

Senior Member
Registered Senior Member
That's right, the Bane of All Religion is back. Good day, everyone.

Quite a few people (including myself) have said many times that the Bible, Christianity, and pretty much any other religions are full of contradiction and nonsense. However, such complaints are typically dismissed as interpretation problems -- "if you were more enlightened, you would understand what it <u>really</u> means", or "well, you know how imperfect human scribes are; you can't take it literally."

Well, after a little hiatus from this board, I once again have a little free time to burn and a renewed sense of interest. And this time, you zealots aren't getting away with mere dismissal, either. Because I am talking about the most fundamental nonsense, the kind that defies all logic, the kind that is just purely paradoxical and self-contradictory, and at the center of your beliefs. I am going to mathematically disprove religion by the method of contradiction.

And I begin with the Christian God.

<u>1) Assumptions:</u>
a) God is omniscient, i.e. God knows about absolutely everything.
b) God is self-sufficient, i.e. God is defined exclusively in terms of God itself; God has an existence independent of anything else, and completely self-defined, and self-contained.

What is knowledge? One way to define it, is to say that knowledge is an encoding of information. Then consider God's knowledge as a vast database of encoded information. God knows about everything, which means that God's knowledge database contains information about everything.

Given assumption (1a), therefore, God's knowledge database contains, among other things, a complete encoding of itself; i.e. God knows everything about him/herself as well, including about his/her complete knowledge. Therefore, God's knowledge database, in addition to all information completely encoding everything that has existed and happened, is existent and happening, and will exist and happen -- also completely encodes itself.

But this is nonsensical!

To see why, assume that the database originally stores some information of total capacity D' > 0. To completely encode itself, the database would have to encode its very structure, including its input/output mechanisms, data representation formats, and the very information storage cells that will store the information (according to Assumption 1b). Because the database must, by Assumption 1b, encode the structure of its very storage medium, the total required capacity (call it C) depends on D' -- the larger D' is, the larger C must become to completely encode the entire storage medium. That means C can be written as a sum of capacities -- capacity needed to encode the database's structure (call it Ds), and capacity needed to encode the databases storage medium as well as the data stored on that medium (call it Dm). By definition, then, Dm > D', and C = Ds + Dm, and therefore C > Dm. However, C is now the total storage capacity of the database (formerly denoted as D') -- and to encode all of this information, we will need a capacity of Dm > C! But this cannot be, as C > Dm! We have a blatant contradiction here -- and this contradiction does not arise out of a flaw in the argument. It arises because at least one of the original premises (either 1a or 1b) is false!

To put this result into more layman's terms, God cannot know everything and cannot be self-sufficient -- because if that were not so, God would have to contain a complete description and definition of itself. But such a complete definition would also have to include its very own text, since it must by definition contain its own definition, which contains its own definition, which contains its own definition, and so on with no end, creating an infinite recursion. Therefore, God can never possess enough capacity to encode absolutely everything; not even an infinite capacity would suffice!

This, in fact, is a proven mathematical theorem fundamental to computation (it was not originally directed at God). It demonstrates, for example, that life cannot completely encode itself in order to procreate; a lot of information needed for existence of life must by necessity be implicit in the environment and behavior and configurations of matter, etc. That is to say, life is not self-sufficient; it is not defined in the absense of its environment. Similarly, God cannot exist simply and purely by itself; by necessity God must exist within an environment which is not part of God, but existed for at least as long as God did. Furthermore, God cannot contain a complete encoding of itself and its environment! That means, there is <u>something</u> of which God is not aware and could never become aware. Therefore, God cannot be omniscient; in fact, omniscience is mathematically impossible -- and no more possible is self-sufficiency.

In fact, omnisciency and self-sufficiency are intimately related, as both imply an ability for an object or a being to completely encode itself at every level -- which is a mathematical and logical impossibility.

Conclusions? <u>God is NOT omniscient. God is NOT self-sufficient.</u>

<u>2) Assumptions:</u>
a) God is all-powerful
b) God existed forever (time does not apply to God)

As demonstrated in 1), God is not omniscient, and therefore does not know about certain things. And if he doesn't know about them, he cannot control them. Bingo, God is not all-powerful.

