From researching the Spanish flu, there appeared to be a good understanding of social distancing requirements how ever point taken.You would also need to add in lockdown, personal distancing, etc. Those have been as/more important than modern medicine, by keeping the infection away from the bulk of the population.
Just some rough unqualified notes:
The Spanish flu:
Infected about 500 million people ( One third of the worlds population - stats c/o CDC )
Killed about 50 million (?) people.
No antibiotics
No vaccine.
No ventilators, MRI, Cat scans, Sophisticated X-ray etc.
Little to no clinical pathology.
No major supplemental oxygen supply.
Poor sanitation, water, sewage infrastructure.
Low levels of electrification. ( households, businesses etc)
Low level of knowledge about viruses etc...
Poor national communications ( no internet, TV, little telephony)
Poor international communications.
Not much in the way of international co-ordination.
Generally low levels of education in population.
We have ventilators , antibiotics, relatively clean hospitals, good access to medical care ( In the Western world) ( with exceptions of course)
Rapid pathological testing.
National and international pandemic strategies.. ( except the USA of course (sarc)
As of today confirmed infected
and that is with the state of the art medical provisions, ICU, ventilators, oxygen supply etc...
I'd say 21st century medicine is saving our arses big time...
BUT, knowing this means that the COVID virus is a hell of a lot worse than the Spanish flu. IMO
The question I am pondering is :
How many of the confirmed cases survivors (today: 28,342,000) owe their lives to 21 century medical practice and services?