Cookie Monster


Occasionally Frequent
Registered Senior Member
Uh oh. I've been using the library's computers to go on sciforums lately, but due to habit, I haven't been logging out :S.

I would estimate that I left about 10 computers logged on as me; whether or not log-ins expire or not I'm not sure.

So if you see a post from me, I actually didn't write it unless it says "-Kyle" at the bottom. Just because I wouldn't want to take credit for anyone else's genius (or otherwise).

Since my actual message had little to do with the title, I feel obligated to add something about the Cookie Monster:


Seriously, think about it; his friends are 10 foot tall birds and wooly mammoths called "Snufalupagus", his eyes NEVER point in the same direction, his speech is slurred and stalled, he always has the munchies...

Come to think of it, I think a lot of cartoon characters are on drugs. I'll bet the Ninja Turtles smoked pot (teenagers, skaters, pizza fanatics, "cowabunga"). It's a good thing it's off the air, huh?

I agree and I've also been in the same position. A friend of mine started writing poems here about how I was a pedophile, and I retaliated by writing ones about how he was a goat-o-phile.
Wha? Same position how? Staying logged in forced you to write demented poems? must mean the DRUGS! Or the cookies!

Ha....well, drugs for me. I meant with the logged in thing. Last year I think almost every computer in the school had my profile logged on, but over the summer they cleared the cookies, so far I've managed to....defile only two or three. It makes no difference, though, since the Luxans*(R) don't visit sciforums that often.

*been referred here by Pollux V
this is off thread, but I've been wondering: What exactly does Pollux V mean, if anything?
I predict that the fifth planet of the Pollux star will have life--even though I have absolutely no information to back this up (I don't even know what type of star Pollux is). It's merely a poor excuse for, in my opinion, an awesome name.
Ah good enough.

BTW, when I read your name in my head I always KNEW it must have been "Pollux five"...."polluxv" just don't make sense
the cookie monster is stoned and has got the munchies, hence the muching all the cookies. Yeh, i think the creator of that program must have been tripping when he/she thought up of the idea.
haha, I already forgot about my "signature"....

-Kyle <- this belongs ^

What is your favorite type of cereal?

In no particular order I like (and I like a LOT):
1. Corn Pops
2. Cheerios
3. Crispix
4. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
5. Honeycomb
6. French Toast Crunch
7. Capt. Crunch.
8. Frosted Flakes
9. Golden Grahams
10. ALL types of "healthy, nutty" cereals, IE Muslix, Just Right, etc...

I'm SO hungry right now, I think I'm going home :).

Well of course those are good, as are French Toast....and crepes...mmm, I want it to be morning now. Well, maybe not, I keep forgetting I'm at college now and my roomates won't make french toast for me (yet...). Morning suck here, they start EVERYDAY off with the smoke alarm because our shower sets it off.