And yet again the 2nd raises it's ugly head to thwart productive change.It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is not the issue. Allowing the NRA to frame gun control as a conflict with the 2nd Amendment is a capitulation to gun lobby propaganda, and a reinforcement of the bothsides jamb.
I thought you said the 2nd was irrelevant?
The 2nd amendment empowers people to violently rebel against the rule of law, the passing of laws and guess what?
By enshrining bloody revolution in a founding document, with out taking into account the limitations of an extremely patriotic, ignorant and intellectually challenged population is a recipe for disaster as you well know.It does nothing like that. It does not "promote" anything.
The mere inclusion of the 2nd in the indoctrination of children from an early age is sufficient to fuel the fires of those who may not have the the capacity to differentiate as you are doing.
Young Johnny grows up a true patriot and part of the patriotism is due to the fact that he is empowered to violently act against a government he deems to be tyrannical by his own personal standard. He is empowered to fight violently against the rule of any laws he deems tyrannical.
To say that the 2nd is irrelevant is nonsense as it is, I believe to be, the core issue driving your problem.
To have such an obvious contradiction in such a revered document is incredible and can only lead to massive subconscious and conscious confusion, especially for the youth of your nation.
I guess promoting violence as a solution when you think a law is tyrannical could, at a stretch, be considered a "limitation" (certainly an intimidation) by someone who has endured the life long indoctrination involved.The purpose of the Constitution might be described as the limitation of the rule of Law. The entire document is devoted to that.
Explain how the 2nd can be considered as a limitation with out raising the issue of contradiction?
The 2nd amendment is in direct contradiction to the rule of law.
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