Conspiracy theories and Secret Societies


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Probably my favorite part of fringe group weirdness! I'll admit, as much as I scoff at stories of psychic phenomina, ghosts, alien abductions, and the like, there's always been a special place in my heart for Conspiracy theories and Secret Societies.

I've got no idea how to start this off, so how about people start talking about what they know about various secret societies and the like. Fair game are:

The Illuminati

Free Masons

Majestic 12

The Trilateral Commission

Government cover-ups

Nazis in Antarctica

Blood banks as Dracula's own pyramid scheme

And anything else you'd like to bring to the table! Go for it!
Info Wars
Prison Planet
David Icke
The above sites are full of info', links etc relating to this stuff.
I'm not sure you can believe it all, especially some of David Ickes ideas. But there is some damn strange shit going on lately:bugeye:
If there is a global conspiracy, what exactly is it? For what purpose?
The MJ12 are by far the most intriguing IMO, I mean they have underground cities scattered all over the world for crying out loud. And those cities have caged genetically engineered freak animals in them that have been known to mutter phrases like "help me:(" to visitors.
Too cool:cool:

... oh wait... thats horrible:(
Haha I never heard that part of the theory, Dr Lou. Hmm who were the members of MJ12 Uhhh one of those American presidents uhhh was it Truman? And umm. . . uhh, hell I can't remember anyone else :p

I think I forgot to mention the builderberger group, but that's ok I'm sure everyone was thinking of them, anyway.

My favorite secret society HAS to be the Free Masons, though. Mostly because they are not acctualy a secret society. I mean they have big friggin' buildings that say "Loyal Order of the Free Masons" on 'em, you can go online and look up all the lodges in the united states (there are like seven of them here in Phoenix alone!) but still many people think you're a conspiracy theory nut if you happen to bring up the Masons, or the idea of Massonic Freedom which is thick in the constitution and the declaration of independence :p Wake up people, all the founding fathers were Masons, it was really big back then! hehe. Allegations of Devil worship or ties to the Illuminati, however I think are completely unfounded.

Anyway Found a good link for everyone to get you thinking.

This is the official web page for the trilateral comission. Read throuh it, exhaust the information that they freely give to the public, and then come back to me and see if you can pin down exactly what the hell it is they do! You can't! They are extreemly vague, it's kind of spooky! They sound almost like a giant global corporate government :eek: And remember, George Bush sr. was a member, and we all know that he got his son into office, I wonder who it was who helped him rig the election. . .
New world order and the UN

here is a good link about this..

New World Order?

The UN has always been designed to bring about the total destruction of the idea of national sovreignty and bring about a world govornment. The fact that nations like the US and UK are undermining its influence recently has actually set this idea back. The formation of the international courts, an attempt at international taxation and even the "Kyoto Accord" were all aimed at erroding national sovreignty.

If you want a bonified conspiracy. Look no further than the UN.
New World Order

If there is a global conspiracy, what exactly is it? For what purpose?

The goal is to enslave you.

This is being achieved right now throught the use of a system of fear.

This system of fear is based on the "problem - reaction - solution" paradigm

For example:

Create a problem: create massive levels of fear in a population. This could be done using an outside threat, whether real or manufactured, to induce massive levels of fear in a population.

Carry out a reaction: pass laws restricting civil liberties, use the problem to invade any countries you want, to build death camps, to get the population behind a leader and ridicule those that see through the lies as unpatriotic, begin gun confiscation, etc

Create a solution: gradually introduce tracking mechanisms, so slowly as to be met with little resistance. Eg, face scanning cameras, thumbscanning for licences and for food at schools, proposing implantable microchips, gradually introducing tiny tracking chips known as RFID tags into every purchasable item over $1, tapping your internet and telephone conversations and having giant mainframe computers analyze information from systems such as echelon so that anyone standing in the face of the global elite can be monitored, putting GPS systems in new cars (UK) so that you can be taxed and traced as you drive around, having the right to use cash slowly phased out and a cashless society phased in, etc.

The problem reaction solution paradigm was successfully implemented by Hitler.

It is currently being used by a leader, whom shall remane nameless (although I'm sure anyone remotely aware knows who this is).

The leader does not fully comprehend what he is a part of. Rather he is more like a puppet for the global elites.

The mainstream media plays a crucial role in generating the fear, propagating the lies ("oh yes, there really are WMD in Iraq", and "oh yes, it really was the Taleban who flew those planes into the buildings" (even though there is no proof - the FBI admits this) and "oh look, so what if Iraq had no WMD and the evidence was completely fabricated, other presidents have lied" and "oh look, the students in Iran are protesting about their government, it's time for Amerika to step in and help them" and other such bullshit that panders to the globalists.

The goal is to crush any resistance that may arise in the future when the level of tyranny becomes apparent to the general public. This includes conquering the entire middle east region (install puppet governments offering "democracy"), confiscating civilian arms here in America, persecuting the Christians (this will begin soon), persecuting anyone who believes in a new world order conspiracy, persecuting anyone who makes numerous referneces to the constitution and persecuting home schoolers. The persecution will take the form "aiding or abetting terrorists - or even labelling them as terrorists themselves).

