Crater Chains Research

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
This research has been ongoing for three years now with some new twists discovered. It still seems to be that we are the only ones that have pointed to these in line craters as positive evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. It is unfortunate that the signal that far exceeds SETI requirements of a nonrandom pattern isn’t as yet acceptable to them. It is also very unfortunate that this is an obvious signal or sign of war.

Here is a list of most of the crater chain sites we have found.
Impact Crater Chain On Moon. Apollo 11, July 16, 1969
You can believe this, if you want to.
Make your own mind up as to what the "comparisons" are.
Below are chains and their full images.

There IS the slightest possibility of a comet breaking up into the same size pieces and impacting like this. About the same possibility exists of you winning every lotto in the world for the next six months. Because we see these same markings made by intelligent beings here on earth we offer the simplest explanation that these crater chains were made by intelligent beings also. And we all know the cause of crater chains we see here on earth. Wars. Or is it the signal SETI ignores?

In view of all this we ask the following question of all that read this.
1. Have you heard of this theory before from any other source?
I would like to know if NASA since it is a division of US DoD, has ever considered this and if so, for how long?

If so, what reasons would NASA, JPL etc. give for not disclosing this information since it would have international implications?
first thing that comes into mind: not again! (there already was a craterchain thread)

second thought: NASA would only benefit if made this public (if it's really of intelligent making)
think of all the funds to be received for the preparation of defense..... *whistles*
Avatar, do you honestly think there would be any defense against someone that has the capability to drop a crater chains that could stretch across North America from one coast to the other coast, and each crater would be simultaneous?

That is almost as ludicrous as letting the armed forces wage a war equipped with only 38 caliber revolvers.
in military it's not only the size that matters , but the tactics and wit of both sides. throughout history there have been great victories where less armed and less professional soldiers won a far more greater army.
just look what is happening in Iraq now. those milita have no tanks, no airplanes, no tomahawk missiles and yet the far more technically advanced usa is having great rpoblems with them.
there are many more even more vivid exaples in history, but this is the most recent one.
besides, in the end it don't matter if we have the defence or not, it can be developed and that's the reason why nasa and other agencies would get all the funding in the world they need.
we went from the first flight to the first man in orbit in less than 60 years, think what we can achieve in the next 60...
Oh I agree with the basic premise of look at what has been achieved over the last 60 years, just imagine what could be achieved in the next 60 years.

But wouldn't the Russians have an argument about who's who in firsts?
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