Confused about my lucid dreams


Registered Member
Hi all! I am new here and English is not my native language. I would like to know your thoughts about what is happening to me.

I guess I'll start from my childhood. I was born with some genetic defect called nystagmus, that has left really bad affect on my vision. But as they say - "God takes, God gives" - I guess God has decided to give me something that I am sure - if it is a gift or not.

So my first dreams that I remember are really scary. But I mean - not scary because I saw something bad happening but it was more like some unknown fair - for example I could see myself at home but suddenly feel scared to death and then everything went to dark, I felt like I am pulled somewhere - some unpleasant "magnetic" feeling in my back. Sometimes my conscious part tried to resolve this feeling to some "real objects" in my dream - then I saw that it is some kind of electricity from the TV set or wall plug that is pulling me. And as soon as I got out of that room with that electric device, the pulling stopped. Really do not know, why my subconscious part was so afraid from electrical devices :confused:

But then one night (I think I was about 6 yrs old then) I was having some kind of a lucid dream, I guess. Because during the dream I suddenly remembered that I have had bad dreams all the nights before. So this time I wanted to solve the situation badly – I wanted to know why I have those bad dreams – and this “wanting” came to me during the dream! I guess I was aware that I am dreaming. Then I suddenly saw myself in some room with some kind of wall with equipment. There were some people sitting at that equipment. Somehow I felt really secure there. I came to one of those people and asked: “Why I am having so many bad dreams? I want to have more good dreams…” Now I do not remember what this “dream person” said to me and if he said anything at all. But I know that after that night I *really* had much less scary dreams.

Then after many years I started to have more lucid dreams. At first I thought – nothing special, I guess, everybody is having such dreams when they know they are dreaming. I was really surprised that people did not believe me when I was telling that I can control my dreams. So two years ago I finally got my Internet connection at home and decided to study about those lucid dreams. I read Stephen’s LaBerge book and it was exciting – finally I could prove other people around me that I am not lying and it IS possible to control one’s dreams!

And with this knowledge in mind now I have even more control over my dreams. Although there are only one or less times in a month when I become fully aware for some seconds, that I am dreaming and that I am really in my bed, now almost ALL of my dreams are more transparent. I mean – even if I am not aware that I am dreaming, somehow I am aware that I can control the world around me. As I am a fan of sci-fi, my dreams are full of sci-fi scenes - sometimes I am a hero, sometimes not. Sometimes I feel that the dream is fading and start telling the people in the dream that they are in MY dream :D Sometimes I go through the walls and windows in my dreams. It is really weird feeling. Like the wall becomes some kind of rubber and I flow into it and then I am through. I even tried to flow into other peoples bodies and be them for some seconds (cannot keep control for longer). What I do not like is going through windows and mirrors – then I feel a bit scared always – like I am crossing some dangerous border. But when I am on the other side – nothing bad happens.
During dreams my conscious part is a bit aware. If I see someone chasing me during the dream, suddenly I know – it is ME, who is afraid of being chased, so that is why this happens. And then I just “wish myself away”, and my dream scene changes. But I am not aware that I am dreaming anyway, I just KNOW that I can control objects outside me. In the morning I usually remember everything and can do analysis – this frightening room came from the movie Cube, this traveling to some other universe was just like in the movie Sliders and so on.

When I become fully lucid, I usually am too afraid to keep control for more than just some seconds.

Some years ago I saw that “room with equipment” again. I had just one of my sci-fi dreams but suddenly I felt some pulling. It was not scary, as in my child dreams, it was just neutral. And I felt that I am slowly waking up. I started to feel my body laying on the back. But at the same time I was being pulled somewhere and then I saw that room. I was pulled through it, through walls, and then I saw myself in my apartments but I was in some other room, not in a bedroom. Meanwhile I was pulled also through this room and through wall again and finally I was in my bed again. For a moment I just laid and looked at the wall and then it came to me – I am awake and I even do not have to open my eyes – they are already open. After that night I noticed that this happens to me sometimes – in my dream I see parts of my bedroom – picture on the wall, ceiling lamp. And when I wake up I find myself looking at that object. But I just do not remember if my eyes were closed or not. Maybe I am having OBEs? Or just sleeping with eyes open? Has someone here experienced something similar?

I have died some times in my dreams, but it was not bad feeling. I even saw myself being born again and lived like three lives in one dream. But those were just dreams; I do give them any special meaning. Actually I never try to give some secret meaning to something in my dreams, I try to explain everything rationally.
But sometimes during my irrational sci-fi dream I have some kind of a flash of reality. I see myself doing my everyday work (being at school or at work), and then something happens. Not anything unusual, just somebody does or says something. This lasts for some seconds. And when I wake up, this dream fragment comes true the same day or the next day. This foreseeing scares the hell out of me.

But what is worse is what happened to me last month. Sometimes I have cramps in the calf-muscles at nights after I have had a long walk or ride bicycle. Not a big deal, I just try to stretch my leg as long as I can and it goes away. But this time I was asleep when that happened so I woke up (I think) immediately and tried to get up to stretch my leg. And then there was strange feeling – it was like fainting but worse. Suddenly I saw myself sitting on the floor and my leg in was half-part the bed. But I had no idea, how I got there. If I really lost consciousness and fell out of the bed, then why I was not laying on the floor but SITTING and holding my leg in the bed with my hands? BTW I did not feel any pain in my leg anymore at that moment.
Somehow half asleep I got myself back into bed and felt confused. I guess I fell asleep again for a minute or so. And when I woke up I was even more confused, I was not sure if I had a bad dream or had fainted. And I did not even remember how I got back into bed – did I crawl there or maybe it was OBE and I just got inside my body the same way I got on the floor. But I felt some stiffness in my leg, so I guess the cramps were real. And I got some weird feeling that it was not a fainting. Dunno, maybe it is time to see a doctor, but I have no idea what to tell him. :confused:

Anyway, sometimes my lucid dreams make me tired. I wish I had no dreams at all, but I remember only one night in my life when I went to bed and felt like closing my eyes for a second and it was a morning. But I felt I had a really good sleep that night, I wish I had more such nights...

Uhh, this was the longest text in English I have ever written.

But what I wanted to say - mostly our dreams are just inexperienced combination of our experiences. You ALMOST always can find the source for something in your dream. Do not look for exact visual or audio match - there is rarely any complete match. But there is ALMOST always a match in scenario and idea. Sometimes you might even see a scenario of a movie you watched more than a year ago. It takes good memory and analysis to be able to recognize that, but it is possible. So I do not believe that dreams take us to some objective other dimension. It is just a subjective dimension of our subconscious part.
But there are some unexplainable moments though, which have too little mathematical probability to be just a coincidence, IMHO.
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