Conservative social engeneering?


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AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A State Board of Education member called on textbook publishers to change the wording in health books being considered for use in Texas schools to clearly state that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Ha! and the right accuses liberals of social engineering in public schools! Does the elimination of any reorganization of homosexuality in the course of sexual education do anyone a service? Are our children going to grow up better adjusted and informed because their teachers were made to ignore the fact that homosexuals live together in married couples?

I could understand having text books that claim marriage is between only one man and one woman in a law text book, but let's face it, in the real world homosexuals are living together as married couples.

The only purpose that I can see to wanting this sort of thing to be put into health and sex-ed text books would be to further propagate myths about the homosexual community such as the idea that they are incapable of long-term relationships, or are entirely responsible for the concept of promiscuity/adultery/whatever sexual misconduct straight white Christians want to distance themselves from via a scapegoat.
I think it stems more from society's fear of homosexuals. By forcing public schools to not discuss homosexuality, and homosexual relationships, they are hoping that the children will not become homosexual. Deny them the knowledge and hope that they won't come out of the closet. As a result, the children learn in a round about way that homosexuality is bad and wrong. Either that, or the children who are homosexual will be too scared to come out of the closet because they won't know why they are attracted to the same sex.

The sad part is that a portion of those children are homosexual and as a result they will grow up thinking that they are somehow abnormal because they don't want to be married to the opposite sex, nor are they attracted to the opposite sex. It's a continuation of the cycle that already exists.

I remember a couple of months ago here in Australia there was a story on a children's show, whereby the producers do a little skit about a child spending the day with the parent's sort of thing. It's supposed to be an insight into families around the country and children get to tell all the other little kiddies who watch the show about their parents and what their parents do, etc. They usually show families from different ethnicities, etc. Well one particular episode had a little girl with lesbian mothers. There was an uproar. The Church and some members of the Government came out saying that children should not be taught about such things, blah blah blah. Shame they didn't realise that there are many children in society who's parents are homosexual and that these children are now targets of other children and society itself and by making an example of them in the way they reacted, they promoted hatred and bigotry. Imagine telling a child that their parents are bad or that because they have two mummy's they are somehow wrong and that they shouldn't ever talk about their family. The reaction was ridiculous. Instead of teaching tolerance, they only ensured that these children and their parents will face further abuse and discrimination of society. The show was meant to promote tolerance of all other children and people. Shame the message failed to get across to the adults who should have known better and not react as they did and set a bad example.
Hey guys,

There are so many issues here. Not nearly limited to Homophobia. American School system is a failure. This group addresses the problem by this tripe? Makes me mad. Imagine that meeting. "The only problem with our schools is that the textbooks don't refer to marriage as a man and woman, we better fix this". Ridiculous!

There are more kids that can't read than will be gay. As if that is somehow a social ill. Violence in schools, delapidated buildings, overcrowding, poor math and science performance, cutting of nearly all after school activities, gutting music programs, and art programs, and physical education. An epidimic of fat kids. on and on. They chose marriage definition. what a crock.
Not to mention creationism, or the banning of books. Censorship of knowledge, especially in schools can never be justified IMO.
Lucky me, I live in the UK.
It's certainly a shame that anyone in our school system would be worying about how marriage is defined in a book for sexual education over a real issue which affects our schools, that's for certain. The worst part is probably that if anyone is to take the blame for this issue it will once again be homosexuals, they'll say we're so avid about "Shoving it in people's faces" that school teachers can't focus on the real issues. . . riiiight!

geodesic said:
Not to mention creationism, or the banning of books.

This comment is a bit question begging. Now I know you didn't explicitly imply that creationism is taught in US schools, but I've heard this a lot from people out in the UK or in Australia, they seem to think that's the way we run things. . . To the best of my knowledge, however creationism isn't taught in US public schools (Save maybe catholic schools but I don't know much about them). There was a case before the supreme court some time in the 80s where religious groups wanted "Equal time" for Creationism vs. Evolution which is already taught, but they lost that case, and equal time doesn't have to be given. Uuh yeah, so if you've got the idea that we teach Creationism in our schools you're a bit off. I thought it might be necessary to put that out there because the last thing I need right now is to be even more embarrassed as an American, hehe.
To the best of my knowledge, however creationism isn't taught in US public schools.