As a more direct consequence of the assumptions in this section, consider the problem of God's death. Can God end its own existence? No! After all, by Assumption 2b, God had no origin. Therefore, time does not apply to God. Therefore, God has no end. Therefore, God cannot commit suicide! Therefore, God is not all-powerful. Incidentally, by premise 2b, God apparently cannot reproduce either (create other Gods) -- pretty pathetic for a being of its stature.

Once again, by contradiction, at least one of 2a or 2b must be false!

But if I had to pick only one of the two, I'd say that 2a is false. Because otherwise, we may imagine tasking God with the following problem -- create the largest universe that you could possibly create. If God cannot stand up to the challenge, he is already not all-powerful. However, if he does stand up to the challenge, we can then ask him to create a universe twice that size -- which he will be unable to do. Ergo, God cannot be all-powerful.

However, 2b poses its own set of problems:

* if God exists outside of time, then God cannot possibly do things in sequence (or even things which are individually identifiable and distinguishable from other actions), including things like creating a universe piece by piece -- or even conceiving of the universe in such a manner -- or even first conceiving of the universe, and then creating it; certainly, God could not even participate in the universe, since he does not participate in the flow of time; in fact God's existence would be undefined as such -- since any "existence" presupposes a flow of time to give that existence a context. Clearly, this option is not acceptable if we are to believe any Christian lore at all.

* if God does operate within a context of some divine time (i.e. time is part of the context that defines God) -- then an endless existence (coupled with permanent ignorance at some level) must have had surely driven God frighteningly mad infinitely long ago.

This has been rather brief, but I think I've shown quite convincingly that Christianity clashes with sound reason at many, very fundamental, levels.

Of course, some opponents will probably counter with something like: being the lowly stupid morons, we can't possibly understand God, and that's why logic does not apply to God. But to such replies, I offer my own: if you pronounce yourself stupid, inane, and incapable of carrying out a coherent discussion (yes, the kind based on logic) -- then you've got no business discussing anything at all! In fact, you must find the nearest cave as soon as possible, don some animal skins, pick up a stick or a boulder, and return to the true natural existence for which humans were originally "created". Civilization is definitely not for you.


Now, let's look at the historical record of Christianity so far.

The Catholic church is the preeminent Christian institution (though, of course, not the only one) -- that is emblematic of the problems encountered with any sect. They continually and in full earnest claim direct communication with God (just like some people on this board we all know and love) -- in violation of principle 2b, by the way. Simultaneously, they have managed to transgress and err in the most egregious ways for centuries and centuries on end.

They extended their authority to the Inquisition and the witch hunts, they have blessed the Crusades, they have dabbled in politics more than the Devil himself ever could, and they have forcefully crushed opposition and criticism, even if only through a sheer moralistic assault when they were restricted from a more physical application.

Clearly, all the gore and depravity of the Bible aside, the so-called saints and servants of God were either lying through their teeth about their divine contact, or they indeed represented a God quite unlike its loving father/mother facade. Either way, hypocricy has piled up so tall over the many centuries, that it must certainly by now stink to high heaven, even if such a place doesn't exist. Given the enormous historical pile of reprehensible behavior masked by the best of intentions, why ought we trust the modern religious establishment about its sincerity or fidelity any more than we should trust the religious establishment of the Middle Ages?

I had been berated previously for excessively focusing on the traditional opposition to science on the part of the religious establishment. After all, so what if the anscient monks were too ignorant to realize that the blasphemous heretics might indeed be correct? Well, the big deal is that those very same clerics also defended their righteous cause with an ardor that can only be described as religious. They were in touch with God; they were His blessed children; they were the guardians and the builders of The Way; they could not have possibly erred with God at their side! In fact, "God said so, so shut up or you end in hell" became the standard response. God said so through "us", of course -- and it's entirely your fault that you are not close enough to God to see the falsity of your blasphemous ways. (remind anybody of some people on this board?) These days, it's not that the earth must be flat. It's just that evolution must be false. Big Bang must be a fraud. And of course, souls are as real as the Evil Abortionists, and you better believe it! God said so, personally, to me, yes, to ME! Well, all I've got to say to that is, "for shame."

