constitutional ammendment


Registered Senior Member
Under the bill of rights, ammendment I, it states the following:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I believe, because of 9/11 and further terroristic efforts of the Muslim religion, that ammendment I in the bill of rights should be modified as to express the following.

Congress shall make laws respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof of any religion that expresses violence towards other religions.

Religions would be allowed to modify their religion writtings in order to accommadate the new ammendment or risk a prohibition of their religion.
Originally posted by Greco
Congress shall make laws respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof of any religion that expresses violence towards other religions.
Cool, so which shall we establish as the state religion; Buddhism, Sufism, or Taoism? Pretty much all the rest are inherently violent.

"Cool, so which shall we establish as the state religion; Buddhism, Sufism, or Taoism? Pretty much all the rest are inherently violent."

We have to do something to eliminate religions that express violence towards non-believers. I realize that the judeo/christian and muslim religions have used religion to further their agenda sometimes by violent means and that would have to change.

I believe that all religions that want to practice their faith in United States should condemn violence towards other believers.
Further on, their literature should be ammended so as to explain to their followers that such conduct in the past is no longer acceptable and anyone who commits violence in the name of religion or God is a criminal.

Any priest,rabbi or imam caught preaching hate should be prosecuted and jailed.

I also know that what I'm proposing is like pissing in a wet suit: It gives one a warm feeling but nobody notices.

Any ideas out there on how to eliminate religious conflict?
I believe ... that ammendment I in the bill of rights should be modified as to express the following ...
but isn't one of the points on the bill that they cannot be altered, i.e. they are set in stone? :)

Besides, all that American foundation stuff is fundamentally wrong, and it doesn't take a genius to see it. :)
Originally posted by Hemlock
but isn't one of the points on the bill that they cannot be altered, i.e. they are set in stone? :)

This was a joke, right? I mean you could not really be this obtuse, could you?
