constructive criticism please


du hast mich
Registered Senior Member
hey, it might seem like im trying to force my religion on people here, but im not actually trying to, i just want critism about my beliefs so that i can find inconsistencies or anything like that. thanks everyone who bothers to reply

rightio, it has some similar things to the Christian God, but allows for exceptions in soem cases (ie marriages are void under desperate circumstances)

abortions are looked upon as a desperate measure and should only be done before the 3rd month (as a guess, if i was more bothered i would find out when a feutus becomes self aware), but better then bringing a child up into a family which cant cope. contraception, homosexuality, any sexual 'abnormalities' are looked upon as fine as long as they dont hurt anyone or breach privacy or shit.

um, yeah, creation of the universe. God created the universe (through his agent the big bang) a long time ago, God didnt actually exist back then tho, he didnt exist until, a few thousand years ago when humans prayed to him - the strength of their crrative will created God, who went back in time and started the big bang, so that the universe would exist so that we could create God

'one of the 10 commandments from the Christian bible goes along the lines of 'thou shalt not create any graven images' my religion says 'thou should create graven images, at least mentally, but remember, you will be marked on your work when you get to heaven' God gave us creative minds, because he wants us to use them, in my opinion, God has the form of a genderless humanoid, considered ethereally beautiful, but deffinately not human. God also, i believe, wants you to interperate his thoughts and hopes, with marks being handed out, as with the image thing for both accuracy, practicality and interestingness.

God is immensley powerful, he can do anything he wants, except where one being (the Devil) is concerned, and there are many things he wont do. God could if he wished, read our minds, even controll our minds, but he would not. he would only read our thoughts if we projected them to him (prayer) otherwise, he leaves us alone. By this logic, Church is unnecessary, what i said earlier about God wanting each person to use their imagination makes a bible fairly unnecessary.

The Devil-
the devil is not neccesarily evil, in his opinion, he is doing what is best for everyone except God. God and the Devil are more two fighters in a massive battle, rather then Good and Evil. However, by western standards of things, the Devil is evil, he believes that the end justifies the means, and would lie, cheat, steal and murder for what he percieves -not deffinately, not deffinately not- what is actually the best for humanity. In this case, Saving someones life would strengthen both God and the Devil, lying for no good reason would weaken both God and the Devil. Refusing to lie even though it would save a person from getting bashed up would strengthen God only, but saving the person from getting hurt by lying would strengthen the Devil only

so, either way, you have to decide whether you support the Devil or God, and do good deeds, but in the way of your chosen diety, and this will help your choice to win when judgement day comes

heaven - after judgement day, the winning diety will choose whoever he wants to come to heaven (if the devil wins, it will be called hell, but it will still be paradise), they both decide who comes in not based on what religion the people are, but on whether they've done good for the community (and what choice they would make in situations such as the one at the bottom of the paragraph 2 above this one)

thats all for now, congrats on sitting through this whole post (if u actually did), thank you for listening to what i have to say, and please, comment, criticise, and offer anything you can
alain said:
um, yeah, creation of the universe. God created the universe (through his agent the big bang) a long time ago, God didnt actually exist back then tho, he didnt exist until, a few thousand years ago when humans prayed to him - the strength of their crrative will created God, who went back in time and started the big bang, so that the universe would exist so that we could create God
How could the universe come into existance to allow the creation of humanity in the first place, if your god was responsible for the big bang but yet didn't even exist for several billion years after it's inception?

I also think that it's problematic to define any god in human terms. If such a thing exists it would be beyond our scope of comprehension.

It seems like the foundation of all your beliefs there is christian, but highly modified. A lot of christian theology owes it's existence to documents like the old testament...what foundation do you use for your deviations?
"How could the universe come into existance to allow the creation of humanity in the first place, if your god was responsible for the big bang but yet didn't even exist for several billion years after it's inception?"

it does sorta make sense, its just that time travel is very complicated, and so we cant really understand it, but dont think of time as a straight line, but more like a spider web and it becomes more clear

"It seems like the foundation of all your beliefs there is christian, but highly modified." yes. i dunno where my foundation came from, most of it, i simply thought 'if i were God, what would i do?'
Atleast he is using his mind "creatively". Good job on thinking of this, and it makes MUCH more sense than the usual Christian Garbage (No offence intended, forgive me if any was taken).
Dear Alain,

Those who admit to doubt are not to be believed regarding the Religious Doctrines they propose.

If you confess that your Religion is simply a fabrication which aims at the greatest possible aesthetic appeal, does it not lose all credibility?... Unless your First Premise is that Beauty is Truth -- that what Sounds Good must therefore be True.

No, True Religion is Revelation from God. If you had received Revelation from God, then you would not now be putting your beliefs forward for any constructive criticism. You would not be offering to Chair a Committee on the Design of a Newer Prettier Religion.