Why do we unbelievers find contradictions where seemingly there be none? Well, perhaps it's the overwhelming lack of congruity in religion. Perhaps it's the ever-pervasive irrationality, the moral judgements that defy common sense, the calls for policy that is, to an unbeliever, meaningless if not harmful, the astonishing skill in neglecting the hordes of problems in an obstinate bid to maintain a mindset. These are the real contradictions, going far beyond the text of the Bible. The principle of separation between church and state, coexisting with a House chaplain, with "In God We Trust" on our coins, with swearing on the Bible in our courts, with God written into our very Constitution, and taking allegiance with a mention of God, with a push for religiously motivated blanket abortion policy (clearly oppressive to the unbelievers), religiously motivated institutional anti-Gay discrimination, pressure for prayer in public institutions including schools, trying to position the ridiculous "Creation Science" as a science (and even one worth teaching -- at an institution which is supposed to be impartial to all beliefs), a virtual requirement that the President be religious (or else not be elected) -- overwhelming hypocricy and pervasive inconsistency baffle an independent observer. A call to charity and community values, incredibly somehow married to a drive for slashing socialist agendas. Perfect willingness to use up the Earth as the God's imparted gift to mankind -- coupled with a sentiment that one should not "play God". Disparagement of greed, within a society built on it! All the while personally pushing and rooting for an egotistic, niggardly, penny-counting agenda, supposedly designed to boost an already booming economy, which is in danger of overheating as is! A cry for a return to the decrepit past, at the dawn of opportunity and change, of the most dramatic transformation in human civilization to ever take place. These are the contradictions, but a few among many too numerous to list.

Religion at its best, or worst. Brimming with hypocricy and twisted reasoning, an ever-productive source of embarassment and desperation to those who actually wish for a country based on principles rather than psychological and material convenience.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited January 16, 2000).]

Nice to see ya back buddy!!! :D I sat out for a spell too. I havn't read your post yet. I'll get to it when I have more time. I'm just glad to know that you are still among the living. Now, all we have to do is get some real Life into you. ;)

Welcome Back,

[This message has been edited by ISDAMan (edited January 16, 2000).]
Wow Boris,

That's a wild ride you have constructed here. If you don't mind, I'm gonna purchase another ticket and print it for later reading. I'm intrigued by your effort. Thank you.

It's all very large.
It's fairly simple. In order to prove that God does not know everything you must know more than God, Boris. You can't and you don't.

Are you a member of the "back to the caves" movement, by any chance?

If you claim that in order to logically discuss God we must know more than God -- and therefore we cannot logically discuss God, then I must point out that a similar argument applies to any other subject. Ergo, either use what limited resources you have for a good purpose, or give it all up; for me, at least, the choice is quite rudimentary.

As for you: either find a flaw in my argument, or go pray.

I am; therefore I think.
Given 1) God is ominiscient.

Given 2) Boris is not omniscient.

Logical Conclusion: Boris cannot claim to know more than God.
"Do you not yet understand, and do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many wicker baskets you took up? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many baskets you took up? How do you not comprehend that I was not speaking to you about bread? Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." (Matthew 16:9-11)
I'm a member of the 'back to the caves' movement. But lets go back even further than the caves. Lets go back to a time before there were any caves. Lets go back around 473,040,000,000,000,000 seconds to the birth of our universe. Our universe came into existence. According to Christians it was created by God (and the Word might I add). Before there was a universe, or before there was a before, or before there was any logic or laws of physics there was God. Our universe is kind of like a medium through which God reveals Himself to us. This medium is limited. We do not see God from a Godly perspective. We see what was revealed to us.

Is God omniscient? Yes, God knows about absolutely everything in our universe. Remember, He created the universe. He is also outside it, whatever that means. Our universe has certain rules. Rules imposed by its Creator.

Given assumption (1a), therefore, God's knowledge database contains, among other things, a complete encoding of itself; i.e. God knows everything about him/herself as well, including about his/her complete knowledge. Therefore, God's knowledge database, in addition to all information completely encoding everything that has existed and happened, is existent and happening, and will exist and happen -- also completely encodes itself.

But this is nonsensical!

