Could CJD.........


Registered Senior Member
Could CJD be linked to Animal mutilations

All the different areas of Ufology: abductions, implants, photographic and video footage are all truly interesting and deserve more investigation, as well as the bizarre animal mutilations which I believe happen more frequently than we are told. Not only are these mutilations reported from all around the world but they can happen to any animal, lets not forget there have also been a few cases of human mutilations reported.

True some reports of animal mutilations are down to a few sick individuals as well as these strange cults that seem to be appearing all over the place, I remember a few years ago when several animals were been found dead or badly injured due to mutilations. In this day and age you only need one press report to mention that a animal was attacked or mutilated (by whoever) and you can guarantee that the following week there will be several new reports, this is due to the fact that a few people who read that a horse or cow has been attacked then seem to think that this is a clever or ‘big’ thing to do, so off they go to do the same, end result more reports of animal mutilations.

But the reports that contain information relating to surgical incisions MUST be taken more seriously, these reports are completely different from the ones just mentioned where a animal might be found with ‘stab’ wounds. The TRUE animal mutilations are a complete mystery, so unless there are a group of unemployed surgeons, who not only have access to state of the art medical equipment but can also travel all over the word and never get seen or caught as they continue to ‘tune’ there skills under the cover of darkness, WHO could be doing this?

Well the favorite idea is that the mutilations are been done by aliens, with the purpose of getting food (nutrients & vitamins I presume) from the organs they remove. Whether this is true or not I don’t know but the idea is that the aliens take the organs out of the animals and at some point, maybe after the organs have been treated, they then rub a solution made up of the organ onto there skin which is then absorbed through the skin and they are fed, if this is fact or not I cannot confirm it as I have never witnessed anything like this……..and I am pretty sure nobody else has.

The second idea is that it is the Government or Military who are doing these mutilations to cattle and other animals, but if it is them who are doing it I think we should be looking for the answers to a few questions: for what reason would they be doing this? What could they be achieving from this? Why are they doing it all over the world? And why do it to nearly every animal know to man?

I also think that the ‘Chubacabra’ or ‘Goat Sucker’ is something that should be looked at for some of the mutilations, not all just some. The Chubacabra has been reported at many mutalation, the majority from Mexico, its has been seen by local people and farmers. There have also been a few photographs that “claim” to show these strange creatures, this is interesting as these pictures can be worked on and the creature can be seen (if the pictures are not fake), but although some people report either seeing ‘Black unmarked helicopters’ in the area or a cow been lifted of the ground by a beam of light no photographic evidence has come forward of these events…yet. So yes we have the pictures of the Chubacabra to help with the investigation and the majority of the Chubacabra attacks have left the animal completely drained of blood, just like a mutilation, but the Chubacabra attacks on the animal don’t usual involve various organs missing (rectum cored out, tongue missing, eyes missing, or small holes drilled into the head where various organs have been removed) like it does in a mutilation.

The topic of animal mutilations leaves us with more questions than answers, and although I have my own thoughts and ideas, which is just what they are only thoughts and ideas I have nothing concrete in evidence. What I will say though is that I think the animal mutilations should not be over looked, while I can accept all of the above and what I have said there is something that bothers me. As I mentioned before animal mutilation can happen to all animals but the majority of the cases reported are cattle (cows & sheep) that are been mutilated, now I may be paranoid but this has given me something to think about and that something is CJD or ‘Mad Cows Disease’.

While I was having a look at some of the animal mutilation cases I thought “what if CJD is something to do with the mutilations”, many of us don’t know to much about CJD (which is the human form of mad cows disease) but what we can not avoid is that it is real and it has already taken the lives of some people. YES we have been told that BEEF is safe to eat but at one point is was BANNED so there was a problem, if you remember in the beginning when all this talk about mad cows disease was starting we were told that it was only in the cows and that we were fine to eat beef, but when people started to get CJD all this changed and we were told that yes CJD can be found in humans. If there was no problem with mad cows disease or CJD then not one person would have died, sorry to say but more than one person has died from CJD….so if it can affect one I am sure it can affect all, NO say the Government and various scientist, but they would say this as beef trade is a huge business and export brings in a lot of money.

Although we are told that CJD will only affect a few unlucky people, yet again how does anybody know this to be true what if CJD is in us all I am sure many of us have eaten beef many times before the CJD stories started so how do we know that we are all not infected. What if CJD does attack a few people quickly (hence the deaths already) but the rest of us slowly, what if CJD is like a ticking time bomb in many of us and at some point in the future there will be a mass out-brake amongst us?

Yes I may be way off track with this, but just think about it for a second….the majority of mutilations reported are to cattle, something which is in our food chain (through the meat and the milk), the mutilation are world wide so is CJD, we have three suggestions for who is doing this Chubacabras, Military/Government and Alien. As I mentioned earlier I don’t the think the Chubacabra reports are related to the large mutilations on cattle, I also don’t think that the Military/Government would be doing this on such a large scale…so this only leaves us with the Alien suggestion, and what if CJD is some form of Alien Virus. It might be that the Aliens have placed this virus amongst us to see how we deal with it or it might be that the virus has a bigger job to do such as a ‘Global killer’, lets just say that CJD is a Alien virus and that is has been around for a long time but it is only now that it has started to come to light. We might only be finding more about CJD now because the virus is working and the plan is in full effect…..what plan is that I hear you cry.

What if the out-brake I mention before is only a matter of years away or even months, it will be too late then to do anything about the CJD as most of us might be affected by it, and if that is the case it make things a hell of a lot easier for an Alien race to wipe us out with a Alien Virus that we knew nothing about until it was too late. Sure if an Alien race wanted to do us harm or attack us they could, I mean after all they have superior machinery and weapons compared to us, but if we have already shot them down in the past or if we have some thing to fight back with then the Aliens might not want a full out war……so what’s the next best thing to kill a enemy without risking yourself, Chemical Warfare or in this case a Virus.

This method has been used for many years by many Dictators of War, just contaminate the Air, Food or water and let the Virus do all the hard work for you this way you can attack your enemy without taking any losses yourself. I am not saying this is what is happening I am just saying ‘What if?’ but I am also trying to give you something to think about I am trying to show you have easy a Alien race could attack us and we wouldn’t even know it until it was too late.

The fact is that even without the interference of a Alien lifeform we are already killing ourselves:

1: Our air is full of toxins (smog, petrol and gas fumes…ect), which are all bad for our health and can lead to breathing problems as well as already giving problems to people with asthma

2: Our water is contaminated (high amounts of chlorine and fluoride have been detected), Chlorine is a Mutagen and over time can lead to major health problems, Fluoride was used in Alcatraz to make the prisoners more sheep-like and docile. Over the many years I have received and heard of many sightings of large UFOs over rivers and lakes, these UFOs have been sucking up water maybe they need the water but maybe they are also contaminating it.

3: Our food supply is been affected not only through the CJD, E-coli and Salmonella as well as other food Viruses but through the food been genetically altered in many insane ways. As of present “they” have used hormones, synthetic pesticides, anti-biotics, steroids, herbicides and HUMAN DNA!! In our foods.

The end result ladies and gentleman is that without good Air, Water, Food we are all dead………..Please remember everything I have mentioned the next time you go for a Big Mac or the next time you have a juicy stake….Yum Yum.