Melbourne, Victoria , Australia.
Today it was recorded that we had our 10th day of zero new cases and deaths.
Since the lock-down was mostly lifted, we are slowly getting back to some semblance of normality.
People are still obliged to wear masks in pubic however law enforcement has relaxed somewhat.
People are generally wearing masks in my region, voluntarily, regardless of the current law requiring them to. There is little doubt that mask wearing and social consciousness of the problem has instrumental in leading to such a great result.
We are able to enjoy most activities with only restrictions focused on the numbers of people who gather.
Preparations for long haul/term quarantine facilities have been recommended as the world seems to have lost control or the pandemic and will no doubt impact here as time progresses, especially if any covid mutation takes hold and prevents any solid attempts at vaccination.
Global cases has hit 50.6 million with a recorded fatality of 1.26 million.
a CFR of about 2.5%
Obviously very understated/reported.
Global daily fatalities are increasing rapidly as hospitals become saturated with covid patients.