Could This Be True?


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Last night while kickin it with some of my close friends, they told me about this "hoppy thing" they saw and claimed to have chased them off of this dark 2 lane narrow road back in the hills between Antioch CA and Livermore CA. They claim that it is an escaped experiment from the Livermore Lab called Penelope. One of my friends said he did research and found a website giving him that info. I for one cannot find anykind of websites on it. There is a little cave off of the side of the road and they went in it and said carved on the side of the cave wall was the name "Penelope"
Ive been out on this road before and havent seen anthing, I went in that cave and never noticed anything carved on the wall. There is an old slaughter house out there and people go there to just hang out and walk around. They said they went out there late one night, parked on the side of the road and got out of thier cars and were staning around the cars talking about where they were about to go and they heard rustling noises then taps on the car windows like something was throwing pebbles at them and they got in the cars and looked around and from behind some tree stumps saw a white/greyish figure peeking out at them then would run really fast to another tree and peek out again then they got freaked out and starting drving out of there and they said it chased them at speeds of 50mph and at some points was gaining on them. They now think all of thier phones are tapped by some kind of governmet agency cuz they can hear themselves echo while on the phone. They think it might be an alien that was let loose by the lab and they wont catch it because they dont want it to be caught. Im just really not believing any of it that easily though. Until I go out there with them and see it I wont believe it. Does it sound like it could be true at all to anyone?
That does correspond with alot of the conspiracy theories out there. The conspiracies I've read about underground lairs designed by the american government and aliens where very advanced genetic experiments take place among other things. It is interesting you mentioned a slaughterhouse because apparently the aliens feed by absorbing a slurry through their skin that is made of animal entrails and sometimes human entrails.
Of course this all sounds absolutely ridiculous but some of the conspiracy theories out there are so creative and in depth that it seems a logical person would have wrote a movie script rather than make this stuff up for nerds to read on the internet. Some of it is so well tied with no flaws that its almost convincing. If you want to look for this stuff just do a google search for "dulce genetic alien" or something like that.

I was hanging out with the same friends again today and asked them "come on now, are you just BSing around with me or did you truly see something out there?" and they said they really saw something out there. They admit they are freaked out by it and dont wanna go back out there but at the same time they want to go back out there with a video camera (and my camera happens to have really good night vision) and get a good shot of this "hoppy thing." They call it a hoppy thing cuz they said it didnt really run but hopped in long strides along the car. They said they didnt really get a good look at it, but said it had a smushed up looking face and stands on 2 legs, was white/greyish, and was probly like 5'8" or so. I still dont believe it but I wanna go out there and see if anything peeks out around tree stumps or whatever. There are cows out there that it could eat though if it were out there...they said they found a cows skull....ok so what right? Thats pretty common to find. But what they said about this one was that there was neck bones still attached to the skull, and thats not likely to be when you find a cow skull. Like the hoppy thing ripped the cow's head off or something. The way my friend told me about it was convincing but I just really dont know what to think.... They call the road out there "Gravity Hill" and supposidly on one part of the road you park and put the car in Nuetral and some ghost of a little girl who got murdered out there pushes your car along to get you out of danger....but the road looks to be goin up hill when its actually goin downhill a little bit so yur car rolls, also out there they say is a hobbit that lives out there, they also say this group of Nazi guys are out there sometimes and will shoot at you, there are 2 road like road divders on the side of the road that face eachother like the Lion Estates gates in Back to the Future and they are all sprayed painted on and people call them "hells gates" for some reason, and now my friends bring up this Hoppy Thing.... I dont know how they know but they said there is a female and 2 males....they only mentioned the one chasing them... I guess he found some thing where the female goes and just stares at people for a minute and leaves really fast...well where are the pics if its there for a full minute? it sounds like a bunch of bull to me. I bet when we go out there and I'm with them, we will see nothing, then when they go again without me they'll see it...if thats the case i'll know they ae lying. They say black cars follow them all the time now... last week I hung out with them, tonight i did, looked to cars following... it has to be made up..... but then again why the hell would they make something like that up if it wasnt true? Where the hell would that idea come from? I also think if it is made up like I think it is.. it would be boring to pretend it was real.... what fun would it be? I'll stop ranting though.... its believable and very doubtful at the same time.
Be brave and just go with 'em, they're just trying to scare you, that's what friends do, proven fact. If I had a dime for all the ghost/monster stories I've been told in the past, heh.

