Conflicts in the world


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Registered Senior Member
I have written this article, and made this map:

Now, a task for you:

Print the map, or use an image editor:

Put a mark, where there is a conflict, or has been over the last couple of decades, and mark it on the map.


East Timor
Kaukasus (Aserbadjan, Armenya)


What colour are these areas? What religion is dominant in these areas?
Afghanistan vs. USSR
Afghanistan vs. US
US vs Iraq part I
US vs. Iraq part II
With what weapon freak, they're all owned by christians

*And Israel vs Palestine, Jewish vs. Christians and Muslims who has been displaced from their homes.
*The revlotion in Elsalvador...good ol converted christians killing eachother.
* Liberia, Nigeria, ect...good ol converted christians performing canablism an eating each other.
* South Africa, good ol converted christians massacring and opressing each other.
* North and South Korea, good ol Atheists who can't stand each other.
* World war II, Yeah, christians are destroying the world and causing dooms day.

Are you joking here or something? Islamic violence is a pee drop in the ocean compared to christian destruction, afterall, poor muslims have no nuclear power or other weapon, all weapons of mass destruction happen to be in loving christian nations.

The entire list above that you are showing are the result of our good old Great Britain divide and rule policy that was in implementation for the past couple of hundred years. Isn't great how good old christian England have placed strategic lines to ensure that every country will fight with it's bordering neighbor for the rest of our lives......awesome christian plotting.
I don't quite get it guys... are you trying to say that there is something wrong with Religion? It has negative side effects like burning witches and car-bombings?

What wrong with a little Holy war, Jihad, Inquisition, Crusade, or Subterfuge mission work in foreign territory every once in a while to clear the face of the earth of people who believe in a conflicting invisible person than you do???

I guess it is ok to kill people as long as their opinions and beliefs slightly differ from your own crappy opinions and beliefs.

Originally posted by Zero Mass
I guess it is ok to kill people as long as their opinions and beliefs slightly differ from your own crappy opinions and beliefs.


Wake up, people don't kill each other because they have a different view about which god to worship, people kill each other for other things like:

Opression: South Africa, American revolution, Elsalvador, ect

To steal land: Palestine, Kuwait and Iraq, Israel and Egypt, the kurds, Turkey and Greece, India and Pakistan, ect......

Desire for power: World war II

To steal others resources: The gulf war and all the sequals, USA foul play with the governments of south america and the government of the middle east.
Originally posted by Flores
Wake up, people don't kill each other because they have a different view about which god to worship, people kill each other for other things

People kill people for a plethora of stupid reasons, I was pointing out the dumbest reason of all: Belief in Religion. I know that the problems in the middle east center mainly aroung political power, money, and land, but the fact that when two countries go to war that have different religious agendas, then the religion in the country is toted to the front lines with the slodiers and civilians behind the lines backing the troops. Try as hard as you may, it is difficult to have a secular war.

Re: With what weapon freak, they're all owned by christians

Originally posted by Flores
afterall, poor muslims have no nuclear power or other weapon
Well poor christians don't have nuclear power either. If you meant that poor muslim countries dont... well... they do have nuclear power.

all weapons of mass destruction happen to be in loving christian nations

So Algeria, Belarus, China, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Taiwan, and South Africa are all christian loving nations?

It is so nice of you to overgenralize for all of us.

And since when the hell is South Korea 'good ol atheists'?
Yeah, apparently Flores completely ignores the terrorism that is going on in the world today...I guess that's typical of a religious zealot who has zero intelligence.

Well of course this is a meritous argument. Consider the last "crusade," so called by BushII. Christian, country artists sold the thing to the Christian South. It was sold as a war against Islam. The same thing happens on the other side as they are sold a jihad against the christians. You see the connection is strange: Only dummies would sacrifice their life for a war bankrupt of cause. Religion finds these dummies and makes their interest parallel with war. Religions are inherently violent anyways.
2899 AD

Everybody denounced his religion

Would that stop ANY fighting ? Yes the fighting between one doofus and another at some bar , not WARS .

But thats your discovery for 2899 AD


You should at what a peoples (any peoples) did before they adapted their religion and after they denounced it .
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani

Ghassan, you are expecting too much of them. Do you really expect those people to:

Reflect unto the past and form a prepective to the future.

Their dictionary is limited to a few words that they don't understand yet use quite often including:


As I said before it's hopeless, and all of them need to read Plato's comfortable man who live in a cave chained to the wall looking unto mirrors analogy to understand their lifes.
No battles in Anartica? I guess nobody wants it. I will claim it as a christian country... and the name should change. USA

United States of Anartica.. It has sort of a nice ring to it.. USA
The main reason for conflict is man's desire for power. This is sometimes presented in the form of religion to control the masses. Religion is not the reason for war but a tool used in its execution.

Bin laden's actions were the result of his desire for power...whether he knew it consciously or not. The 19 guys who did the deed were controlled through religion. It is hard to get people to line up to kill themselves without religion.