

Valued Senior Member
What is the difference between schizophrenic and an Alien Abductee?...
say if a person was not an Abductee(which i assume most of us arent) adn he goes to a psychologist and gets treated for renewing his fake dreams,and psychologist advices that person to get acquinted with AA,what then? schizophrenic believes that what he sees is real! this is crazy and contradictory for Medical Practitionars to do.Arent they supposed to stick to a uniformly agreeable code of treatment?


I'm not sure I understand the question. What are "fake dreams", what is AA? A competent psychologist should be able to tell the difference between a schizophrenic and an "abductee". The schizo would have other symptoms besides their abduction story- they would be inconsistent, irrational, and delusional in other areas of their life. They would interpret the story and draw conclusions from it that they could not be in a position to know, while an otherwise normal person would probably be more traumatized, like an accident victim.
What is it exactly that psychologists do that "renew" "fake dreams"? The APA does indeed have rules of conduct, although they have not been the same thorough the existence of that organization. A schizophrenic would not merely appear to be a person who is completely normal in most aspects (maybe a few sexual neuroses, but who hasn't got those), he would appear to be withdrawn paranoid distracted, and all those other things that a schizophrenic is. I'm not sure how you think that the mental health profession affirms such people’s delusions.
My understanding is that a schizophrenic (like John Nash for example) sees their delusion as they walk about their daily lives. They interact with the people they see as they would you and I standing next to them. If I assume that the Alien phenomenon is dilusion, Alien Abductees have nightmares which do not necessarily plague their sense of waking reality - it is limited to their dreams, to single events or series of events. This is a stark contrast to schizophrenia, which as I understand it does not occur in episodes, but is a persistant condition.
Xevious said:
... Alien Abductees have nightmares which do not necessarily plague their sense of waking reality - it is limited to their dreams, to single events or series of events. This is a stark contrast to schizophrenia, which as I understand it does not occur in episodes, but is a persistant condition.

Quote from other thread 'questions to an abductee` from a supposed 'abductee'

an>roid.v2 said:
No residue -- no haunting shadows pulling at your sense of sanity.

Seems some abductees do suffer permanent mental problems after their 'experience' so telling them apart from schizophrenics might be hard, which is pretty much what I'd expect, for obvious reasons.

SpyMoose said:
What is it exactly that psychologists do that "renew" "fake dreams"?

Badly conducted hynotherapy. I'm sure you're heard of this one. Patient has a dream that they've been abducted, so they look up a hypnotherapist who is reknowned for bringing back 'lost' memories of alien abduction. And surprise surprise, under hypnosis, the patient relives the whole dream (and some extras brought in throug leading questions, like 'Did they have some sort of craft', and 'Did they perform any experiments on you' rather than just 'you were home alone in bed, what happened next'). Of course, after hypnosis, the dream becomes fixed as something that really occurred.

Hypnotherapsists don't posess some mystical fluence of course, it's just the power of suggestion. People can get themselves in the same state, by themselves, or by talking about their experiences in closed groups. By reciting their 'abduction' experience, and hearing others, suddenly it seems less foolish, and they are more likely to assume it was real.

This leading hypnotherapy has been demonstrated, with scripted false memories of past lives, etc having been implanted.
You mention John Nash as an example but perhaps it wasn't so much of an illness as everyone suggests in his case. For instance from the film it suggested that when he was attempting to lecture while the doctors came to take him away, the subject matter he was lecturing about appeared in the film to be about multiworlds theory or something similar along the lines of parallel universes (It actually seems to be discussion on Parallel computing theory).

John Nash might have been a victim of his own genius, Notibly his theory and mathematics in parallel programming is more than likely to have contributed to his so called mental state. Theory suggests that parallel computing is likely to at some point unleash parallel universes by consequential reaction (If it hasn't already occured). Namely the creation of a system which computes mathethmatics at higher speeds generates the potential for quantum events. (And ties in with my own theory on Parallel universe creation and Time manipulation)

I suggest that John Nash might have existed as a multiworlds state between more than one universe because of parallel computing, and this would account for the reason why only he could see what doctors called delusions.
Stryderunknown said:
Theory suggests that parallel computing is likely to at some point unleash parallel universes by consequential reaction

Do you want to expand on this a bit? I used to work in lab full of transputers, and some folks I know still use them to solve really big problems. Were we creating parallel universes? I thought we were just crunching numbers.
As I'm sure you are aware, sometimes a project needs a result where you might be up half the night. Utilising systems to get that answer a little sooner, potentially gets you home earlier in comparison to where you would have to do more work/research to get the answer.