I dont really think they would try and pull a prank like that on me...i dont scare easily. they were just randomly tlkin amongst themselves while i was i the kitched gettin a soda about how they should go try and see the "Hoppy Thing" and they were all like "yeah we should, that shit was freaky" and i was like "What the hell is a Hoppy Thing?" and they were like "we never told u bout the Hoppy Thing?" so yeah.. i have no clue but of course i'll go out there with them for fun.

its hard to believe though cuz one of my friends is like the only one to see wierd things and supposidly he saw an alien outside of this house one time and a ghost this other what are the chances of one person seeing things like that all the time?..thats one of the main reasons im not believing it.
Acctualy the chanses are pretty good, when people try like hell to see the supernatural wherever they go. Look around this forum, for instance, full of people that are just trying to hard to convince themselves.
true but...

He doesnt really go looking for it though. Also he said he was like half asleep both times when he saw the alien and the ghost... but i'll believe the hoppy thing story when im in the car being chased by it goin 50mph..
Re: hmm...

Originally posted by hoppything
its hard to believe though cuz one of my friends is like the only one to see wierd things and supposidly he saw an alien outside of this house one time and a ghost this other what are the chances of one person seeing things like that all the time?..thats one of the main reasons im not believing it.
well that just destroyed any credibility that was there. Its much more convincing when some old farmer or someone like that who is completely unaware of and disinterested in strange phenomena see's something.
yeah but...

There was like 5 or 6 people there and they all claimed they saw it and that I know of none of the others had ever seen anything out of the ordinary before.
Well, then I'd have to say that the only explanation is that they are all out to get you! They're laughing behind your back, and when they bring you out to this lonely part of town, they'll make their move! What exactly that entails I can't possably be sure, but if you go, make sure you are armed!

lol we all have airsoft bb guns that we take and shoot eachother with wherever we go. They arent out to get me. They are just cool crazy kids and we like to have fun and take adventures. check this stuff out... im not BSing bout the stuff on that road... FYI Black Diamond Mines are located aroud the same hills of Empire Mine Rd.

Antioch - Black Diamond Mines - These mines are haunted by the White Witch. In life, her name was Mary. She was a nanny in the 1800's when there was still coal mining in the mines. All of the children died of illnesses and she was accused of Witchcraft, then executed. She guards the mines and when people see her, she is all white.

Antioch - Black Diamond Mines - The Rosehill Cemetery - haunted by Sarah Norton, also known as the "White Witch". She was a midwife and on her way to deliver a baby her carriage fell over and she was crushed. She is seen in the graveyard floating around the tombstones.

Antioch - Brentwood - Gravity Hill - In the 1950's a school bus was driving kids home from a field trip. It skidded into a wash and all the kids drowned. If you go there, put your car in neutral around the turn, you get pushed up the hill. It's supposedly by the kids who died in the bus crash and they want to keep you from the same fate.

Antioch - "Gates of Hell" - In the middle of Empire Mine road, there is a Stuckko wall with a bunch of spray paint on it. If you like to take hikes, this is the place to go. There is an old Insane Asylum at the very end of this road. You will come to another gate then behind their lies this old decrepit Structure of a hospital. Many people were killed brutally in this place, and it is VERY haunted by not so nice spirits. Things have been thrown at people, they have been pushed and screams have been heard from the people being tortured by themselves or another.

