Constantine's vision.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The Roman Emperor Constantine believed christianity would provide a means to greater political and military power. He apparently saw an omen in the sky that he read as "In this sign thou shalt conquer."

First of all, this was written in Old English. Constantine took it as an omen that he would conquer the West. History tells us that he was successful in conquering the West, but logic tells us that it produced a magical, if not vague, picture of tri-uniqueness.
OH... the west.... from his throne..... after he was dead.

i get it....

but... it was JESUS that won the war.. It was JESUS who fought the battles.

and it is JESUS, who now sits on the throne.

SO.... you dont like JESUS???

im not talking about the books.. or the church...

im just talkin about JESUS, and his direct quotes.... aLL about love, and sharing, and caring.... peace and brotherly love and all that stuff.... it all stems from JESUS.

Jesus..... is cool.... the original leftist hyppy. a perfected socialist man.

im just talkin about JESUS, and his direct quotes.... aLL about love, and sharing, and caring.... peace and brotherly love and all that stuff.... it all stems from JESUS.


Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. 5:29-30

Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has "come not to send peace, but a sword." 10:34-36

Jesus had no problem with the idea of drowning everyone on earth in the flood. It'll be just like that when he returns. 24:37

Go back and re-read your damn bible!!

Mosheh Thezion said:
Jesus..... is cool.... the original leftist hyppy. a perfected socialist man.
Socialism sucks, and hippies suck. Jesus was prick and liar, if the existed.

Mosheh Thezion said:
it was JESUS that won the war.. It was JESUS who fought the battles. and it is JESUS, who now sits on the throne.
How so? Yeshua, if he existed at all, was executed around 32 CE. How could be directly affect events three hundred years later?

Constantine was not even a christian. He didn't convert to it until the very end of his life. The vision before the battle was a fabrication, written down centuries after his time.
Mosheh Thezion said:
SO.... you dont like JESUS???

im not talking about the books.. or the church...

im just talkin about JESUS, and his direct quotes.... aLL about love, and sharing, and caring.... peace and brotherly love and all that stuff.... it all stems from JESUS.

Jesus..... is cool.... the original leftist hyppy. a perfected socialist man.

M*W: How does one like or dislike someone who has never existed? That's like saying, "I don't like Silas Marner."

There is no such thing as direct quotes by Jesus! The books of the NT were written so far after his alleged "crucifiction." For the dying demigod savior that Jesus was supposed to be, he said nothing, and he wrote nothing. I find this odd. Those who wrote the NT had never known nor ever seen him during his "life." Whomever wrote the NT, and the true authors aren't who the bible says they are, created a parody on the life of Caesar that was strongly based in the astrotheology of the day. The books of the NT correspond to the Graeco-Roman gods and other celestial bodies and weren't real human beings.
.i guess you guys dont like JESUS... ok.

I think JESUS was way cool... an awesome guy.. he lived and died for all of us, one way or another.

I for one appreciate it, and even if he wasnt real... even if he wasnt GOD, even if he wasnt able to do miracles.. even if he was just a crazy man...
JESUS was still cool...

cooler than any of you... or even me.

And yes, he did come to bring hate amoungst family members.

Just as he has done, in spuring this arguement.

Just mention JESUS in public... and YOU better get ready for a fight.

Mosheh Thezion said:
.i guess you guys dont like JESUS... ok.

M*W: It's really not a matter of 'liking' or 'not liking' Jesus. That's like saying, "I don't like Forrest Gump."

I think JESUS was way cool...

M*W: Oh, get off with the cliches. That's so last week.

he lived and died for all of us, one way or another.

M*W: I will emphatically state that absolutely no one else has ever lived or died for me, and you cannot force your false gods or man-made religious beliefs upon me. I refuse to accept this responsibility. I am the "master of my fate," and I don't need or want some fictional fantasy scapegoat to intervene in my life and death. I am not just an Atheist, I'm an Anti-christ, and I wear the "full armor" of atheism that cannot be penetrated by needy co-dependent religious addicts.

(All Atheists out there -- I think it's time to stand-up and be counted in unison. We are dealing with ignorant people who have poisoned the mind of humanity by propagating the viscious lie which is christianity. Let us be proactive in making it a better world by professing the truth of our convictions. Stand-up!)
Mosheh Thezion said:
Just mention JESUS in public... and YOU better get ready for a fight.

