

Registered Member
Dear Folks,

we are two german students and would like to build up a community of free thoughts. Free thought exchange for anybody who is seriously interested in thoughts about how to change basic structures in our lives. Current situations in politics, economics, education and the way of living. You see, it´s quite a large thing we are up to and so we are looking for possible members. Although we wouldn´t actually call you a "member". We are all members, if we like it or not, aren´t we? If you "join" then we call you by what you are already: a brother.
A community is more than a word, a word is more than letters, and letters are more than black ink. Find your roots in humanity and confidence as well as unity and freedom.
We are looking for inspirations, inspirations for and of freedom. The very quality of life we need most. Philantrophs in daily life and action. Educate ourselves, harmonize ourselves, help ourselves, develop ourselves, say yes to ourselves and our possibility of change. Change, far beyond our imagination. Change, far beyond our education. Change, to find ourselves.
Make our society grow, now
How do you define freedom?
What do you want to change in your life?
Who rules the world?
What would you do if you ruled the world?
we've already got a few threads around here, buckos, you don't need to create a whole new website dedicated to something that already exists. If you want answers to those questions just post a thread somewhere.

Freedom-The power to do anything uninhibited by anything else
-What do I want to change in my life-specifically my love life, which has the potential to become indescriably wondrous or a gate to the pits of hell.
-President Bush-he has the most influence but doesn't necessarily rule the world. Otherwise I'd say our main diplomat to the UN or something
One of my own-How do I define absolute power over something? The power to destroy it.

First of all: Thank you.
We didn´t take a closer look on the threads which are already posted. Your link´s great, thank you. It gives us a good feeling noticing other people thinking about similar topics.
I would like to learn more about your "problems in love life".
Could you describe your idea about freedom in more details?
Do you know where we can get detailed information about Illuminatis and especially the number "23" is of interest. Thanks in advance and sorry about the mistakes in grammar.
I define freedom as doing what you want with the understanding of its consequences, and your decision is your freedom. If you see fit the murder someone, then you are free to do so. Thoughts of another's reaction will always haunt you, and so might thoughts of your victim's continued existence on Earth. It is your freedom to decide in the end. In that, freedom is a paradox in a community such as humans form.
Something you do will always restrict you in one way or another later on. You will be compensated.
Freedom is the universal state of your mind, which realizes this, and acts with recognition of the consequences, whether they are to another's benefit or not.
Freedom is death, for only then will no one influence you, and you are then the sum of your life.
We each need a planet as long as one seeks to gain by taking from another.

I am changing my life... rather, it is still forming. I will not be so impatient as to stop now what I've been doing all my life, lest the outcome be flawed. I would like to see America humbled, the world humbled to the point where they live in harmony. People are moving faster than their spirits can keep up, and where before every man had plenty of time to dwell on himself, now we have morning traffic, or lunch hour, or other short periods, which influence us negatively, as it takes away from our freedom, and we cannot form true thoughts of ourselves and our positions.
We are evolving less in realms of thought, I believe, or I am an anachronistic misanthrope. We have the intelligence of are fathers, and the world, but where is our wisdom? There's too much to do, and a shortage of true motivation. Minimal art, dissolving culture, greed, spite... these have always existed, but wise men who know themselves have always kept them in check.

I rule the world, because I only live in the world I perceive, and I rule my perceptions. Generations rule the world, these days, and one starts one thing and another has no clue how to pick up where the other left off, or does so devilishly, and there are means but no end. Certain parts of humanity are dying, or are in a cycle of winter. I can only hope they will rise again and rule.

If I ruled the world I would be dethroned and destroyed. Only the world will rule itself, and until men's ideas overlap a great deal more, our Earth might as well be spinning out of control.

