Cookies - One of lifes great mysteries


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Can someone answer this one question.

How come when cookies go stale, Soft cookies go hard and hard cookies go soft?

Its driving me up the wall
Its like clothes when fading in sunlight: Colored clothes become lighter, white clothes become darker.

Seriously, with cookies, all you have to do is adjust your browser settings to ----- OOooups! Wrong kind of cookies, we try again:

With cookies, its a question of water content and sugar content.

You have basically four types of bread (cookies are a sort of bread, after all):

1) Dry, unsweetened bread, e.g. water cracker bisquits. It is dry and crisp and basically stays that way except in very humid condition where it looses some crispness.

2) Soft unsweetened bread, e.g ordinary white bread: It is soft because of its water content, so exposed to air, it dries and becomes hard.

3) Crisp, sweet bread, e.g.: many types of cookies: It is crisp because of a low water content, but exposed to air, the sugar content causes it to absorb moisture from the air, so it gets soft.

4) Soft, sweet bread, e.g.: English christmas cake: Is both moist and sweet, and basically stays that way except in very dry conditions where it will become dryer and harder.

There is a fifth type, which is the type of buns my daughter made when she was younger and less apt at bakery: They started hard as concrete and heavy as lead, and with time became worse regardless of humidity conditions. The receipe is kept secret as a service to mankind.:p

(In Dr.Evil voice) Right.

Where in the blue hell did you get that info. No one on Earth knows that stuff.
I'm an alien. Thats also how I know aliens didnt make the crop circles; we are allergic to grass.:cool:

I think I know what species you are. Its my race which makes crop circles. We do it to screw with these pitiful creatures minds. We planned on making contact when they figure this out. So far, we've been waiting 1,576 cycles. We're about to give up hope so we might just do the standard invasion plan and mate with all the attractive human zyglos. So what agent number are you. I'm GH674E, I'm assuming your an FK series agent.

I hope you will join us in the zyglos mating season.


Thor (Ipomptr)
Uhh, I see. Well, we've done no better. First we doctored a lot of old NASA moon mission pics in order to signal them. They noticed, but got it all wrong. Then we added deft hand signals to nearly all the porn pics on the internet, but nobody noticed at all. I'm beginning to think these humans are not sentient at all.

We dont use numbers, my callsign, however, is "rumlepot".
About the Zyglos mating: Well, I did a lot of my observation rounds here disguised as the species "cat", and I must say that the cat Zyglos are nearly as attractive as the human ones, and only half the fuss.
Cats are easier I must admit

I've seen you're attempts on Porn sites...I mean, our species are above that. I know of no such thing.

Well, the invasion plan starts in 2 cycles. Actually getting here takes another 20 cycles. Jaghert....I mean damn.

In one of those pictures, did you see me do bunny ears over Neil Armstrongs head. You can just see it
ohh... i always knew my cat looked at me funny......

say... do you like olives? my cat loves olives....:bugeye:
Nightfall. Nothing is going on here. We are not your cats. I hate olives. There are no hidden messages in this post.

My call sign, as already stated is Impomptr