cow mutilating.


Registered Senior Member
Why do aliens sometimes go to cow farms or whatever and go fuck with cows? hmm do the aliens like to torment the cows? How would they like it if I Came and ran one of there Space cows over with a fucking lawn mower? I cant understand why the Aliens rip the cow open and screw with it. I can understand if they are studying the cattle. But if those Aliens are as smart as we think they are...couldnt they just do what they have to do and keep the cow alive?
Albume27 said:
Why do aliens sometimes go to cow farms or whatever and go fuck with cows?

Read my response to yer anal probe question. It applies to this too.
There has been alot mentioned in the past based upon cow mutilations, even the FBI disclosed recently pages and pages of investigations into cattle mutilations.

In most of the papers written "Aliens" did not get a mention, "Cults" were mentioned, animal attacks were also mentioned, even "black helicopters" got a mention.

A hypothesised reasoning for cattle mutilations was the use of Blood and Organ Donoring on the blackmarket with Extracts of cow. It could explain how certain diseases came into being in the first place.
Well, yah just have to accept that there are those that you can trust with your cows and your kids, and then there are those you can’t trust with your cows and your kids. Be they humans or Bad ET’s.

Bad ET, No donut. :D
phlogistician said:
They don't.

Even though there is no solid evidence linking cattle mutilations to UFOs, there is no solid evidence of any other explanation either. (I'm talking about the bizarre cases here where animal attack, disease, etc. are clearly not the causes).

There is evidence that seems to indicate whoever is responsible operates in some kind of aerial vehicle.
coolmacguy said:
(I'm talking about the bizarre cases here where animal attack, disease, etc. are clearly not the causes).

OK, show us a case where it's clear it's not an animal attack. Take into account that absence of evidence is not absence of evidence. Just because you don't find a footprint in one out of the dozens of cases where you do, doesn't mean there was no predatory animal.
Erm they are using cows to exterminate the human race!

How? via CJD/ mad cow disease,they implanted the virus that is harder to kill than hepatitas c and aids virul wise.

Theres no known cure,it will definatly kill you if you have it,long incubation period and it seems to have come from knowhere,it seems very sudden to appear with very shaky evidence on its cause,they have theories but thats it.
phlogistician said:
OK, show us a case where it's clear it's not an animal attack.

There are a plethora to choose from.

How about this one?

Among the findings:
(1) Both the left periorbital tissue and left ear were removed with a sharp instrument(s) as confirmed by two and three veterinary pathologists respectively;
(2) no evidence of high heat or cautery was obtained from these cuts;
(3) no signs of struggle and no tracks were found near the animal;
(4) an unusual, formaldehyde-containing blue gel-like substance was found on the eye, the ear and the anus of the animal; using headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis, the blue gel-like substance was shown to contain 300–3000 m g/g of 2,6-bis-dimethylethyl-4-methyl phenol, a synthetic molecule with anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties, as well as contaminants of normal putrefaction breakdown products from cow tissue;
(5) the animal’s heart was shredded, yet its pericardium was intact;
(6) the animal tested positive on two different pregnancy tests, yet there was no fetus present at the time of necropsy and no sign of a recent spontaneous abortion;
(7) it is suspected that the animal’s blood contained high levels of potassium chloride

Or this one?

Among the findings:
Photo 2. The animal’s scrotum had been removed in what the veterinarian termed a circular pattern.


It is noteworthy that the veterinarian was impressed with the surgical skill in removing the penis and the urethra in a series of bloodless incisions.

Or this one?

Among the findings:
• No blood, entrails or any other evidence was found in the vicinity. The large, bright yellow ear tag on the animal was never recovered.
• In spite of the use of a professional tracker, no tracks or other evidence were found within a one-mile radius around the animal.
• Sharp instruments were used on the animal to remove the ear as noted by the veterinarian who conducted the necropsy and independently confirmed by a veterinary pathology lab. In addition, a forensic examination of the bone concluded that two separate sharp instruments had been used on the bone: a heavy machetelike implement, and a fine scissors-like instrument.

Or this one?

Among the findings:
Two registered black Simintal cows and a 250 pound bull calf were found dead by their owner at 7:00 AM April 5 th, 2003, approximately 13.5 hours after last seeing them alive. The events occurred in a 10-acre pasture that adjoins the rancher’s dwelling place, located near Valparaiso Nebraska. A veterinarian was called and by 8:30 AM the same morning began performing a necropsy on the animals. The necropsy report will be appended. According to the veterinarian, cow #105 was found in sternal recumbency with no tissues removed. The rancher noted that the area between the vulva and the rectum had been either cut with a sharp instrument or had burst. Upon opening the mouth of cow #105, the veterinarian noted the tongue, upper buccal cavity and the throat of the animal appeared to be blackened or charred with some blistering. The second animal (#237) was lying lateral recumbency with one of the teats gone and a circular 4-inch diameter incision appeared to have been made. The mouth and tongue of animal #237 were also charred and blackened.

