counting horses

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Valued Senior Member

I wonder would it be possible to make a program that can play poker in such a manner that it does not only plays by the rules but that it also analyses the body postures and the facial expressions of the human opponent to make a move?
(it would need to have a cammera of some sort
Nice idea, Orcot.

I think that would be actually feasible, possibly with today's technology. We already have facial recognition software that can differentiate between different features of the face. I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to program something that could detect different facial reactions.

Imagine if you video taped the reactions of 1000 people (or more) receiving a good hand, and the same number receiving a bad hand, or a so-so hand, and stored them in the computer. Then have the computer compare the current poker player's face with that of its data base of reactions.

Total doable. :)

But would the program send its goons to break my legs if I welsh on the bet?
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yeah, that'd be totally possibe, but it wouldnt be perfect. i mean, there will always be that guy with a perfect poker face that beats the computer
yeah, that'd be totally possibe, but it wouldnt be perfect. i mean, there will always be that guy with a perfect poker face that beats the computer
Unless your building a advanced lying machine it shouldn't be perfect. Besides it would allow for 2 types of data one is the certain data: with cards it's holding and the cards on the table, the second data is a form of educated gues.
I wonder what happens if you feed data to a machine that is uncertain?
Most simple because this is sciforums on the Intelligence & Machines subthreat and not a cafe or house

But I do get your point
Most simple because this is sciforums on the Intelligence & Machines subthreat and not a cafe or house

I understand that.
I was just trying to understand why you put forth the effort into this?
Because it would be a step toward "artificial intelligence"?
Because you would like to marke the novel idea and make some money?
For the glory of it?
Simply because it sounds like an interesting challenge?
Because you would like to play poker against it?

I personally wouldn't bother playing poker with it, as I very much enjoy the human factor and the psychology of poker - that's half the point.
The other half is the social aspect and the camraderie.
I would get neither from playing with a machine.
Well you could have it rigged to have it's own facial expressions and body language (Making it an actual robot). This is the one thing that current computer poker can't do.

The types of people that usually create such bots do it more for research and yes it usually gets publicised because of it's "uniqueness". Just look at the Japanese "Animatronics"
I was just trying to understand why you put forth the effort into this?
I would flatter myself if I said I doubt if I would be capeble of doing this I simply couldn't.

I gues because it's sounds interesting and I wouldn't mind playing against it.

Stryder that's one creepy robot but I do think if seen that clip before. It's has a realistic skin but I believe they would make a better impression if they watched straight into the camera or watched on a non fixed point right above the eye's of the guy who's interviewed, it would also have been interesting if she first watched the hand and then the direction he was pointing ad.

It would be interesting to see then play in more on our behaviour

I wonder would it be possible to make a program that can play poker in such a manner that it does not only plays by the rules but that it also analyses the body postures and the facial expressions of the human opponent to make a move?
(it would need to have a cammera of some sort

Well, since each body movement would mean something different for each individual person, that'd be kind of hard. Great idea, but I don't think it'd work out.
Considering making them talk and respond this would be extremly easy.
The only trick is to let them know there is someone in front of them and witch part is the head and witch part on it is the eyes. The rest is coordination between the robot's atlas, axis and eye's

If flameofanor5 is right and their are to many different movements then it can yust focus (not constantly) on the most moving parts like the mouth when talking or any hand movements while waving
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