To see why, assume that the database originally stores some information of total capacity D' > 0. To completely encode itself, the database would have to encode its very structure, including its input/output mechanisms, data representation formats, and the very information storage cells that will store the information (according to Assumption 1b). Because the database must, by Assumption 1b, encode the structure of its very storage medium, the total required capacity (call it C) depends on D' -- the larger D' is, the larger C must become to completely encode the entire storage medium. That means C can be written as a sum of capacities -- capacity needed to encode the database's structure (call it Ds), and capacity needed to encode the databases storage medium as well as the data stored on that medium (call it Dm). By definition, then, Dm > D', and C = Ds + Dm, and therefore C > Dm. However, C is now the total storage capacity of the database (formerly denoted as D') -- and to encode all of this information, we will need a capacity of Dm > C! But this cannot be, as C > Dm! We have a blatant contradiction here -- and this contradiction does not arise out of a flaw in the argument. It arises because at least one of the original premises (either 1a or 1b) is false!

Your applying an anology from our universe to God who was in existence before our universe was created. What exactly is a knowledge database outside of our universe?

God is self-sufficient, i.e. God is defined exclusively in terms of God itself; God has an existence independent of anything else, and completely self-defined, and self-contained.

God is self suffiient in our universe. He is dependant upon nothing in this universe for existence. He created the universe. What goes on outside our universe? I don't know, nor can I ever in this lifetime.

God is all-powerful in our universe. What exactly does that mean? I think you misinterpret Christian doctrine. God can't create bigger rocks than He can lift nor build smaller universes than He can see. The Christian doctrine that God is all powerful takes into account that God cannot contradict Himself. He can do anything else in our universe besides this. The limits and things we can't do were imposed by God He created the laws of physics and the law of non contradiction. Even if God is limited in some way what does it really mean? He can still wash away your sins and give you eternal life?

* if God exists outside of time, then God cannot possibly do things in sequence (or even things which are individually identifiable and distinguishable from other actions), including things like creating a universe piece by piece -- or even conceiving of the universe in such a manner -- or even first conceiving of the universe, and then creating it; certainly, God could not even participate in the universe, since he does not participate in the flow of time; in fact God's existence would be undefined as such -- since any "existence" presupposes a flow of time to give that existence a context. Clearly, this option is not acceptable if we are to believe any Christian lore at all.

In our universe, the one that god created, He operates within time. More likely than naught, He has extra dimensions of time but thats for another day. God created our universe. Along with that came the creation of time. Time is something inside of our universe. Existing is something that occurs within our universe. How can you apply these things to something outside of our universe that created it. God interacts with us inside of the universe. In 3 different forms--Holy Spirit, God the father, and Christ the Son. Any logic or definitions you apply to God must take into account that God created our universe. That He is outside of it and your definitions and logic only can apply to what He has revealed of Himself to us.

Can we say God existed before our universe? Not really. Existence takes place in time. Its a definition for stuff that occurs in our universe. God created our universe and time. There was once no universe and no time. Thus there was no existence according to the true definition of the word. But the best way I can describe it is to say god existed before the universe.


Praise Jesus!!!

Logical Conclusion: Boris cannot claim to know more than God.

Agreed. However, Boris can try and claim to know more than Christian. As to God, Boris denies him his very existence. Boris is just nasty that way.

The flaw in your argument is that you claim to understand "omniscience."

My argument does not depend on that claim. It depends on the definition of omniscience, which is "to know everything about everything". If you dispute that definition, provide an alternative.

I still maintain that shoving issues under the universal rug of mysterious ways is not going to work any longer. I am here. You are here. You claim to know something. I claim to know something that contradicts you. We and our presumed knowledge are in the here and now. Only one of us is right. Stating your beliefs is no longer acceptable. Justify them.

I am; therefore I think.

You see what was "revealed" to you, do you now? Well, I see what was revealed to me. Granted, not by some other wiseman, but through my own deliberations. But "revealed" nevertheless.

According to me (as opposed to Christians), the universe simply came to be. According to me, there is no ground for claiming that it was <u>created</u>. There is no ground whatsoever, furthermore, to claim that the universe was created by <u>someone</u>.

There is no evidence to indicate that the rules of our universe were "imposed". Furthermore, there is no evidence to indicate that the rules of our universe were imposed by "someone".