This case was subjected to a very thorough laboratory analysis which revealed the presence of an anomalous chemical.

In these and MANY other cases, a lot of detail is similar. Namely, one or both of the ears and tongue are usually removed. The reproductive organs and rectum are also frequently taken. Examination of the carcass usually reveals that cuts were made with some kind of sharp instrument. There is frequently no blood whatsoever in any of the wounds the animal sustained or the surrounding area. There is usually no trace of human or animal tracks or evidence of another entity in the area. There are no signs of a struggle which would usually be indicated if the animal were a victim of predatory attack. The internal organs are sometimes removed even with no obvious signs of entry. In contrast to what would be expected if predatory animals were involved, the carcass is often totally ignored by any kind of scavengers. This is true even if it is left for days undisturbed. I could continue, but you get the idea. There are many commonalities in the reports that suggest a similar cause, albeit a highly unusual one.

Add to this the fact that so far no one has been caught performing any kind of act which matches these descriptions. There is no evidence pointing to who was wielding the sharp instrument many cases indicate was used. If other people are doing this (i.e. the ritual sacrifice theory that is sometimes proffered) they are amazingly skilled at hiding the evidence and always escaping detection.
Coolmacguy, you know what I didn't see in those reports? The tests on the opposing hypotheses. In other words, the reports were biased. The investigator worked under the hypothesis that the cows were mutilated by supernormal/paranormal means, which is fine, but he/they didn't test the opposing hypotheses.

One of which is that the mutilations were normal and done by Earthly means. When the National Institute for Discovery Science places a cow on a ranch and observes it via camera(s) over night, then their perspective will have more credibility. But I'm sure they won't do that, because the explanation of rodents and varmits going after the soft tissues and blood for quick, easy to chew protein isn't exciting enough.

But maybe they did test hypotheses like this... and I just overlooked it.
But I'm sure they won't do that, because the explanation of rodents and varmits going after the soft tissues and blood for quick, easy to chew protein isn't exciting enough.

Humans baffled by rats? It can't be so! :p

- N
SkinWalker said:
Coolmacguy, you know what I didn't see in those reports? The tests on the opposing hypotheses. In other words, the reports were biased. The investigator worked under the hypothesis that the cows were mutilated by supernormal/paranormal means, which is fine, but he/they didn't test the opposing hypotheses.

That's complete nonsense. There was no indication the investigator had any such bias. In each case they consulted a veterinarian for independent necroscopy and analysis. In cases in which law enforcement was involved, they consulted the officers that participated in their investigation.

And in NO CASE did they make ANY kind of conclusion that the cow was "mutilated by supernormal/paranormal means." In some cases they were forced to make the conclusion that it was due to an unknown cause, but that is all they said.

SkinWalker said:
But I'm sure they won't do that, because the explanation of rodents and varmits going after the soft tissues and blood for quick, easy to chew protein isn't exciting enough.

Again, this is completely false. You are correct in that some cases likely were a result of that. I'm sure they take that into account in all of these investigations. In fact, in this case that is exactly what they determined. The conclusion was:

The extensive laboratory testing does not provide evidence for a "classic" animal mutilation. No evidence of sharp instruments, no evidence of heat or cautery was obtained after histological examination of the skin. The animal was severely copper deficient and was possibly septicemic. Hemolytic bacteria were isolated from the tissues. The exhaustive chemical analysis revealed another hitherto unsuspected complication, the animal had been dosed with Warbex at an inappropriate time during the lifecycle of grub larvae. This may have contributed to immune dysfunction and increased the animal's susceptibility to E.Coli septicemic infection. The preliminary conclusion is that the animal died from causes unrelated to those that have been reported for cattle mutilations. Furthermore, the lab results do not support the hypothesis that the animal was mutilated with sharp instruments or that heat was used to cut the hide. If more information is learned it will be added to this report.

Note that I didn't post all their cases, just the ones that had interesting results. There are probably a fair number of mundane ones as well.
There's even info on a human mutilation, the link contains very graphic images too, ill post the link later if apropriate?
Yes Albume, why would aliens need body parts?

Maybe those aliens that are stuck here are into cosmetics and want to have luscious lips. Maybe you should be checking what is under all that makeup.