Yes, he's nothing but a troublemaker. And gets a lot of attention from people who don't believe in his existance, now how is that?

It doesn't matter if he physically existed or not back then, but he sure is existing now, or who are we talking about? He's a superstar, everybody knows who he is and everybody has an opinion about him. His presence within the collective consciousness is huge, that is existing.

Logic tells me that this thread has strayed from Constantines visions, yes, what about them? He had them or not? Was that it? I don't care, I just got caught up in Moshehs slightly annoying way of writing. Maybe that's what makes people fight with you and not Jesus? :D
Mosheh Thezion said:
I think JESUS was way cool
He was a prick. A traitorous prick.

he lived and died for all of us, one way or another.
No he didn't. He was justly executed as a traitor to the Roman Empire.

I for one appreciate it, and even if he wasnt real... even if he wasnt GOD, even if he wasnt able to do miracles.. even if he was just a crazy man...JESUS was still cool...
A man with the same mentality as David Koresh and Charles Manson is not "cool" by any possible stretch of the phrase.

cooler than any of you.
Moosepiss and bullshit.

And yes, he did come to bring hate amoungst family members.
And you thing that is fucking "cool". You are a despicable human being.

Just mention JESUS in public... and YOU better get ready for a fight.
Is that threat?
Dear Medicine Girl,

Yes, it was important that Constantine was able to give institutional recognition to Christianity, but in his view Religion was to serve Politics.

Perhaps the more equal contribution would be made by the first real Pope, Gregory the Great, who was able to turn around Constantine's formula and make Politics the tool for Religion.
A sign in the sky...

Constantine did indeed understand languages from the Roman province of Britannia.

But the "sign in the sky" was not real.
At the moment when Constantine made a "religious revolution", he was engaged in sort of a civil war against his rival Maxentius, they were both trying to become emperor. Each one had his own military forces.

see here:

Constantine's religious move was a fantastic propaganda success. Indeed it was a good idea to tell his soldiers that a new God fought with them...

The conditions of Constantine's religious decisions, due to a civil war between two emperor candidates, are slightly opposed to Christian principles, and that does not give Constantine the image of a true Christian, because the Jewish reformer Jesus from Nazareth had preached peace, not war nor a religion at the service of an emperor.

Unfortunately Gutenberg came only 15 centuries later, and Jesus had no opportunity to have his ideas published in a book at lifetime.

Jesus' religious reform was "stolen" by the Romans who found an opportunity of the first fierce antisemitic propaganda since the concilium of Nicea.
Jesus also wanted to have the Roman occupation ended in his country. His greatest enemies were the corrupt priests and Jewish king, collaborators with Rome.
Maybe Jesus can be considered as a "Jewish mixture of Luther and Mandela" who failed due to Roman occupation and repression in his county.

And Jesus was not the first nor the last Jewish reformer, who indeed wanted to reform and direct Judaism away from materialism "back to the roots". But these very religious people were often misunderstood and abused off by their disciples after they were dead.

The next leader came 70 years later, he was not betrayed, but failed in the Roman siege and final Jewish defeat in Masada.

The overnext one came 5 and a half centuries later. Not Jew by birth and not living in the same country, he was inspired by the Jewish Diaspora and wanted to guide the people in his own country to a reformed Judaism. In his lifetime he was rejected by the rabbis. And after his death, he was also betrayed by his own religious successors. These successors did not live for long. For a period of several decennies, they murdered each other for succession.

No Gutenberg, no authentic religious ideas of these people preserved black on white for the future generations.
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Actually, the dream would have been in Greek or Latin, with our inscription given in Old English only as it is characteristic of the English language to use archaic speech patterns relating to messages from God and/or historical messages.

Actually, the dream would have been in Greek or Latin, with our inscription given in Old English only as it is characteristic of the English language to use archaic speech patterns relating to messages from God and/or historical messages.

M*W: Assuming that Constantine spoke Greek or Latin (I don't know for sure). I think it was all a hoax. After all, his mama found all sorts of relics that she pronounced as being authentic. Personally, I don't think she found anything. It was a good political ploy, but nothing more.