Unfortunately this is not the case. Creationism is taught in public schools in various states. I don't have a list of the states, but I do know that it is taught in Kansas (my home state). I found this out only recently and it disgusts me to the core. I have a friend who still lives there and is religious. He is proud of the fact that it is taught in their schools. I just don't understand these fools. I had a huge argument with him over how it is not science and all it was was me banging my head against a wall. There was no way that he was going to admit that creationism has no scientific merit. He has no proof to back up his claims or to refute my proofs but he just knows that he is right. Disgusting.

I'm glad to say that I made it through the education system before these religious whack jobs got so powerful. I can say that I got a rather liberal and rounded education. I can only imagine what certain of my former teachers must think about being forced to such superstitious mumbo jumbo.

Beware, Americans. The christian right is trying to entrench themselves in a position of power. The witch trials may not be too far off.
Gah. . . ok I stand corrected. Well it's not taught in ALL schools and doesn't have to be taught at all. . . that's something at least x.x Ok so we're a really screwed up nation.
...and doesn't have to be taught at all...

It does have to be taught in those states where it has become mandated. I don't believe that the teachers have the choice on whether to teach it or not. It's part of the curriculem regardless.

Yes. We are getting to be screwed up. It's time to stop the religious fucks from bringing back the inquisition.
geodesic said:
Not to mention creationism, or the banning of books. Censorship of knowledge, especially in schools can never be justified IMO.
Lucky me, I live in the UK.
I have heard about schools with a more religious bent being opened in England, or being sponsored by people such as that millionaire car salesman who is also a christian. (I cant remember his name) I do wonder if theres any chance they will start behaving this way.

As a side note, why do they teach only Christian creationism? Why not also Hindu, Islamic and any other religious form of creationism? I know, I know, its because its a christian state, but surely their argument also rests on "evolution isnt proven, so we should present other alternatives" which would naturally include other faiths ideas of creation.
Thanks invert,
I knew I saw an equally horrified article about this somewhere but couldn't remember the source. I remember being shocked that creationism was even taught as a scientific theory, let alone being the only theory taught.
And some schools ban 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?! America is in trouble.
guthrie said:
I have heard about schools with a more religious bent being opened in England, or being sponsored by people such as that millionaire car salesman who is also a christian. (I cant remember his name) I do wonder if theres any chance they will start behaving this way.
At least in the UK you have some choice about where your children are taught.
You do? Well, if you can afford the school fee's, or move to the right catchment area, or get someone to drive them to school.....

But then thats a point, surely having creationism taught is due to the democratic wishes of the populace? Though following this to its logical conclusion will lead to apartheid. We already have some children that have to leave the room when other religions are discussed, or sex education or something. Or I think we do, in the UK. I cant remember exactly which sect it is though.
invert_nexus said:
It does have to be taught in those states where it has become mandated. I don't believe that the teachers have the choice on whether to teach it or not. It's part of the curriculem regardless.

Yes. We are getting to be screwed up. It's time to stop the religious fucks from bringing back the inquisition.
That will be difficult to do, considering the role the religious right had to play in the last election. They were one of the reasons why Bush was re-elected. Even here in Australia the religious right are gaining a stronghold, by campaigning on family first values, and when one digs a little deeper, one sees that their platform is purely that of the religious right.

The shameful aspect of teaching creationism is that these children will then gain entry into higher learning institutes such as universities, and do a science degree and then face the shock of learning that we actually did come into being through the process of evolution. Instead of trying to educate the children, schools forcing the teachings of creationism are only setting them back. I'll wager that these schools also refuse to give sex education to the kids as well, and that would also deny them any knowledge pertaining to contraception and safe sex. Education is retreating to the dark ages where the Church controlled what was taught in schools.