If prior to the universe's existence, there was no logic and there were no laws, how could the act of "creation" be defined or accomplished? You accuse me of trying to argue about something outside of my cognitive domain. Well, I throw that very same accusation right back at you. Your very description of God, genesis, and God's relationship with the universe -- defies comprehension itself, beyond defying logic in particular.

If God knows something, then that collection of knowledge is what I refer to as "knowledge database". It doesn't have to be analogous in detail to anything that physically exists; however it does have to have the property of containing knowledge, and providing facilities for utilization of that knowledge. Without either functionality, I do not see how God could be described as "knowing" anything!

God may be dependent upon nothing within the universe we know, but I have shown that God must be dependent upon something at some point. He/she/it is not sufficient in an <u>absolute</u> way. Which means there exists an ultimate level of reality that God did not create, does not understand, and cannot control. So we are back to square one -- where did <u>that</u> ultimate level of reality come from? Apparently, the assumption of God does absolutely nothing to simplify the problem of origin. Which is precisely one of my main counterarguments against religion.

You ask me how I can apply anything I learned from this universe to reason about things that lie outside of this universe. Once again, the same question is equally applicable to you and your arguments in support of God. There is an important difference between us, however. I readily acknowledge that my entire knowledge base is founded upon this universe; I accept that inherent limitation and use it as the only available tool until I have ample evidence that the tool is not doing the job. You on the other hand presuppose that the tools we have available are fundamentally inadequate, and as a result you give up before you even had a chance to try. Then you proceed to embrace a nonsensical cultural construct as a better representation of the truth, fully willing to acknowledge, apparently, that this representation has no more self-contained validity than any others (including those that are possibly achieved through structured reasoning and empirical grounding). We are what we think.

I am; therefore I think.
Good Morning Boris,

Long time, no hear...

If you are truly interested in God, look to His Word, rather than math.

Yay! Boris is back, and he brought some artillery!

I can't find one single flaw in it Boris :) Excellent work!

(but then, you know that i am no match for you he he)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Thanks everybody for a warm welcome back :)
My workload varies, so I'm probably going to keep coming and going like this. I'll be around for a few more days though.


As far as I am concerned, the "word of God" is in reality the word of man. That it is so hard for so many people to realize the Bible is just another artifact of human civilization, amuses me to no end.

I am; therefore I think.
Boris! I bow to what ever colour of crystal ball demands you attention, I would not wish to play words with he'

I think i see, there seems to be some tension down in the states, i don't feel those tensions in the great white north, but would like to read some of your thoughts on the spirituality of the native americans(indians, "First Nation" here in Canada)

I feel that they have it right!

Why not tell us more about it yourself? I would like to read more from you because you are, I assume, closer to it.

Give us some mind candy.

It's all very large.
I know I'm a little late, but welcome back, Boris! I bow to your math any day! Hard logic and a foot in reality have never let me down. I wish I could say as much for "God".

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Boris the bane is back!!

Hey Boris I got some news for you: Conclusions based on Assumptions do not make good math, physics or science. But that's only a minor point. Also you not that bad!

1) Assumptions:
a) God is omniscient, i.e. God knows about absolutely everything.
b) God is self-sufficient, i.e. God is defined exclusively in terms of God itself; God has an existence independent of anything else, and completely self-defined, and self-contained.

Conclusions 1)? God is NOT omniscient. God is NOT self-sufficient.

2) Assumptions:
a) God is all-powerful
b) God existed forever (time does not apply to God)

Couldn't find a conclusions 2), all I see is a building on and attempted strengthening of prior conclusions built around original assumptions

What is good to see is that people are trying to think in a logical an ordered manner. Boris I'm not going to dissect your argument piece by piece and prove via maths or the reasoning of man the existence of a higher intelligence.

I will however look at the assumption that your whole argument is based on and the points of limitation that you apply to this assumption.

Assumption: God is not omniscient. Omniscient - Without limitation of knowledge. Boris is basically saying that God is not all knowing and therefore not all powerful and therefore not in control.