If God revealed a Religion to you, you would believe it.
Hey Alain,

Yeah drug are great. No really, I didn't understand. You sat down, thought if I were god how is the universe ordered. I really see you with a pipe in your hand when you say this.
um, yeah, creation of the universe. God created the universe (through his agent the big bang) a long time ago, God didnt actually exist back then tho, he didnt exist until, a few thousand years ago when humans prayed to him - the strength of their crrative will created God, who went back in time and started the big bang, so that the universe would exist so that we could create God

In that case, "time" would never progress past the point of God's creation since it would cyclically return to the "beginning".
"Those who admit to doubt are not to be believed regarding the Religious Doctrines they propose"

the point of my religion, is that it supports one religion pre person, i would hate it if someone copied my belief exactly

"If God revealed a Religion to you, you would believe it." God is alot more subtle then you or I. if he revealed unto someone a revaltation, they wouldnt notice it

thansk caffeine

insanely elite... my religion commands you to go fuck your mum

"In that case, "time" would never progress past the point of God's creation since it would cyclically return to the "beginning"."

good point, thanks. tho its possible that 'time' brances of back to the start of the universe, but also continues to go forward. ie, splitting into two
§outh§tar said:
um, yeah, creation of the universe. God created the universe (through his agent the big bang) a long time ago, God didnt actually exist back then tho, he didnt exist until, a few thousand years ago when humans prayed to him - the strength of their crrative will created God, who went back in time and started the big bang, so that the universe would exist so that we could create God

In that case, "time" would never progress past the point of God's creation since it would cyclically return to the "beginning".

I understand your idea, but I can't agree with it (sorry, though I feel that I want to because of your position).

I don't think that our belief created God, or that our prayers created Him.

God doesn't become stronger when we believe in Him, neither does He become weaker when we don't.

We can't give anything to God, since God has it all. But if we love Him (truly) then we recognise Him. We show love to Him, by loving people in our life and through loving strangers, and even enemies. Cause as it is written in the Bible, if we can't love those that we can see, then we can't love God that we can't see.
alain said:
the point of my religion, is that it supports one religion pre person, i would hate it if someone copied my belief exactly

What good is a Religion that you don't even believe yourself. You know, asserting a wish list is not the same as having a belief. At best you are guessing. Guessing is not Believing.

I understand your idea, but I can't agree with it (sorry, though I feel that I want to because of your position).

I don't think that our belief created God, or that our prayers created Him.

God doesn't become stronger when we believe in Him, neither does He become weaker when we don't.

We can't give anything to God, since God has it all. But if we love Him (truly) then we recognise Him. We show love to Him, by loving people in our life and through loving strangers, and even enemies. Cause as it is written in the Bible, if we can't love those that we can see, then we can't love God that we can't see."

hey cool, at least you understand it :p your belief sounds cool

"What good is a Religion that you don't even believe yourself"

i believe it as strongly as any religious person belives, but im aware that different people use different logic to me, and are going to arrive at different conclusions to me
Dear Alain,

The Yogic Mystics had this to say about the Hindu Vedas, their Holy Spriture -- that to the Realized Saint, the Vedas are a puddle when there is everywhere a Flood.

And, I am sad if I must be the one to break the news, but the Hindu Scriptures are Theologically much sounder then the Judeo-Christian.

So, my advise to you is Seek and Find, Knock and demand the door be opened. Use the Bible and other Scriptures as reference materials, but don't suppose you are actually getting anywhere by splicing together a pretty passage here and a pretty passage there. You should realize that wanting to believe it is not the same as believing it. And it is no justification to say that everyone else does the same thing. They don't. Most do, but the exceptions are important. The Saints persist until they KNOW THE TRUTH.

The Bible is a puddle when everywhere there is a Flood, to the Realized Saint.
Cyperium said:

I understand your idea, but I can't agree with it (sorry, though I feel that I want to because of your position).

I don't think that our belief created God, or that our prayers created Him.

God doesn't become stronger when we believe in Him, neither does He become weaker when we don't.

We can't give anything to God, since God has it all. But if we love Him (truly) then we recognise Him. We show love to Him, by loving people in our life and through loving strangers, and even enemies. Cause as it is written in the Bible, if we can't love those that we can see, then we can't love God that we can't see.

I do not at all agree or believe that human beings "created" God by will, or by prayer. It seems as if you are misunderstanding my stance on certain things.

Alain asked for constructive criticism and I was basing my response on the notion that the premise of human creating God is valid.
§outh§tar said:
I do not at all agree or believe that human beings "created" God by will, or by prayer. It seems as if you are misunderstanding my stance on certain things.

Alain asked for constructive criticism and I was basing my response on the notion that the premise of human creating God is valid.
Sorry, it was a misunderstanding on my part.

This part confused me:
um, yeah, creation of the universe. God created the universe (through his agent the big bang) a long time ago, God didnt actually exist back then tho, he didnt exist until, a few thousand years ago when humans prayed to him - the strength of their crrative will created God, who went back in time and started the big bang, so that the universe would exist so that we could create God

You wrote that without stating that it was a quote, and I had missed it in Alains post. Therefor I concluded that it was you who thought so.
Hey Alain,

Many appologies. My post was a bit flippant. I responded not at all to the thread title, and although drug induced revelation IMO in not to be discounted I see that it ain't your cup of tea.

I see now that you see religion as unique to an individual. I agree. I am the sole priest and flock of the church of the walking man.

You're religion condones tomb robbing, desecration, and incest necrophilia if you were serious, or were you being reactionary...

Good luck in your walk,

Insanely Elite
insanely elise, dont bother apologizing, i know you were only joking, and so was i.

im sorry about your mother

thanks, you too