Antioch - Rail Road Mine - At the end of Empire mine road, there is an old railroad track tunnel that is pretty spooky inside. There are bats inside it and you can hear voices at the end of the tunnel.

Antioch - Slaughterhouse - Empire Mine Road in Antioch holds about three haunted places and this is the first on this road. An old slaughterhouse stands in the corner of the road after the first bend. It is haunted by an old man who walks the grounds and makes sure that everything is ok, and that no one gets hurt while there. Strange noises are heard inside the first building where they chopped up the meat. Clanking inside of the circle figured tubes towards the back of the property. Chains clank all around and you can hear footsteps behind you like someone is watching over you. Just remember to watch your step!

Does it sound so crazy that this thing...this mysterious creature would be amongst the other things out there?

Yeah, so I went on out to Empire Mind Rd. with my friends to look for the "hoppything" The one that first told me about it claimed to see it a numerous amount of times. We went out there and he was like "Oh my God! There it is right there! Do you see it???" and im like "NO, I dont see anything" He pointed to exactly where he was seeing it. I still didnt see anything. We have flashlights and we are looking around in the trees on both sides of the road. Off one side you can see the city lights kind of from Antioch. On the other, dark hills. A couple of my friends who where there with us were shining their flashlights towards the dark hills for awhile. We had the car parked off the side of the road and were now facing the other side of the road where u can see the light shining above from Antioch. My friends stopped shining the lights towards the hills and all the sudden I hear this noise that was kind of faint and I was like "Did you hear that?" and my friend who was lookin the other direction was like "shhh I think I see something" obviously he didnt hear what I heard. Then it just got louder and louder and we were like "What the hell is that???" and my friend was like "That means its time to go!!!" so we got in the car and got the hell out of there. I had never heard anything like that in my life. I can't even really describe it other than it was like a screaming that was high pitched and it was loud. It didnt sound like coyotes either, but did seem to be more than one thing making the sound. It was like it was far away then coming towards us from the hills. I'm not thinking it was the "hoppy thing" or whatever, but maybe it was some of those not so friendly spirits from that VERY haunted insane asylum that is back right in those hills. Ive never heard anything that sounded supernatural like that in my life. I do believe it was something out there though but I never saw a "hoppything". We didnt have a video camera to capture the sound but as curious and stupid as we are we went and got my video camera and went right back to where we were but parked on the other side of the road this time. My friend claimed to see the "hoppything" yet again. he was like "Don't move!" to one of my friends who was crossing the street. then he said "Its like right there...OMG its fuckin right there its hoppin around! Come look at this!" He had the video camera so I go and look and I still dont see anything. We didnt hear the sound we heard earlier either. This blue caddy who was bumpin some kind of music kept driving up close to where we were but kept turning around and comin back and turning around. That was kinda weird. But maybe whoever it was was scared to drive by...seein like 5 guys with BB guns that look real with hella flashlights by the road... they probly didnt wanna pass. Its really dark out there too. The camera was on Super Night Shot. I saw a figure though ..its like a stick figure and I thought it was a part of the fence then I dont see it in the video anymore tough. Maybe the light hit an old post or something and made it look like somethin was standing there but I really dont know. It was odd how the first time we went there a helicopter just happened to fly overhead but If it were interested in us it would have made it known to us. Which it didnt. I Can see somethin hopping around on the video when he says "its fuckin hoppin around" but its too blurry to tell if its just light from the flashlight or something actually out there. It gave no chase to the cars as we left either of the times.....I do believe I heard some kind of spirits screaming or somethin out there but I saw no "Hoppy Thing" Just because its something for us to do, I'll go along with it and keep goin out there to look for it, although I doubt i'll ever get to see anything. There is always the possibility to hear some more spirits though and maybe get the sound on tape. But Look at this picture and tell me if you think its just a post or a figure of something.
I find it odd you scoff at the concept of a hoppy thing yet casually say "haunted insane assylum" like its an everyday thing, I find above top secret genetic experiments to be far more believable than ghosts.
Not that I think there is anything there, you were all worked up to see or hear something so you do. I used to live next door to an abandoned house and me and my friends would say its haunted and we would go over there and we would see stuff and hear stuff but I think its only because we REALLY wanted to. And I think thats what is happening here. Keep going though, it sounds fun.
As for the photo, it looks cool and if I was with you guys it would have freaked me out what with the atmosphere and such but I think its just a branch or something. Still, it looks cool.
Dr. Lou Natic......

