cows, chicken, pigs& or sea?


Life isn't a question.
Anyone ever wonder where almost limp food from food establishments goes?
In most of the USA there are strict laws about the feeding of livestock (animals whose meat will be eaten by humans). In general, it is not legal to feed them garbage. The reason is that it is likely to be contaminated with bacteria and other pathogens, as well as inedible material such as packaging.

Most restaurants simply deposit uneaten food with their other trash (napkins, containers, etc.) and let it be hauled away--by an agency of the city or county that is financed by taxes, or by a private company that charges a monthly fee.

An interesting exception is used oil from the deep-fryers. It is becoming increasingly more common for people to buy it, or simply take it for free. They run it through a rudimentary purification process and then use it as fuel for their older diesel-engine automobiles.

It's been joked that you can tell which classic Mercedes-Benz has a diesel engine, because the exhaust smells like french fries.