Conspiracy Connoisseurs?


Registered Senior Member
I've become interested in conspiracy theories lately, because they're interesting, not because I believe anything about them. Kind of like people who like reading mythology or fairy tales. I was wondering if there were groups of people with the same attitudes, "conspiracy connoisseurs" so to speak. If so, is there some kind of website? What's your favorite conspiracy theory?
Hurm... Can you imagine if a bunch of people filled with "Conspiracies" got together?

They would either write some storylines for series on television, or the Governments of the world would be shuddering in their boots at the shear consequences of the Tinfoiled hat menaces.
oh dear....have you heard of ELITES?.......yes. no? they are a small gtroup of extremely rich families who look down on those not of their...class/breeding, which for them cannot be gaind by the 'great unwashed' the 'masses' the 'mob' the 'useless eaters' etc.

they seek control? why?....cause they want to keep their power over us

if ou want to study the structure of this conhspiracy checkout the pyramid...look at your--if americano--one dollar bill. te pyramid and all seeing eye? know tat those of the the lower parts of the hierarchy are ;ied to and kept in the dark as well, regarding the oeveral intentions of the main elte--the 'all seeing eye',

also checkou Edward Bernays 'the engineering of consent'

if you still dont believe in cpnspiracy theories at the end of that, then i advise you to ask yourself the question, why DON@T you WANT to explore bout this. are you afaid to be gulible, manipulated etc?
are you afaid to be gulible
Evidently you're not.
If I were to be filthy rich I'd look down on the unwashed masses :D Simply because I'd worked for it and all they did was sit around inventing conspiracies to explain away the fact that they'd rather complain than work out a way to get rich. Yes, there are those that haven't earned it, those who inherited, but how did their progenitors get rich?
Haven't yet read "Engineering of Consent", but check out that last word - consent. If you don't agree then do something, don't just sit on your arse making up theories that "they" have an inner circle.
Personally I couldn't give a shit about wealth so they're welcome to it.
they are welcome to it?

what taking all of Nature from the othe species, other humans? is that so.
why so compacent about this? you sound fairly comfortable actually
I said wealth was what they're welcome to.
Comfortable? You mean with regard to money or in my life?
if i say 'Illuminati', what reeponse do you give?

and also 'Luciferian philosophy'. are you familiar with it by chance?...if so, what do you think of irt, and the above? what relevenace do they have for now? just curious. trying to feel you out
Illuminati - two initial responses, loved RA Wilson's trilogy, and Hail Eris :D
Luciferian philosophy, sorry, not come across that. Pointers? I'll read anything.
Gotta go now, back on-line tomorrow morning (UK time), Continue then?
you people should be carefull about what you say about the government on this site or any other they are watching you know

hahaha am i serious or not?
If the government wants to know what I think of them they only have to ask :D