Globalist elements within the CIA will carry another attack out in America, because the public is beginning to wake up to the facts of what is happening to our society. This attack will sicken and shock everyone, and the utter scale of the tragedy will allow the government to push through more legislation taking your rights away. The race is on for the people to realize who is behind the attacks so that you will not allow your rights to be stripped from you.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will try to dig out articles relating to this and will post. Thanks.
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I think fractal_choice said it all. That looks like that is going to be our future.
The goal is to enslave you.

This is being achieved right now throught the use of a system of fear.

This system of fear is based on the "problem - reaction - solution" paradigm
I understand all that, however, what is the purpose of enslavement? There's got to be a little more to it I believe?

Anyways, I've been in the process of dropping out of the system. No more working for me, I'm looking for a large country property at the moment & have a go at living self-sufficiently, don't know how I'll go but it's better than paying the goverments debts.
If you look at governments and systems of power throughout the ages, you will see a trend of towards slavery.

Basically, it seems to me, that ruthless individuals always seem to get into power eventually. I don't and can't understand their mindset, all I know is that these types of people thrive on power, and gaining more and more power.

To gain more power than they already have, an obvious step is to create slaves - even though they have enormous power now, the power they crave drives them to enslave.

But I don't believe that this is our future, simply because we can't let this happen. I know more and more people who are thinking along the same lines; waking up to the systems of power that are in place.

The main problem at this time is the vast amount of technology that can be used against a frightened population - in the guise of protection from a threat.

Everyone should boycott RFID tags, national ID cards, microchips, GPS tracking in cars etc. It's our decision to go along with this or not, all we have to do is say no, I don't want this system in place.

The power really is with the people, we must outnumber the people attempting to do this to us by 10 000 : 1.

I'd say turn off ya tv sets first, at least stop watching the mainstream news. As far as I'm concerned, its a form of brainwashing.

I've been researching these topics for about 2 years now, and only recently have I realised that this is the truth. It has been an incredible process and one very hard to deal with. But I feel stronger because I am free of the lies that are told to the majority every day.

I'll stop ranting now.
the last thing i was keeping up with was the majestic tweleve.....but they said that the documents had not been verifed yet. Does anyone know if they have? that wouuld be really helpfull.:)

There is a real "secret society" that I know of..

If read a lot on the internet about it, and some books talk about it..
It as formed a group of members, and is still alive today..
Its hard to explain but envolves aliens, ESP, and a lot of other stuff

One curiosity.. The maker of Star Trek Deep Space Nine
was in fact based on The Nine conspiracy... or phenomena..
Anyway.. its hard to find a good site that resumes it all but ive found one at the uri geller site (yes this world known psychic as a part on this story too)

The funny thing is that this kind of conspiracy is quite real, at least the persons envolved in it..
Check the facts by yourself if you will:

Check on google for more info.. there is a lot of it spread all over the net and on some books too, in amazon, etc..
Originally posted by fractal_choice
Basically, it seems to me, that ruthless individuals always seem to get into power eventually. I don't and can't understand their mindset, all I know is that these types of people thrive on power, and gaining more and more power.

Yes, exactly, and this is not because power corrupts, but instead that the corupt are drawn to power! So it is that we will always be lead by men with personal agendas, and it's quite likely that these agendas will not truely have the best interest of the governed in mind!
I do believe that I've mentioned that before, though they are often named as a secret society, and there are plenty of people who think that the Higher degree masons are all satan worshipers, or illuminati, or various other things.
ahh, the freemasons themselves are not very secret but they are an entry into many different secret sociotys. See, when you are first a freemason you can only attend the lodge that accepted you as a brother. But as a freemason you can gain different degrees, and eventualy you graduate and are able to be welcomed into any lodge. Once you have reached this level there isnt really any more upward mobility in the freemasons itself, BUT ther are lots of other groups that only accept such high degree freemasons. Among them The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Rosicurians (spelling on that one?) the biggest names in the occult!

Conspiracy Coincidence Syndrome: When you look into this kind of material long enough, any nastiness that happens to you---not just a burglary, which disturbs anybody, because it reminds us of our vulnerability, but even "small" things such as strange phone noises, damaged (opened?) mail, or men in black hanging around your corner---can make you wonder: Are they really real, after all? And are They just checking me out or preparing a preemptive strike? What is that sound in the backyard? Don't let that bother you. It happens to all of us. Besides, if you do let it bother you, you will become as paranoid as most of the fulltime conspiracy researchers I have met. Of course, if I am an agent of the CIA or the Rockefellers or somebody like that, I would try to keep you from getting too alarmed about all this, wouldn't I?

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not plotting against you....

Or did I quote that already?
Well, it's worth remembering....

-Robert Anton Wilson, Everything Is Under Control
So, what you're trying to tell me is that just because I can't seem to get a job in today's economy doesn't nessisarily mean that there is a vast Zionist Jew banking conspricay plotting to keep guys like me out of work?

Like, thousands of people living secret lives aren't waking up each morning and banding together to figure out how they can screw me over?
Hey, how about the "Midnight Soceity":D .......i always wanted to be apart of that......:p