Court gives 'pretty woman' money


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
A WOMAN denied full compensation for her husband's death because she was too pretty has won back most of the money in the High Court.


Basically there's the idea that since she is attractive, her chances of marrying again and thus being supported by her new husband are greater than for an ugly woman. So she didn't need so much compensation for her husband's death, or so the court thought. It has been overturned.

This reminds me of the Sydney TV show Pizza. The pizza shop was run by Bobo, who was somtimes a serial killer, an anti-animal-rights chap, an ice-cream van thief, and more. One day he's taking applications for a new assistant pizza chef. One of the applicants is a short, fat woman with short hair, piercings, camouflage pants, et cetera; basically the stereotypical butch lesbian. She asks for the job, and Bobo says "No". So she launches into a long rant about how he's oppressing her because she's a lesbian, blah blah blah. Bobo replies "No. You're too ugly." Anorth applicant was a guy in a wheelchair, who Bobo pushed down the hill out the front. Funny show.

That's a strange place you live, Adam. Absolutely twisted values.

Tiassa :cool:
The law here is very odd. Basically our legal system was written a century ago or more, in bits and pieces, all based on earlier British law. Since Federation there have been changes and additions, but they only occur when some person or circumstance demands it. Thus we are left with a lot of very strange old ideas in our legal system.
Not so strange

Actually it's not so strange, Adam. After all, when the US Supreme Court ruled, in Bowers v. Hardwick, that the states had the right to make anti-sodomy laws, the majority had to reach all the way back to 16th century British common law for a precedent. The dissenting opinion, of course, was very entertaining. But that's how important sodomy is to Americans, though; important enough that the revolution failed because of it. Whenever you look to the British for any part of your country's heritage, things are bound to get strange.

Tiassa :cool:
Maybe the law-makers all just need a jolly good buggering to clear their minds.