, or anywhere.

Again? Don't you create a thread every couple of months or so about this?
They let him out already?

Anyway Norv, large metorites vapourise on impact, often leaving a telltale sign in the planet's crust; a higher proportion of Iridium than expected in the impact area.

As for 'They ALL cant be hypervelocity', ... why do you say that? Where do these things come from? Why do they hit planets? Do they fall onto planets solely because of that planet's gravitation, or are they hurtling through frikking space at several kilometres per second?

But to answer your question, we DO find meteorites in craters, right here on earth, it's just there is a limit to the size that we find.

Do some research Norv, before making yourself look stupid again.
So where is the impactors in ANY of the craters in our solar system? None? Nada? Got a picture? No? Can't find one? hmmmmmmmm

only humanoid
NOT human.

Shit guys, or what ever, get some new materials will yah? Check your emails lately?

Lets see... who made a crater.... Well lets analyse this, who actually wants to know why a crater is on a planetoid or moon? I'm guessing psychology would suggest someone escaping something closer to home. Afterall no matter if you are proven right or wrong does it actually make any difference at all? Does it make a job easier?, Your food digest better?, or enrich your life beyond not bothering to care about a poxy crater/pothole?
craterchains (Norval said:
So where is the impactors in ANY of the craters in our solar system? None? Nada? Got a picture? No? Can't find one? hmmmmmmmm

Well, the 'crater' is in the trunk of a car, but here's one;

Problem is Norv, big craters that last are formed by very energetic events, and therefore the impactor vapourises.

Smaller objects that don't burn up are still really small, the size of a pea, so won't leave much of a crater, and what is formed, will quickly weather over.

Larger objects will almost certainly crack up into smaller fragments, until you get to quite large objects, like nickel/iron metorites. These you DO find fragments of in craters;

Fragments of meteorite are often found around a crater, if not inside one, sometimes a few km distance. These are energetic events Norv, you have to look harder and wider to find your answers.

I know where you are leading with this, you are trying to say that a weapon made the crater, and that's why nothing is left. Well, the evidence shows that impactor debris IS found, and that you haven't even been bothered to look for evidence contrary to your pet theory.

You are a blinkered woowoo Norv, but it's been a pleasure making you look stupid, again.
Aren't the mass concentrations, or "mascons", that had the potential of buggering up the Apollo orbital flights and landing paths, the underground remains of the original impactors that created craters?
phlogistician said:
Larger objects will almost certainly crack up into smaller fragments, until you get to quite large objects, like nickel/iron metorites. These you DO find fragments of in craters;

i was JUST going to say this.
Silas said:
Aren't the mass concentrations, or "mascons", that had the potential of buggering up the Apollo orbital flights and landing paths, the underground remains of the original impactors that created craters?

Hah! Yes! Good example, especially as Norv likes to point out craters on other bodies and make his ludicrous statements.
Norval has made these ludicrous statements, for, well, I believe over the last two years at least? No ammount of information posted will lead him to the enlightenment that his proposed "Craters are the result of an alien war" (which was his original thread, if I remember correctly) is completely and totally ridiculous.
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I think skinny made the only gesture possible in light of the information. He made another crater with his mouth, next time dude, cover the pie hole.

craterchains (Norval said:
I think skinny made the only gesture possible in light of the information. He made another crater with his mouth, next time dude, cover the pie hole.

What information would this be? That you have stated something which was easily disproved, although in your eyes it was perfectly true?
craterchains (Norval said:
I think skinny made the only gesture possible in light of the information. He made another crater with his mouth, next time dude, cover the pie hole.

Typical Norval response. Ignore the facts posted that contradict his pet theory, and go for the ad hom. I'm just surprised he hasn't asked about quacking ducks yet, as that seemed to be his prior fixation.
As usual, Norval bumped his own thread.

You hope people will take interest in your stupid topic, Norval? Look at all the dumb threads you created to date.

Don't you get it Norval? Nobody here really wants you. The only reason some folks are against banning you is to show everyone what a nutcase you are.

You are an exhibit, like a sideshow freak, get it?
I don't think sciforums requires another titled "Craterchain thread" that just breaks down into abuse flinging, rather than trying to ask people to curb it (which they really don't bother with) it's easier just to lock the thread and say "Nothing to see here, move along"
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