Concerning bioelectical impulses as energy?


Registered Member
Could the bio electrical impulses in our brain be some sort of energy? How do these impulses get and understand what input they get, be it observation or senses and then transfer the input as information to be processed as fact into our memory? Is our mind a creation of our brain or our input from our senses of our outside environment? Paul
Could the bio electrical impulses in our brain be some sort of energy?

Of course it is, it is electrical energy.

How do these impulses get and understand what input they get, be it observation or senses and then transfer the input as information to be processed as fact into our memory?

This is an area of rather intense study.

Is our mind a creation of our brain or our input from our senses of our outside environment? Paul

If by mind you mean consciousness, I think it is rather clear it is from our brain.
If you look at a neuron, the lions share of its energy (ATP) goes into the membrane, pumping and exchanging sodium and potassium cations. The sodium ions end up on the outside of the membrane, while the potassium ions end up inside the membrane. This dual ionic gradient is the stockpile of energy that is used for the various activities of the mind. Computers use the movement of electrons or negative charge but the brain uses positive charge with in the membrane; think positive.

If we segregated sodium and potassium cations on opposite sides of the membrane, they will set up a dual concentration gradient. These cations want to blend with each other so there is a push inward and outward based on entropy. But the membrane is tight with only potassium able to squeeze, to some extent, to partially balance its concentration on both sides. Since this means less positive charge inside, the membrane forms a potential, called the membrane potential, with the inside negative and outside positive.

The full energy charge in the membrane is the membrane potential plus the sodium ions pushing to get inside and the rest of the potassium pushing to get outside. The membrane potential is enthalpy, while the dual cationic push is entropy.

Basically, the cationic pumping creates a dual potential where energy needs to lower and entropy needs to increase. Picture a water fountain where water is pumped to higher potential. The water has to come back down to lower energy and higher entropy. The ATP, is analogous to a pump that recycles the water, and then pumps it back to the top, again and again.

Memory and consciousness is connected to this fountain of energy as it constantly cascades back toward lower potential. It is also pumped back to the top allowing continuous consciousness. Since the increase in entropy is connected to randomization, the pathways of the fountain constantly change slightly, which is why time heals all wounds.

We have short and long term memory. The long term is more stable and is more connected to the enthalpy side and the consistency of the membrane potential, which is not about randomization but the fastest path. Short term memory has more connection to entropy allowing change. People who lose memory through Alzheimer's tend to shift more toward the entropy side; randomizes.

Our sensory systems fire analogous to neurons when the stimulus enters. The eyes used light energy to fire. The cationic impulse then goes to the brain and triggers other neurons to fire so they can lower enthalpy and increase entropy. If we look at the environment and nothing changes there is no noticeable entropy change in the environment, at least to a first approximation. The brain will not make as much use of entropy but will stick to long term memory. But if there is a change, this will appear in short term memory; entropy.

Consciousness is the summation of positive charge flowing toward lower potential using both enthalpy and entropy. The enthalpy gives us a sense of ourselves based on our fixed memories, while the entropy gives us a sense of our uniqueness in the context of change. Combined I think therefore I am.

I don't want to get too complicated but this all occurs in water with each cation impacting water differently. The movement of the cations alters the hydrogen bonding energy of the water, with the hydrogen proton of water the fastest thing in the neuron. As the cations move and exchange, the impulses within the water are way ahead, making things ready before they arrive. The personality firmware can make use of the water for added speed. By tweaking the water, one can set the conditions at the membrane for selective firing; pulls the cations. The water also integrates with the organics and DNA so this gets involved in memory and consciousness.
How is this energy interpreted by the brain, by biochemical and electrical impulses to words are vice versa? These bio electrical impulses are created from our brain first or mind first or vice versa? Paul
Does energy have consciousness? How does these electrical impulses know where to go and what to do? Paul