Yeah I know the whole insane asylum thing sounds like bull, and I do in fact just go along with the hoppy thing for fun now... But we REALLY did hear this weird ass sound, not because we were excited and wanted to see or hear something, we were looking for the supposed hoppy thing and the sound just came from behind us and caught us off guard and we got the hell out of there. My friends are actually driving through there as I type this..... they are coming here after and we will most likely be goin back out there and I will join them. I think its great fun and I know I probly wont see anything but last time we DID hear that loud screaming high pitched sound that i cant describe other than what I already have. I kid you not about the sound. Ghosts or No Ghost, Hoppy Thing or no Hoppy Thing.... we heard what we heard and we dont know what it was but it scared the shit out of us. I'll have my camera with me later on tonight and if I get anything i'll post it...i'll be posting probly tomorrow about what goes on tonight. Till then, see everyone later.
I'm really interested in this to be honest, I hope you do keep going there and keep taking photo's becasue you really do never know what you'll see. I believe you heard screams but I just doubt ghosts, strangely you're stories do tie in really well with some stories I've heard about alien/animal/human hyrbrid experiments going on in underground lairs scattered throughout america. It sounds crazy but the stories I've read and heard from ex-government agents are extremely convincing.
If this stuff were somehow true and you really had found one of the area's in question you better be carefull. Most of the ex-agents that confessed this stuff to the public have apparently mysteriously died under questionable circumstances. Perhaps better weapons than airsoft bb guns might be in order.
Keep it up though and take as many photos as possible of anything. If you hear screams coming towards you start clicking photos in every direction, just in case, you never know what will show up.

Well unfortunately tonight was unsuccessful... as we turned onto the creepy Empire Mind Rd. There was a Cop SUV parked on the side of the road. At first it didnt follow us but then 2 more cars turned on to the road after us. We saw the Police Vehicles lights turn on and start following the other two cars who werent even with us. Our other friends were coming in on the other side of the road and we passed them up going the other way and called them on the cell and told them to flip a bitch cuz cops were comin. They just said they would drive through and meet us at a stores parking lot in town, so we agreed that we wouldnt be stopping to look for anything tonight. We got to the parking lot and they werent there. Then we get a call and they got pulled over by the cop and got a warning... So tonight sucked but I think we are gonna try again tomorrow night. Maybe the Cops wont be patrolling the roads then.

Also another friend that was there the night I had my camera was over here after we got home tonight and we were watchin the video and he was like "wait rewind the tape real quick i saw somethin" so i did. We watced and he pointed up in the middle of that big tree thats in the pic i posted and all the sudden there was a quick flash of light that came from in the tree. It was jus like a blink of light. It wasnt from any of the lights we had. So that was just another little thing that was odd that he caught that I didnt because I was focusing my attention on the bottom of the tree rather than up in the branches.

But hell dude, I can have fun somewhere else though, Im not bout to die over some shit I could care less about. I mean yeah it would be hella cool and shit for it to be real, but we dont wanna die over it...I too was believing that its like all in my friends head that he thinks he sees something because hes looking for it and is all excited about it, but I honestly didnt see anything. It would be cool to see it and get a pic of it but if exposing the pic on here meant me getting killed over it, then I dont think i'll post any pics if I actually get somethin on tape...I dont know what the blink of light from the tree branches was though... wierd but probly nothin serious.