It'd be one thing if it were so that consistently frequently, even just "pretty often," gun carrying civilians thwart or interdict shooters, but while one or two here and there may do, with some 300M+ guns in the U.S. one'd think that it'd happen far more often, at least 1/3rd as often as it is that folks get shot! None of the major networks (cable or OTA) report that being "a thing" gun owners do.
It'd be one thing if -- in the wake of all that bluster about needing guns, open carry, concealed carry, permitless carry, access to semi-automatic firearms, whatever, because it deters violence and facilitates defense, interdiction, and/or protection -- some of those gun-toters, particularly in "red" states, actually used their firearms to that end when a "bad guy with a gun" is firing it at people.