Correlation between mtDNA and the social Elite


You just got served.
Registered Senior Member
Before this is said to be off topic, it is on topic in the politicol sense, though off topic by the discussion of genetics. This could be on topic, and off topic, in both the forums I could have placed it in, it would have conflicted with the forum label. So i choose to put it in the more popular one. Yea, i don't like cross posting, and if a mod decides to move it, oh well.

To the point.

Now that i have the disclaimer out of the way, I recently read a theory, here. It states that virtually everyone in europe (650 million people) are the decendents of 7 women, who are called "The eurpean daughters of eve" What i quetion is wether or not the different ancestor had any effect on the fate of the person.

A run down, from least to most, by percentage of the population, of the seven european daughters of eve :

Velda, 5%
Katrine, 6%
Xenia, 6%
Tara, 9%
Ursula, 10%
Jasmine, 17%
Helena, 47%

Like the nobility of european history, there are percentages which are smaller then others. The population of the european region in that time a fraction of what it is now. I'm going to do my math using this site.

So in europe, in lets say the middle of the middle ages, when the fuedal system was in full swing, and before everything collapsed in the plague years, we get the following to be the approximate number of people belonging to each strand of mtDNA, listed by daughter.

Velda, 1.925 million
Katrine, 2.31 million
Xenia, 2.31 million
Tara, 3.465 million
Ursula, 3.85 million
Jasmine, 6.545 million
Helena, 18.095 million

These numbers seem excessivly large for use in determining the upper class, but lets consider what a true upper class is in a society. An upper class could consist of the people who have people in their employ. Or people with certain privileges. I'm having touble thinking of good examples, but the point i'm trying to make, is the upper echleon of society can be quite large. Plus these numbers would take into account the number of the people who were born to the wrong family, or were punished to the point of poverty as a threat, and the like. But, looking at the numbers, I would say not too many Helenas were kings.

One thing i have avoided so far was origin of the daughters of eve.

The Tara straind of mtDNA is most represented in ireland
The localization of Ursula is unknown
Xenia somehow got to the americas, her 1% figure suggests that she went there with the early settlers (not her... her mtDNA)
Velda is spanish
Katrine is in switzerland
Jasmine was a brit
Helena is french... go figure

Anyways, i'm going to debunk my own theory, and say that the percent is more likely to be related to living conditions in the areas the ancestors of the europeans choose to live, and say that thier theory of one mother for each of these lines is rediculous... the mtDNA probably dates back way before human speciation and these "daughters of eve" are probably tribes carrying that specific mtDNA.
wich part of the DNA exactly shows who and what "lady" you are from? I wouldn't be surprized if this was proven all a lie in a few years.
Mitochondrial DNA is only inherited from your mother since the sperm head does not contain any mitochondrion, so you can trace back through all your mothers back to the first (Mitochondrial Eva, estimated to have lived 200,000 years ago) this though is only half the story, what about the fathers? If your account for the father is very doubtful that the social elite class is limited to a specific motherly ancestor. There also was probably not exactly 7 daughters that colonized those areas but more with the same blood line.
i remember seeing a thing on that whole mdna ever thing.. it was interesting..

oh yes. nice theory, but it sux.
Originally posted by cthulhus slave
oh yes. nice theory, but it sux.

Well, umm thanks i think, but a little constructive criticism would be more helpful, thanks in advance.