Things can always be better, ideal, Utopian. I've only found a way to approach these through limiting my interaction with the unfeeling throng of humanity. There is such a great deal of wickedness in the world that when I go out, exposing my true self, I am burned and scarred, and my peace is driven away like a mongrel.
People, in their quick exuberance, or for ease of relation, put on airs of goodness and plastic smiles, and lie to themselves through invisible masks. They are stuck on what they wish to become, rather than who they are, and when they fall down they fall farther down than the ground allows. All their life they find they've dug holes underneath themself instead of building sturdy foundations. It is accurate to call them balloons.
I look to confide in bowling balls.
True freedom

Freedom is the ability to think against the current. Freedom is the ability to balance what one knows to be true with what one believes to be true. Freedom is death.
reply to spanky

Thank you, thank you, thank you,´ve caressed my soul a bit.... there´s no time for sentimentalities, But, we should take time for being so.
It was great to read your article and I agree with most of it. Time is running to fast for humans, they can´t keep up with it and get lost by trying to do so.
Freedom. Well, freedom can be possible if you´re thinking in the right way. I didn´t find out yet how, but I´m very sure that it´s like that. Of course, if you want to hurt somebody, and you don´t, you could think that you are not free. But do you really want to hurt somebody? Do you really want to kill somebody?
Of course, we do not have the freedom to change anything we like, but do we really want to do that?
I´m somehow convinced that I don´t want to change everything. I want to change the things I actually can. That may sound paradox but I believe in karma and the spiritual world. They or it is/are the rulers and I´ve accepted it. I´m not in the position to change the "big things" in life. Not yet. On the other hand, my "big things" are friends and aquaintants. That´s the radius where I can change quite a lot. And it works. If I want to change more, than I have to do something for it. And for other people it´s the same principle. I accept this freely, and that´s why I am free.

Someone reminded in a previous post that with freedom comes responsibilities. I whole-heartedly agree. What often gets neglected however is... upon whom do these responsibilities lie? Whose responsibility is it to make sure I am free?

My freedom = my responsibility.

To me, freedom is having figured out much of what I want and don’t want; what I think or hope for (and why); and more (sweeter!) freedom comes from this deeper understanding of myself, in that I am empowered by this self-knowledge to stay put or to move toward whatever goals I wish to achieve. I have a choice about what I will or won’t do. Granted, there are occasions when decisions come down to being nothing better than a choice between evils. Nor am I perfect; incapable of making an honest mistake. Yet I am still able to choose. As the years fly by, I’ve learned the value of choosing above all things whatever honors and preserves LIFE. I’ve learned to tell the difference between ’living’ and ’existing.’ I’m also free not to make any choice at all.

My freedom = peace.

Peace of mind from understanding and accepting that I cannot control everything, nor is it rational for me to want--or try--to do so... from accepting that I only hurt myself when I stress-out about what others think or do. Even if the world is not moving in a direction I’d prefer, I realize that I don’t know all things, and that no one else does either, and that I’m not ultimately responsible for everything the rest of the world does. ...Peace of mind from knowing that I can (or do) contribute to anything in order to aid/support whatever I value--which is appropriate to my own standards--and standards that make sense to me--standards which do not compromise my freedom or my peace.

My freedom = my self-esteem.

And my self-esteem is also my responsibility. Were I mentally disabled (clinically diagnosed with a known disorder) I might need or choose to look to a few others to help me get and keep my self-esteem on track. (Willing volunteers or paid professionals) But that’s not the case and I’m happy with the knowledge that my Life is gonna be whatever I make of it. That’s power. That’s freedom. Freedom from depending on others for what I can do for myself. Freedom from being a burden to others in any capacity. Freedom to realize my own potential. Freedom to learn that I get what I earn, which often requires me to better myself--become more patient, become more industrious, more wise... more of anything I can be that makes my Life all the more worth living.

Even in the worse case scenario... if a man is imprisoned, his rights stripped, his belongings stolen, his very Life placed in the balance... man still has a choice about what he thinks, what he believes, loves or values... Man still has the choice to remain free in his very core; to be true to himself.

That’s freedom in my book.

(Yes, I’m quite finished now! :) )

Enjoy the weekend...


sorry about not replying sooner-I kinda forgot about the thread

Freedom-The ability to decide what you want to do when you want to do it, having complete control over anything that impacts YOU specifically, being able to say anything and only being able to recieve friendly criticism in either a positive or negative sense.

Is that betta?