

Registered Senior Member
anyone ever wondered about the consistency of religious events? for years such religious goings on have been recorded and detailed, yet we get to the 19th century and i haven't heard of not one thing since. why? i could say our knowledge of the world around us increased dramatically then myth was put to rest as scientific explanations arose, BUT, this would or should have not stopped such religious events happening if god was around. so whats the deal? one major flaw in religion for me is that such inconsistencies cannot be explained away- unless someone wants to do some explaining to me.
PS surely the world is more corrupted now than in noah's day when god felt it right to flood the world and start off a whole other inbreeding escapade. why doesn't he flood the earth again? SEE! inconsistency.
He just might wipe the world clean by other methods, and the way the world is, it wouldn't take much to wipe ourselves out.
in any case, noah's ark would've wiped the earth out, i mean there must have been some SERIOUS inbreeding going on. but why the inconsistencies? my original question.
A small part of it, at least

A small part of it, at least, is that because of our increased knowledge, fewer people give credibility to religious revelation. Watch TBN or Three Angels, the airwaves are filled with the mystical and magical. Well ... I give them too much credit. But one striking occasion that I recall from watching TBN years ago (there's not enough dope in the world to smother the pain of watching religious TV nowadays) was this evangelist who "came to Christ" when his son, who had committed suicide, appeared before him on the street as he got off a city bus and told him that everything was okay and that he (the son) was with Christ now.

Quite obviously, the host did not invoke a discussion of the finer points of faith, suicide, and redemption.

But faith healers are a dime a dozen. The television age has brought such an overkill of the alleged magical aspects of Christian faith that nobody really cares anymore. Even MC Hammer has a ministry these days ....

I also know of a phenomenon somewhere in Europe (I think) where the dried blood of a saint liquifies every once in a while. The last time I considered the issue, I came across a page on a certain type of substance in nature that behaves this way, but I can't find the page .... ah, here's a link on the blood of Saint Janarius ....

There is much allegation of miracle, but proportionately less interest, and our human knowledge does tend to tackle each miracle in turn, eventually.

Don't get me started on apparitions of the Virgin Mary. To the other, there is the ongoing saga of The Miracle of Fatima. That's got a bit of a cliffhanger appeal to it. But Fatima is a little more interesting than the Virgin on a road sign.

Also, it's worth noting that more significant to me than miracles is the failure of the Protestant Revolution to make anything concrete of itself. The Protestant Bible is merely a trimmed-down Catholic Bible, and there hasn't been much as far as new material from God is concerned. Jesus dropped by, or so they say, and that was the last we heard from the Head Office.

Two cents or so ....

Tiassa :cool:
Inconsistent Consistency

Consistency is not a word you can really use alongside the word "religion".

1. The "birthday" of JC: Actual date March; Christian date: December.
2. Christmas: Pagan Festival, taken over by Christians and renamed.
3. Thou shalt not kill - unless your god then you can smote any buggar you like.
4. Turn the other cheek: But nuke Sodom and Gomorrah.
5. god is kind and loving: unless your a member of the Inquisition.
6. The church shall give to the poor - have YOU ever asked for a handout?
7. Include another zillion reasons in here............