Concept about Diabetes?


Registered Senior Member
Hello all,

During recent discussions, one important concept about diabetes is generated which I mention here also for the consideration, comments & benefits of members & others:-

Salt/salty foods & snacks intake can raise blood glucose(BG) levels substancially being salt(sodium in it) as responsible mineral for that. This concept can be a BIG Thought in current understandings on BG levels. Actually, most of our sugar is actively transported from intestines to blood via Na+/K+ATPase/ pump, with sugar & sodium (along with water/a.a.-protien also?) to be co-transported ( means any of these can't be absorbed for avtive transport alone & both have to go together).

It means, sugar or salt can't be absorbed alone for active transport(some can be absorbed via passive transport a slow process) & if salt is restricted or avoided with or near to meal--absorption of this sugar can be avoided(opposite salt in hypertention). It also indicate that if salt or sugar taken alone--may not be got mostly absorbed (except frutose) leading to controls of sugar & salt in hypertention & diabetes. Absorpition of Sodium,Sugar, Protiens (as well water also) are also linked to Fats, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate, Chlorine, etc. in homeotatis, so this consideration can be of great importance. Clear or unclear motion(constipation), acidity can also be linked to it.

You may read discussions at following link & referances/sites provided in this context.[/i]

Some other aspects are also under discussions.(Don't read 'this & that' as usual.)

"Excess use/initiation/practice of "Active Transport Systems"(car, air travels equally) & imbalanced environment (pH imbalances also) seems to be reason behind all or most imbalancesproblems" :)

Best wishes.
carbohydrate absorption

Carbohydrate absorption tends to occur at the small intestine brush border:

absorbed passively down a concentration gradient
binds to a specific carrier protein in the apical cell membrane
diffuses passively out of cells and into capillaries
forms lactate which then diffuses into portal blood

absorbed mainly in jejunum by active process
enters via a co-transporter protein on the apical side of the enterocyte
co-transporter requires presence of sodium ions
sodium ions pass down electrochemical gradient into cell to replace sodium ions which are actively being transported out of cell on basolateral membrane by Na+/K+ ATPase pump
glucose diffuses out of cell into intercellular space and from there to local capillaries
chloride ions and water accompany the movement of sodium and glucose; they may travel through the cell or through the intercellular space

galactose: absorbed by a similar sodium-dependent co-transporter as glucose
The dependence of water and salt absorption on the absorption of glucose is the reason why oral rehydration solutions contain all three components.

It is clear from above link. More can also be rea at following link:-