Concentrating lights magnetic field


Gravitomagnetism Heats the Sun
Registered Senior Member
By making a nano sling that it moves in. If a particle sent through a small but very strong magnetic field, it is my conclusion that with the right speed, any particle that moves through it can become a small black hole that vaporise into space expansion energy. that kind of energy transformation could move and explode objects of any size without much of a fuss. It would be just as nuclear weapons to terrible to ever use.
How strong and how small would the field need to be? What is the "right speed"? What is "space expansion energy"? How much energy would be released? Please post your calculations.
Any size would do, but the strength would have to be concentrated to around 98% of maximum intensity is a fair guess. the exposure of the magnetic field would have to be a half mass oscillation and I guess that 5 to fifteen procent of the matter would be converted into space. the space would then cause a kinetic energy in the mass that decrease with the square of the distance to the object. This energy equals the energy that the mass converted into.

All of this is caused by that the energy from the black holes that the magnetic field created of the mass is not directed with a momentum high enough to make it into merely photones.

But the mass exposed might release energy.

It is too dangerous to not be explored though.
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I'm having trouble following your argument. I need a few things clarified and defined.

Any size would do...

You initially said it would have to be "small".

...but the strength would have to be concentrated to around 98% of maximum intensity is a fair guess.

What do you mean by "maximum intensity"?

the exposure of the magnetic field would have to be a half mass oscillation and I guess that 5 to fifteen procent of the matter would be converted into space.

What does "exposure of the magnetic field" mean?
What is a "half mass oscillation"?
What does it mean for matter to be "converted into space", and by what process does that occur? Has it ever been observed? Is there any reason to suppose it can occur?
It is converted to space expansion actualy, concerning size, any size that we can produce would do. But most likely we can't produce any size, since it needs such an extreme amount of syncronised longwaved energy. By maximum intensity I mean that the energy in the magnetic field at the place of the mass has to equall the energy that the mass contains, more or less

Half mass oscillation means half the process of mass variation according to heisenbergs uncertainty relations
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Do you have any idea whatsoever what you're talking about, or are you just stringing words together out of boredom?
I have an idea what I am talking about.

Virtual photons doesn't cut it. They would not react with the electron since they are not syncronised with the electrons quanta.

I'm sorry. I've tried, but your posts make no sense to me.

I suggest that if you want anybody to take you seriously, you try framing your ideas in accepted scientific language, rather than inventing concepts, as you currently seem to be doing. Words like "energy" have precise meanings in physics, which you must learn and use if you are going to be taken seriously.

You mention things like the Heisenburg uncertainty relation without displaying any hint that you actually know what it is.

I suggest also that you formulate your ideas quantitatively, using appropriate mathematics. If you assert that a certain amount of energy will produce a certain effect, then show us the numerical calculation of the required energy, and a mathematical quantification of the conditions under which the effect will be produced. Also provide the mechanism of that effect.

Failing that, I don't see the point in wasting my time trying to get your theory to a point where it is understandable. The onus is on you to do that. When you've done it, come back.

I'm sorry. I've tried, but your posts make no sense to me.

I suggest that if you want anybody to take you seriously, you try framing your ideas in accepted scientific language, rather than inventing concepts, as you currently seem to be doing. Words like "energy" have precise meanings in physics, which you must learn and use if you are going to be taken seriously.

You mention things like the Heisenburg uncertainty relation without displaying any hint that you actually know what it is.

I suggest also that you formulate your ideas quantitatively, using appropriate mathematics. If you assert that a certain amount of energy will produce a certain effect, then show us the numerical calculation of the required energy, and a mathematical quantification of the conditions under which the effect will be produced. Also provide the mechanism of that effect.

Failing that, I don't see the point in wasting my time trying to get your theory to a point where it is understandable. The onus is on you to do that. When you've done it, come back.

I've read through this and it's nothing but sheer nonsense. He's just tossing out terms with NO knowledge of what they actually mean.

This whole thing should go into the cesspool immediately if not sooner. :bugeye:
The theory is that the proton varies in mass because of a general change in the magnetic field. If that is so it would be a piece of cake to make a black hole and absorb whatever vaporisation energy it leaves behind. If you try it you will find that it creates an unquant momentum that affects all masses, inversely squared to the distance.

Like gravity.
The theory is that the proton varies in mass because of a general change in the magnetic field. If that is so it would be a piece of cake to make a black hole and absorb whatever vaporisation energy it leaves behind. If you try it you will find that it creates an unquant momentum that affects all masses, inversely squared to the distance.

Like gravity.

What the heck is "an unquant momentum" supposed to be?!?!?! :bugeye:
To exitate an electron you need a photon with a certain energy, a quant energy. To move an object on the other hand, any energy can move an object of any size, as long as there is no friction.
To move an object on the other hand, any energy can move an object of any size, as long as there is no friction.

Energy != Force

Energy needs to be directed for there to be force and movement.

Energy is released by me buring coal, but coal burning won't move me (unless it's burning me, but that's not the point). :)
True enough, it is the momentum that decrease with the distance squared, and not the energy.

The energy is directed outwards, instead of as gravity invards, Instead of gravity, the energy is released into space expansion energy, gravity on the other hand, is caused by absorbtion of space expansion energy waves, which is rarer (through out the history of the universe), since they are also absorbed by space. Given that the big bang is the only source of space expansion energy, everything is almost equally effected, it's just that we aren't really right in the middle.

Not to mention that this would explain why most things in the universe are spinning. Given that an object that is neither in nor heading towards the center of the universe, it would start spinning. Like a ball bouncing round and round inside a sphere. The case is no different.
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