Cop v 15 yr old girl


Life, The universe, and e...
Registered Senior Member
Saw this on the Fox website.
Whadda think?
youtube had a better link

I've been in a similar situation. I worked in shelter for teens, and there was this 15-16 year old girl that attacked me while I was trying to defuse an explosive situation, and let me tell you that if I had only the two or three things/techniques I had been taught by the shelter I'd have been toast. It was very difficult to subdue her without hurting her.
In fact, a couple of the other clients/kids in the shelter asked me why it took so long to stop her since I hold 1dan in TKD (=first degree black belt) I responded "Because I'm not allowed to hurt her". And she was not on drugs. That was part of the problem, she had been refusing to take her meds.
I don't remember the name of her med but I remember they were heavy anti-psychotics. She was pumped up on crazy.
Funny thing though, afterwards when I returned on Monday we became 'friends'
i.e. I was one of the few staff she trusted. Mostly. She at least trusted me to be fair.
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Looked ok to me.
She bit him. She resisted arrest. If he had continued to attempt to use mere brute force to get her hands behind her back to cuff her, he could easily have dislocated her shoulder or worse.
So she's 15? Big whoop.
I dont get it .... why add a girl at the end of the sentence "cop v 15 yr old girl" ?...
"cop v 15 yr old" need to make it seem like adding sex of the perpetrator will make our hearts melt. A girl is as evil as a boy.
That's the way the media always plays up a "story". They seem to embellish everything they can to incite people or to break peoples hearts but they never want to make it seem that the "criminal" was to blame for anything.
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Thyat's the way the media always plays up a "story". They seem to embellish everything they can to incite people or to break peoples hearts but they never want to make it seem that the "criminal" was to blame for anything.
If it bleeds, it leads.
Quite frankly, I think she deserved ever bit of it. Yes, there are other ways to subdue the individual (such as throwing her on the ground), however, in this situation, I would have done the same thing as the officer. A punch to the head just enough to stun her (and a bit of mace) allows the officer a brief moment to apprehend the suspect.

Even if the officer were to have thrown her on the ground, it probably would have caused MORE damage to the suspect then just a "love tap" to the head.

Since he knew he was being video taped why did he do all of that in front of the camera? I'd think to show that she was the non compliant one who resisted him. He could have just put her beside the car out of the cameras view.
Since he knew he was being video taped why did he do all of that in front of the camera? I'd think to show that she was the non compliant one who resisted him. He could have just put her beside the car out of the cameras view.

I hate when police abuse the power they are given, but she deserved that.
hmmm, when is it good when someone abuses power? hookers maybe?

Well, hookers might be a good example, but I was also thinking about parents. How many parents will abuse their power when their 16 year old (legal age!) daughter wants to go fuck her 18 year old boyfriend?

But I also like the hooker idea leather bikini outfit, thigh-high black leather, spike heeled boots, black leather whip, ..... :D

Baron Max
That's a dominatrix...and you would be in a world of hurt if she abused her power. Becoming a human ashtray comes to mind.
That girl totally deserved what she got and more. It's especially annoying how she yells "I'm not doing anything" while she continues to resist arrest.

Sadly, if only she'd watched this video, she could have avoided the whole problem:
Everyone's all petulant and shit towards the delinquent state of the girl.

Examine the cop..

His brittle voice giving up as he is sending flirty glances towards the camera, adjusting the beatee so that the exculpating "please co-operate ma'am! hyuck hyuck" shit works in court.

Perhaps an even greater level of insubordination would prevent cops from getting all nerdy when convenient force must be used to subdue. Though, cam-whoring like this predicts even mushier arrests...

The policeman is doing a job under pretenses of integrity and valor, when he really should be an exquisite machine of hardiness.

I say the girl was right to whine a bit at the hands of such a burly individual... pffft.