Controversial, Bible lies revealed?

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Re the Bible codes and mathematics

"Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40.
For example: the Israelites wandered for 40 years (Deuteronomy 8:2-5); Moses was on the mount for 40 days (Exodus 24:18); 40 days were involved in the story of Jonah and Nineveh (Jonah 3:4); Jesus was tempted for 40 days (Matthew 4:2); there were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:3)."

One common way to detect a lie when listening to someone is to see what numbers are repeated, example,

on the 5th May I went to see my friend and we had 5 burgers to eat between us." = LIES

Liars need to be able to recall the lies they tell when coming under scrutiny, and when telling lies it is very difficult to recall numbers if they are all different. Thus liars will tend to repeat the same pattern of numbers. The Bible has 'apparantly' many repeated numbers which are allegedly significant due to their repetition.

I am wondering if in fact rather than there being a bible code, the repetition of these numbers is actually due to the fact that the quoted dates, durations at least are fabricated.

NOTE: I have never read the Bible, I just noted this passage when looking up the historical significance of another number. I saw the mention of number repetition in the bible (as above) and read briefly about the Bible code. However as a trained character analyst it immediately occurred to me that 'repetition of numbers' like this actually points to lies.

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numbers in the bible generally having meanings...not to say some isn't just coincidence. I think it is too broad a stroke to say that the numbers were all fabricated given they all had different authors.
Quigly said:
numbers in the bible generally having meanings...not to say some isn't just coincidence. I think it is too broad a stroke to say that the numbers were all fabricated given they all had different authors.

I never said they were fabricated, I said this is a thought based on knowledge of lie detection

meanwhile re diff authors, people don't repeat lies?

Perhaps the retrospective nature of the bible stories means that dates and durations had to be estimated and in this estimation were rounded to show the frequently occurring numbers that are shown, rather than the repetition being demonstrative of symbolic importance.
When lies are repeated, the numbers often change. Re: estimations of dates, I will echo Quigly. In the Bible, the numbers usually hold some alternative significance; they seldom have literal meaning.
A long time ago there was a big question afoot "who would oversee the overseer" This posed a big problem for the rulers so the kings and lords came together to formulate another political remedy called God. It wasn't difficult to convince the people as they were as smart as a modern day NYPD alsatian and information flow was as effective as homeland security. Rulers and kinds were said to be ordained directly by God and Kings and Queens sat right next to God. So if your self esteen is so low as to believe in God then you have a problem, but if you believ it jus to cut away from reality you are not exactly alone.
I am pretty sure that the concept of a god predates divine providence, Chatha, the lies of kings and emperors notwithstanding.
Originally God raised up a prophet.
That was a man born with a gift, as a "seer".
God used these prophets to lead his nations as rulers, and forbid His people to even have a king.
It wasn't until the time of Saul, about 1000 B.C. they disobeyed God and elected themselves a king, to be like the heathen nations of the gentiles that surrounded them.
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This might help:
Forty: Stands in the Bible for a generation (e.g., the forty years of wandering in the desert), hence for any period of time the exact duration of which is unknown (comp. Gen. vii. 4, 12, 17; viii. 6; Ex. xxiv. 18, xxxiv. 28; Deut. ix. 9, 11, 18; x. 10; I Sam. xvii. 16; I Kings xix. 8; Jonah iii. 4). - JewishEncyclopedia: Numbers and Numerals
More interesting websites: Symbolic Meaning of selected numbers and Numbers in the Bible.

Remember than for a long time history was recorded orally, i.e. people had to remember things for a long time. One effective way of ensuring important information didn't get lost was by remembering associations (mnemonics), like genealogies. Each name would remind the teller of events associated with him, and thereby history would be recorded according to generations. Genesis 1-14 was written this way, if I remember correctly. Another mnemonic was to attach meanings to numbers, so that essential information could be retained without having to remember arbitrary numbers (although that obviously does not preclude the use of arbitrary numbers, like when a census was taken). Using numbers and associations, people could reconstruct events mathematically from relatively small amounts of information. Simple compression - not deception, although I can see why liars might find the same mechanism useful.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
One common way to detect a lie when listening to someone is to see what numbers are repeated, example,

on the 5th May I went to see my friend and we had 5 burgers to eat between us." = LIES

Do you have an evidence for that extraordinary claim?

