Contact with Humanoids Encounter Cases


Registered Senior Member
Recently i was thinking about some of the more classical and well researched UFO encounter cases such as the Barney & Betty Hill case, the Villa Boas case, and about a dozen others. I wonder to what remote corners of the memory vaults these have been relegated.
Also, have there been any similar cases reported and thoroughly researched since those classics? It would be interesting to review some of these.
Are there any serious UFO investigators in this forum who've kept up-to-date with reports, investigations, findings? Is it still "the same old story" or have new patterns emerged in the correlation of statistics?
Are we still fumbling our way through mountains of "explainables" and "hoaxes" or is their any substance to any of the more recent reports from people's experiences?

Alist of cases:
Betty and Barney Hill
Villas Boas
Travis Walton
Pascagoula Mississippi
For normal people lol chk out and go to personal contact experiences i work with these people online often
Love and Light
ps yes there are many new patterns coming out often but many are flukes its a process of reading the personality

Eric Cooper