Computer Games Expansion Packs: Is it Ethical?

Are Expansion Packs Ethical?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
This is a discussion from another forum I'm in...


Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 9:25 pm Post subject: Re: No more MOJO for expansion paks

SassyLadySim wrote:
I was just sitting here wondering how many expansion packs I will have to buy later in order to get the SimCity4 that I thought I had when I purchased it.

Exactly!! Here is a perfect example: articles posted on the official site talked about three styles of buildings: Chicago, 1890; New York, 1940; and Houston, 2000. This one article said, "Each building you see as you play SimCity 4 will be from one of the three periods of architecture." And yet, the ACTUAL building set included with sc4 is extremely limited and it seems there is only ONE residential skyscraper (and it's kind of ugly). They advertised three times the number of buildings as in sc3k, but in my opinion the building variety is actually less. We're going to have to buy an expansion pack to get buildings and other features we were tricked into thinking would be in the sc4 we paid for.

This game is so crippled and buggy, I think they owe us a FREE expansion pack.

It's a shame. And it's not the fault of the designers and developers, either. I'm sure they tried to build the best game they could. But EA surely has its tentacles in there, mucking it all up. It was certainly a management decision to cripple the game and withhold features so that they could release an expansion pack to provide stuff that should have been included with the game. Some management creep probably said to himself, "Gee, we can squeeze more money out of this if we release a crippled version and put out a 'fix' [that's basically what it would amount to] for another $30." That really pisses me off.

The question is: Is it ethical to make people buy expansion packs for their games? They advertise something to get you all crazy to buy the game and suddenly the game misses many features that were promised. Isn't that against the law? To advertize something but sell another? Is it ethical? Is it legal?

Play the demo, before buying the game. Or read the reviews..
Personally, I don't buy games for 30-40$, I always look at old games, but them for 5-15$.. It's the same really..
You see, this is one of those things. If you're stupid enough to buy into such wasteful habits ( I don't mean to criticize, really) than you should be ignorant enough to buy into an expansion. In which case, its perfectly ethical.

You're responsible for you're actions. Wanna go blame firaxis for sucking your wallet dry? Don't. Blame yourself. If anything its unethical to buy a computer game. Still sickens me to think how much money and time I wasted on that crap as a child. But I can't speak for everyone. Like I said, blame yourself. If you're gonna buy crap then your standards are too low. Demand perfection from a company and thats what they'll sell you.

Right now they're not selling games, they're selling audiences, and I wouldn't be caught dead sitting in that crowd.

First of all, better say that I'm speaking in behalf of those who bought the game. I didn't buy it yet and, of course, I'm waiting how does things goes.

The issue here is that they actually lied about the product they sold. They actually added the features in some of their articles and such, but when you buy the game they are just not there. It is like if they make you want to buy it and then they get the features away so that you can buy them in an expansion pack.I don't even think this is legal (at least in Brazil it is not...:bugeye: ).
Right now they're not selling games, they're selling audiences, and I wouldn't be caught dead sitting in that crowd.
Exactly.. Today's games are a bunch of shite. Compare it to games of '93-'95...
Of course stupid human masses need nice graphics, cool sound, etc bullshit. THey look at a good game, and see that they peanut sized brain couldn't handle the complexity of, say, even Civ...
One of the reasons democracy sucks is because the good stuff sinks to the bottom, and shit floats on top.
I remember a few years ago when development for Civ 3 began. I used to go to the Apolyton forums and some of the developers would talk to us and ask us what we wanted in a game. Unfortunately, about a month before the game was released, they announced no multiplayer, or the robust game editor they promised. In the expansion pack "play the world" they address this, but I don't see why we should have to pay for what was promised and should have been in the game to begin with.
I want SimCity4 so bad, but it sounds like a waste for me to buy it now, considering later it will be cheaper and maybe not as buggy.

that and the fact that my computer is soo outdated i don't think it would run it:(
why not?

i beat diablo 2 and thought i SO want more so i bought the expansion pack which adds another whole section and 2 new caricters ect and its cool

makes the game better

i wouldnt want them to have left it at diablo 2
Originally posted by Asguard
why not?

i beat diablo 2 and thought i SO want more so i bought the expansion pack which adds another whole section and 2 new caricters ect and its cool

makes the game better

i wouldnt want them to have left it at diablo 2
There nothing wrong with expansion packs that add to a game, that's what most used to do.

The problem is that many of the new games coming out are "works in progress", and rely on x packs to complete the game. Why should someone have to play 40 bucks for a game, and an additional 20-30 bucks for the added features that should have come with the original.
That's exactly my point!
They know exactly what we want (after all, we are their costumers), and then they promise something and they don't give it unless you spend more money in an unnecessary expansion pack... :mad:

Do you watch Family Guy (yes, on Fox)?

There is an episode with the funniest moment in television history involving the Kool-aid guy.
Originally posted by Slacker47

Do you watch Family Guy (yes, on Fox)?

There is an episode with the funniest moment in television history involving the Kool-aid guy.
I vaguely remember an episode with him, but it's been so long since I saw that show, I can't think of the scene.
I vaguely remember an episode with him, but it's been so long since I saw that show, I can't think of the scene.

You can find it on Kazaa or any network. BELIEVE ME, this is worth the time.