Cops Tv show


Registered Senior Member
I heard something a long time ago about how the criminals on COPS do not get punished or get reduced punishment if they allow themselves to go on TV. Can anyone help me verify this, maybe get a location for this information.
Thanks much
Uhm... I thought cops was a fictional drama. Kinda like reality tv before they called it that.
TV is the best brainwashing tool ever invented. Do your mind a favor and throw out your TV.

TV converts your grey matter into brown matter.
TV is your best friend and your most horrored enemy.....

>>> Fear the media or love it when you need it.

I am very, very scared !
Thanks for the information, although there wasn't much. But could people stop shitting in my post. You hate tv. Got it. Don't care.
They don't hate TV. The recognise that people can be easily get addicted to TV and lose perspective on life. It is probably just a friendly warning. The quality of my life rapidly improved the day I kicked out my TV.

It is just too much of a temptation to have the TV around and forget to live instead of being lived. Reality vs a reality show.

If I had a TV I would just too easily turn it on. So it is not a matter of hating it. It is a matter of recognising what effect TV has on you and then deciding if you can live with it. I couldn't.
I think I agree with you spurious, but those of us that don't have a problem with tv and shut it off probably don't need to get rid of a tv. Otherwise, I might as well go to AA meetings or fight other addictions I don't have. It is too extreme to just get of something like television. Everyone is not going to do it. Besides, I believe that the problem is not tv, or more appropriately (please excuse spelling) what is on tv, but the fact that the people have no will power to shut it off. If the world had no television, they would simple find some other idiot drug or addiction to feed.

In any case, the people that are dumb enough to sit around all day watching tv should probably stay there. I would not like so much to have to deal with them. Sitting confined in a private area seems much better to me. If people, or perhaps a culture, decides to get up and educate themselves, they will. But you cannot make them unless you have to ability to change their lifestyles, on economically level for example.

That being said, I would also like you to think about the revolution you are trying to avoke. Are you trying to save all these people that create all the things you dislike? Are you trying to change them? If you are trying to change them, goooood luck. My experience, although possibly wrong of course, is that people do not like to change. Nor do they really like change. So once again, you have to be able to affect their lifestyles. That can be dangerous, because you are doing that because of your idea. A lot of dictators probably start out with some good ideas on paper.

Anyways, I think I will probably not thow away my tv. There are good movies, etc, I like to watch. But just as an alchoholic, you have to have the will power to regulate yourself. I, however, rarely watch common US programming because it is usually shit. So many commercials. Here in Germany, for instance, it is much better, although more boring. TV can be a tool for your mind as well as a shit box, so it is up to the operator to do something good with it.

This is all just an idea, though, and it can be wrong.
No, I don't really want to force peopel to throw away their TV. It is their life.

I still watch movies though, either in the Cinema, or before my laptop broke on my laptop.

And when I was on holiday in south america I would sometimes watch TV if my hotel room had cable. Which wasn't too often since I went always for budget. But after watching TV off to the bar and the night life of course.
I think I agree with you spurious, but those of us that don't have a problem with tv and shut it off probably don't need to get rid of a tv. Otherwise, I might as well go to AA meetings or fight other addictions I don't have. It is too extreme to just get of something like television. Everyone is not going to do it. Besides, I believe that the problem is not tv, or more appropriately (please excuse spelling) what is on tv, but the fact that the people have no will power to shut it off. If the world had no television, they would simple find some other idiot drug or addiction to feed.

In any case, the people that are dumb enough to sit around all day watching tv should probably stay there. I would not like so much to have to deal with them. Sitting confined in a private area seems much better to me. If people, or perhaps a culture, decides to get up and educate themselves, they will. But you cannot make them unless you have to ability to change their lifestyles, on economically level for example.

That being said, I would also like you to think about the revolution you are trying to avoke. Are you trying to save all these people that create all the things you dislike? Are you trying to change them? If you are trying to change them, goooood luck. My experience, although possibly wrong of course, is that people do not like to change. Nor do they really like change. So once again, you have to be able to affect their lifestyles. That can be dangerous, because you are doing that because of your idea. A lot of dictators probably start out with some good ideas on paper.

Anyways, I think I will probably not thow away my tv. There are good movies, etc, I like to watch. But just as an alchoholic, you have to have the will power to regulate yourself. I, however, rarely watch common US programming because it is usually shit. So many commercials. Here in Germany, for instance, it is much better, although more boring. TV can be a tool for your mind as well as a shit box, so it is up to the operator to do something good with it.

This is all just an idea, though, and it can be wrong.
I've never seen this series, but according to a website I checked, it features real cops going about their business. I wouldn't know if the criminals get any favours for appearing on the show though. interesting show. I watch it. I have asked myself the same question regarding the legalities of showing the faces of those who are arrested. My local news shows the pictures of people who have been ACCUSED of crimes. Maybe the same rules are applied to the show Cops.
I can awnser this question, having been a cop for over 7 years I can verify that what you see on that show is real, no I have not been on that show and they have not came to film in the city I worked for. But... they have been to Kansas City Missouri where I have a few friends that work there and have been involved in the show.

The camera crew has to sign a release before they can even ride in the patrol units, because they have had two camera crews get hurt, one crew got attacked, and another was seriously hurt in a car accident from a pursuit.

Do they get a reduced or easy time for being on tv NO they do not, as matter of fact the department gets copys of the tapes to hold for court purposes, and the tapes have been used to help aid in the conviction of some crimes when needed. The tapes are used in court in the same matter as a dash cam that 50% of all police cars have now.

as far as pointing you to information on how to verify this I suggest that you goto a large city that cops have been filmed at a speak to some of the officers there.

Being an officer seems to me to be a very crudy job. The police deal with the worst of society. Does the job turn a person who enters the profession with high expectations?

I know a detective who handles most homicide investigations. He doesn't talk much, and I sometimes wonder if that isn't because of his experience in the field.
its does change a person, but it also gets in your blood too in a way, yes all officers have a few crime scenes or what not stuck in there mind some more then others, I am still a certified officer but I have switched over to the medical field now. I did like the job I just didn't like all the political madness that follows the job