It's hard to actually contemplate "how" a paradox can ensue since suggestion is that such a paradox would require "information traveling faster than the speed of light", Which is suggested not to be so difficult with a parallel processing system.

In fact I would be intrigued in what Nash was wanting to communicate with Einstein about.

I suppose you could question when was the first Quantum event? Perhaps Telephone or Radio broadcasts had a similar effect since again people could transmit communications at a higher speed than they could previous to that (other than the Beacon or flag systems), however I don't think they have had such an impact as apposed to the speed at processing.
This is a stark contrast to schizophrenia, which as I understand it does not occur in episodes, but is a persistant condition.
It often occurs episodically. Also, stressful events can trigger an episode. What if aliens only targeted schizophrenics in order to discredit their stories and remain incognito?
I really doubt that John Nash field of study had anything to do with his developing schizophrenia.
It is possible that poorly conducted hypnotherapy could trigger false memories.
The APA has been against hypnotic regression therapy for over a decade, no reputable psychologist will do it. During the eightys there were scores of cases of "Recovered" memories of childhood sexual abuse. It seemed like a national epidemic. These often resulted in court cases and familys being torn apart, except that further investigation proved so many of these cases to be false. While hypnotized, questions about abuse led to the construction of memorys of abuse. Its really a completely unreliable technique. Also, the movie "A beautiful mind" did not have a strictly accurate depiction of schitzophrenia, it was spiced up for movie watchers so they could choose to view it as actualy physicaly seeing and interacting with walking hallucinations. Allthough hallucinations CAN be involved they are not the whole or largest aspect of the disease.
Stryder, just what are you going on about, when you talk of 'quantum' events? Seems to me we're talking at cross purposes, and you have a tenuous grasp of the subject at best. Information does not travel anywhere need the speed of light in a transputer/parallel processing array. I've no idea where you get this idea? Are you perhaps getting confused with emerging technologies such as holographic logic gates, which could potentially be used to build computers and use photons as 'bits' of information? In which case, the output will still be binary, a definite yes or no, and just because the photons travel at the speed of light (for the medium, glass probably) and interact with other photons, causality will not be threatened.

What was the first quantum event? The Big Bang, obviously.
Theory suggests that parallel computing is likely to at some point unleash parallel universes by consequential reaction (If it hasn't already occured). Namely the creation of a system which computes mathethmatics at higher speeds generates the potential for quantum event

  • How is parallel computing related to Parallel Universes?
  • Communication speed between parallel processors suffers from delays...
  • Please explain the last line
  • PUs in Distributed Env? well,there are delays and communication blocks here too?!

I apologise I was talking about Future evolution of parallel processing in comparison to current systems now. The faster the system can cycle the more iterations it has to do in a shorter time, My reference was based on the creation of paradox systems that utilise the theory for the EPR Paradox to process things even quicker that the current systems.

However generating a "Quantum Leap" is obivously going to cause problems since any paradox of an answer being generated before it was suppose to occur will cause a butterfly event of effects eminating out from the cause.
(This is why it's suggest that if "Future technology" was reverse engineered and used in systems today, It might cause problems to people.)
We're off topic, guys.

My original point was that the "delusions" of Alien Abductees do not interfear with their normal lives in the sense of seeing delusions while they are conciously awake. Perhaps a case can be made for some kind of bizzar sleeping disorder, but I have seen nothing to indicate that as a whole they are a group of mentally ill subjects.

There are set of people who have hallucinations at only night time.This is different from Delirium(contant hallucinations),The condition you compared with AA.So how can a Psychiatrist bring out Incongrousness between these two?How would a psychiatrist know,wether a person suffers from Hallucinations or these are AA experiences?,since all of them are a product of Memories...
John Nash's hallucinations were relatively stable non-harmful delusions. That appeared in full form which is rare.

Most cases of schizophrenia aren't like that. They usually are disfragmented and harmful, as schizophrenia is often augmented by physical, emotional or mental abuse. They tend to appear as either hallucinations (people burning, rats etc. Or in John Nash's case govt agents) or most commonly alternate "voices in their head". Most recognisably would be Norman Bates in Psycho. John Nash's hallucinations were rare in that they were fully manifested people from his own mind (ie: not a person in his life)

His mom was abusive Mentally but controlled his life. After her death her personality remained in his brain, constantly chastising him, causing him to kill. I good read I would suggest is a book called " Certifiably Insane" byArthur W. Bahr. Brilliant example of archetypal schizophrenia.

Not all Alien abductees are Shizophrenic. Not all schizophrenic's beleive they've been abducted. Dreams can stem from many things, and dreaming of being abducted by aliens is not nec. a sign that said person is Shizo.