Contradicting Allah


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
It's interesting that even Sikhi attempts to demonstrate very similar contradictions of Islam that others have presented. Of course, they appeal to Muslims to give up their faith and join their faith instead, which is another debate, but they certainly have better arguments than anything I've seen from other religions perspectives.

"On one hand Allah is considered all loving and the creator and on the other hand is ordering Muslims to be ruthless and merciless to non-believers in verses 48:29, 2:193 and 9:73. Clearly Allah is full of hatred and does not have an iota of compassion or love for his own creation.

Allah is so full of hatred that he talks about “instilling terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” in verse 8:12. Therefore, Allah cannot be all loving and hateful at the same time. Some Muslims claim that this particular verse is applicable only when Muslims are fighting a defensive war. If this is true then two conclusions are drawn. First, Quran’s message is not applicable to all times, all situations and all places. Hence, Quran is only for some people on earth because many communities such as Buddhists do not believe in war and therefore the message of Quran cannot be applied to them. Second, if fighting defensive war is the case then what about Muslim invaders who attacked India numerous times and enslaved thousands of Hindu women?"
Do you know any Sikhs?

Just wondering why you would have a Sikh evangelical site interpreting the Quran as your basis of argument. I thought perhaps you had heard the call of Vahe Guruji :D
It's interesting that even Sikhi attempts to demonstrate very similar contradictions of Islam that others have presented. Of course, they appeal to Muslims to give up their faith and join their faith instead, which is another debate, but they certainly have better arguments than anything I've seen from other religions perspectives.

"On one hand Allah is considered all loving and the creator and on the other hand is ordering Muslims to be ruthless and merciless to non-believers in verses 48:29, 2:193 and 9:73. Clearly Allah is full of hatred and does not have an iota of compassion or love for his own creation.

Allah is so full of hatred that he talks about “instilling terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” in verse 8:12. Therefore, Allah cannot be all loving and hateful at the same time. Some Muslims claim that this particular verse is applicable only when Muslims are fighting a defensive war. If this is true then two conclusions are drawn. First, Quran’s message is not applicable to all times, all situations and all places. Hence, Quran is only for some people on earth because many communities such as Buddhists do not believe in war and therefore the message of Quran cannot be applied to them. Second, if fighting defensive war is the case then what about Muslim invaders who attacked India numerous times and enslaved thousands of Hindu women?"

sounds familiar.
Q, you cannot be an atheist and use any sort of religious group or argument on your side.
The Q'Ran is fully of numerous apparent contradictions. They are apparentally only understandable if you've been taught by imams...although you would never know it the ways Islam speaks of the Q'Ran.

Then you're not permitted to use their text to ask for explanation; like other religions don't deal with religious contradiction... Because apparentally the talmud has no contradictions? There are some contradictions that can't be reconciled, ignoring them doesn't further progress.

In short...
Don't argue with Muslims, instead of spending the time explaining it to you they will tell you that you wouldn't understand. Ironically they want everyone to be muslim...
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It's interesting that even Sikhi attempts to demonstrate very similar contradictions of Islam that others have presented. Of course, they appeal to Muslims to give up their faith and join their faith instead, which is another debate, but they certainly have better arguments than anything I've seen from other religions perspectives.

"On one hand Allah is considered all loving and the creator and on the other hand is ordering Muslims to be ruthless and merciless to non-believers in verses 48:29, 2:193 and 9:73. Clearly Allah is full of hatred and does not have an iota of compassion or love for his own creation.

Allah is so full of hatred that he talks about “instilling terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” in verse 8:12. Therefore, Allah cannot be all loving and hateful at the same time. Some Muslims claim that this particular verse is applicable only when Muslims are fighting a defensive war. If this is true then two conclusions are drawn. First, Quran’s message is not applicable to all times, all situations and all places. Hence, Quran is only for some people on earth because many communities such as Buddhists do not believe in war and therefore the message of Quran cannot be applied to them. Second, if fighting defensive war is the case then what about Muslim invaders who attacked India numerous times and enslaved thousands of Hindu women?"

If this is a fair criticism it should be noted that the neocon spreading of 'freedom and democracy' is a similar religion.
Just wondering why you would have a Sikh evangelical site interpreting the Quran as your basis of argument.

I'm assuming your lack of comprehension skills to be the result of that question.

Yes, that's not quite right, is it?

Let's try again:

"I'm assuming your question was the result of your lack of comprehension skills."

That's better.
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