Could you help debunk Spontaneous Human Combustion,Both classic AND eye-witness cases


Registered Member
For science homework. Please debunk scientifically and with enough text for my assignment.

Classic\' type example; one that was in the news recently. an irish pensioner was found cremated, with his organs extensively damaged. His head was next to a fireplace but nothing else was burnt. Coroner, forensic experts and fire brigade ruled it was SHC.

Witness\' type case:

A 75-year old woman in the 60s was sleeping in a car. her friend stopped the engine and left, moments later the old woman was seen up in flames (like an explosion) where she died 8 days later she said \'its too hot\' as she was rescued. nothing combustable was found in the car and not much else burnt.

People\'s skin smoking/developing strange blisters or \'burns\'.

Also help me to debunk the theories, such as internal chemical reaction, cells splitting water into O2 and H, radiowaves, nuclear fission spontaneously happening in the body, phosphate splitting into elementary phosphorus, electrical short-circuit, etc. thanks! I\'d really appreciate the answers. :)
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Thanks, that's one settled, but what about the eyewitness accounts? and the OAP who supposedly spontaneously combusted? (its in all news articles online, search 'Irish pensioner killed by spontaneous human combustion). I await your reply.
Why? I think it's real. It's probably an older person who farts near an open flame.
Thanks, that's one settled, but what about the eyewitness accounts? and the OAP who supposedly spontaneously combusted? (its in all news articles online, search 'Irish pensioner killed by spontaneous human combustion). I await your reply.

Oh I see the theory has been re-kindled. :D

In that case, it is likely that the recent events will spark new theories. :D

I don't think I have any new information to offer.
For science homework. Please debunk scientifically and with enough text for my assignment.

If we don't supply enough text will we fail the homework?

Well, I will give you this - usually when people are seeking homework help they are rather sheepish about it - you on the other hand are boldly requesting us to do your whole assigment.:bugeye:
I agree with spidey . A spark and at the in opportune time it crawls up your ass and Kaboom . I seen plenty of people light there farts and imagined just the right circumstance you get the bomb effect . Were the fuel is packed in the container just the right way to create the perfect storm.

Think about all the times you get gas in your car and you don't explode the pumps yet there is a warning at all the pumps about discharging your static before handling the pump . Most of you don't even pay attention to that warning . It is there for a reason and I doubt it is just because they want make you do something for nothing. There is a possibility it can .

O.K. urban myth number 2
Can you explode an out house by striking a match at just the right gas build up ?