Liars need to be able to recall the lies they tell when coming under scrutiny, and when telling lies it is very difficult to recall numbers if they are all different. Thus liars will tend to repeat the same pattern of numbers.

Do you have any evidence for that extraordinary claim?

The Bible has 'apparantly' many repeated numbers which are allegedly significant due to their repetition.

NOTE: I have never read the Bible

Allegedly significant? For who?

However as a trained character analyst it immediately occurred to me that 'repetition of numbers' like this actually points to lies.

What is a trained character analyst? Would that have anything to do with the pseudoscience of Orgonomy?
that bible code stuff is garbage anyway. they can do the same thing with moby dick or any other large book. considering that the bible was not written by any one person, it would be nearly impossible for it to be cohesive even if it was true. different accounts of similar events and various time lags between the events themselves and their retellings ensure inconsistencies in the bible. add to that mistakes in translations, differences in interpretation, and deliberate editorializing, and you have a document that is wholly inconsistent without being an intentional or outright lie, regardless of whatever crackpot numerical or psuedopsychological analysis is applied to it.
Theoryofrelativity said:
"Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40.
For example: the Israelites wandered for 40 years (Deuteronomy 8:2-5); Moses was on the mount for 40 days (Exodus 24:18); 40 days were involved in the story of Jonah and Nineveh (Jonah 3:4); Jesus was tempted for 40 days (Matthew 4:2); there were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:3)."
40 is not to be taken literally it mean "A long time". That's what they teach in Catholic school.


PS: The 153 fish is much more interesting :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
Re the Bible codes and mathematics

"Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40.
For example: the Israelites wandered for 40 years (Deuteronomy 8:2-5); Moses was on the mount for 40 days (Exodus 24:18); 40 days were involved in the story of Jonah and Nineveh (Jonah 3:4); Jesus was tempted for 40 days (Matthew 4:2); there were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:3)."

One common way to detect a lie when listening to someone is to see what numbers are repeated, example,

on the 5th May I went to see my friend and we had 5 burgers to eat between us." = LIES

Liars need to be able to recall the lies they tell when coming under scrutiny, and when telling lies it is very difficult to recall numbers if they are all different. Thus liars will tend to repeat the same pattern of numbers. The Bible has 'apparantly' many repeated numbers which are allegedly significant due to their repetition.

I am wondering if in fact rather than there being a bible code, the repetition of these numbers is actually due to the fact that the quoted dates, durations at least are fabricated.

NOTE: I have never read the Bible, I just noted this passage when looking up the historical significance of another number. I saw the mention of number repetition in the bible (as above) and read briefly about the Bible code. However as a trained character analyst it immediately occurred to me that 'repetition of numbers' like this actually points to lies.

It doesn't point to lies, it points that certain numbers, like 1, 3, 7, 12, 40, is of certain importance in tradition, and when doing spiritual things like being in the desert for a period then there is a power in deciding that period to be of those numbers.
Numbers might be one thing however there is a lots of statements made in the bible that could prove lies further. For instance look at the testiments written about Jesus's birth... Weren't the guys writing them as old if not younger than Jesus, how would they have known how "Pure" a conception he was.

In fact in one of the many testiments it actually can read to suggest that Joseph slept with Mary prior to marriage. Births out of wedlocked were frowned upon so if they occured obviously it must be an "immaculate conception" or she'd be frowned upon and the child a "bastard".

Quite frankly I think the whole things a giant crock, a religion fabricated that threatened the power of Rome, I'm sure they didn't want a Zealot version of Sparticus on their hands which is where the whole crucification thing came from, unforunately though even in days of old there were people that knew how to add spin to anything, so someone who was potentially just a deviant tax dodger that didn't like their country being in the strangle hold of a Roman empire becomes more than just a "folk heroe".
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