Limitations: Well you apply a limitation of storage capacity with the database analogy and build your argument from there. In maths to apply a limitation to an infinite number is called rounding and is performed to come to a logical answer, with a degree of accuracy. In engineering if the degree of accuracy is high then a number is usually rounded up to give additional FAT to the outcome. Case example is 22/7 or pi, this is an infinite or limitless number which is rounded so that a logical conclusion can be reached and depending on the degree of accuracy required and computing power available it is calculated to 'x' decimal places. However it is still without limitation!! My simple calculator gives me the following:

22/7 = 3.142857143

My calculator is limited by its capacity to store and process this information. These limitations are limitations applied by man in the design of this device to come to a logical conclusion with a degree of accuracy. But it can not calculate God.

God follows the natural laws as laid down for man, He does exist outside of time but does not have divine time, however He uses time and these laws so that man can logically grasp things. God being God also has the ability and the right to cross these boundaries if he so desires. Just because we as man can not grasp this any more than trying to calculate an infinite number such as 22/7 does not mean that God is limited.

Excerpt from my original post OVERVIEW.

God calls himself I AM that I AM, dwell on this and try to comprehend everything that ever was and ever will be in an instant.

No go hey?

You see we are 3 dimensional beings living in a 3D world travelling through the fourth dimension of time relying on five senses to relate to all we experience through a range of emotions in this journey. Now compared to the great I AM who the bible says we are created in the image of you would then have to concur that He has the same 5 senses, however His are not limited to or constrained by the dimensions that mans are. Also His senses are not limited to certain sound frequency ranges or light wave lengths or temperature sensitivity ranges or pressure capacity limits or odour and taste detection limits. Why do you think humankind is trying to reach out to the stars? What do you think is the driving force behind humankind having an insatiable thirst for knowledge and technological development? What drives us to study things at a subatomic level and to study quantum mechanics? We have developed the technology to view things never imagined, to listen to the heartbeat of a dying star in a distant galaxy, to cure the once incurable, to manipulate particles at a sub atomic level and create nano machines, to humanly travel at supersonic speed (mach 26+ to escape earths atmosphere) to communicate at the speed of light, to live in hostile uninhabitable environments such as space for extended periods of time, to genetically engineer food crops for greater and pest resistant yields, to clone and manipulate life, IVF, growing human ears on the back of a rat, mapping the entire human gene and the list goes on.

Our quest is a quest to become like God, to develop the same capabilities that he has. It’s a quest that started at the fall of man when we ate the forbidden fruit in an effort to become just like God. A quest to be able to transcend the limits that bind us through knowledge and technology and thereby say that we as humankind have achieved the status of god. We have built and are building a new Babylon, a tower of technology that spirals upwards towards the heavens in an effort to reach and assault the throne of God.

What I’m trying to get across is the massive greatness of an infinite God compared to finite man, we only see in part with the capacity and abilities that we have, but He sees the whole. We often judge wrongly because of this but His judgement is sound because of his immense and infinite greatness. It a complex thing to try to understand the mind of God, only one human has ever done this - Jesus. He said that he only said and did the things he saw the Father doing. Study His life and actions and you get a glimpse of the mind of God towards mankind. Put your faith in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and you will start to lead a life that would in many peoples opinions be fanatical, but it will be a life that makes an eternal difference in the lives of others and your own.

There is only one way for man to reach God - Jesus.

Face facts Boris our technology and any technology is limited. Why? Because man is limited. We can not apply limited reasoning and understanding to an infinite God.

I've been where your at Boris, I checked it all out, I tried every argument, I investigated alternatives, I went full circle and came back to what was originally show to me. I AM that I AM. God lets us do this so that when we finally arrive and the penny drops it drops hard, our conviction and faith are all the stronger for it.

Keep asking questions, keep searching.

Take care - H2o.
thoughts- Let me ask you this about native Americans and the First Nation. You see, I have a touch of Anasazi blood in me, and my neighbors are full-blooded Ohlone. I grew up with the Smoki in Arizona and some close family friends are Navajo. I constantly heard how evil the White Man was when it came to dealing with the natives. One of the biggest phrases I heard was "No man can own the land..." This was a nifty justification for trespassing, but then how can they turn right around and say "The White Man stole our land from us..."? I thought nobody could own the land? There appears to be just as much hypocrisy in their philosophies as in anybody else's. Having lived with them, I don't think they got it right, either.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.