Completely Done With


Registered Member
I am now leaving and am done with it due to the immature behavior of some of the other members of the forum(whom which are most likely older, at least double my age). I came to this forum because I thought that I could logically figure out a problem or a recurring(if I can say that due to that it only happened twice) idk lets say insight on stuff that may happen(and they did both times)......anyways i am not saying that all the members on this site are terrible I would like to say thank you to Duendy and C20 because they actually put thought and effort into their responses and did not waste my time or that of others by just trying to start an argument under my thread......on another forum im on they actually have an area of the forum titled FIGHT CLUB which is reserved for the members who feel like arguing so that it doesnt waste the time of others actually trying to get something out of their thread.......well i guess this may be it unless i see something cool happen after i post this otherwise its been a good time and peace out peeps and keep your chins up
diabetk said:
I am now leaving and am done with it due to the immature behavior of some of the other members of the forum(whom which are most likely older, at least double my age). I came to this forum because I thought that I could logically figure out a problem or a recurring(if I can say that due to that it only happened twice) idk lets say insight on stuff that may happen(and they did both times)......anyways i am not saying that all the members on this site are terrible I would like to say thank you to Duendy and C20 because they actually put thought and effort into their responses and did not waste my time or that of others by just trying to start an argument under my thread......on another forum im on they actually have an area of the forum titled FIGHT CLUB which is reserved for the members who feel like arguing so that it doesnt waste the time of others actually trying to get something out of their thread.......well i guess this may be it unless i see something cool happen after i post this otherwise its been a good time and peace out peeps and keep your chins up

HI mate. i truly hope you stay, as we could do wit more humans round here. so many are like you say, just out for a fight. not into A debate, just happy to put yo down, and may have a short attention span and just drop out of a debate wen it gets fukin interesting etc...a deeeeer-ag!....

at least you aint been called brain damaged wit i hae bottimes by an arsehole herecallin himself avatar.....and a few othes have been on my case. but you know what? why te livin fuck should you llow saddos like that to intimidate you and chase yo out...? fuk em. you have as much right to be here as ANYONE. i consider you r presence at these forums really important, cause you are speaking from the
heart.....and not many here have the guts to do tat, so you are needed for inspiration

also....about tat 'fightclub'....that is an excellent idea!...i also am sick of threads beeing taken over by idiots who only know how to insult te person. why not put te idea to the forum hre for ideas for new forums?....tat way you could just say to anyone starting to get personal 'wanna fight?' and if tey say 'yeah' you reply 'well leeettts go to te fight club then and slog it out' you tey'd do a runner...hehe

hopin you stay mate. and i am here for support also
Yep, especially when confronted with someone like JB or Baron Max! Stay mate, as duendy correctly says "there are some humans here".Anyways, look at my age.:) :m:
diabetk -
Point 1: If you decide to stick around I'll make a deal with you. You learn to use sentence structure, paragraphs and the like with more consistency than you have displayed till now; I'll make an effort to take your posts seriously. That seem fair. What do you say?
Point 2: I trust you are diabetic - if not, I find your choice of name somewhat insensitive.
Goodbye. Keep peddling your beliefs in psychic powers. Maybe someone like duendy will believe you. Until then, expect rationally thinking scientific people to critiscise you. Happens to everyone like you.
There seems to be a never ending cycle of members through sciforums. Just look at the archives, I don't recognize any screennames. I guess people eventually get their fill of other people's opinions.
Communist Hamster said:
Goodbye. Keep peddling your beliefs in psychic powers. Maybe someone like duendy will believe you. Until then, expect rationally thinking scientific people to critiscise you. Happens to everyone like you.
the put-down-goodbye trip?
listen maye. i may not 'believe' you, but i very much respect your shring your experience. i also have had very weird experiences.....these po sceptics. what dullish lives they lead. in their starched white clinical world hey?
Stick around. It's true that there are some starchy, humourless scientist types on this board and it's true that there are some cleverer than thou aggressive assholes too, but there are also quite a few open minded and very intelligent people around that never say never and are always willing to explore different concepts and ideas, just be sure to use the correct Forums for what you've got to say.
Well everyone, I would like to say that I am going to stay a member on and will be frequently stopping by due to my excessive amount of time spent on my computer because of school. Duendy I would like to thank you again, because I would have definitely been off these forums if someone *cough-cough* had not taken my corner. We should also seriously look at starting a fight club somewhere on this forum it would be a great idea. C20 I would like to build my character so I am here to stay, thanks. John Smith thanks for stopping by and thats cool im only two years older than you, but it should be cool to talk to you more on the forum.Phlogistician.....haha funny(although I do find it a little tough to actually laugh at that one). Ophiolite, your proposal seems fair, and I will be glad to stay. *Attention Everyone* I AM INDEED IN FACT A DIABETIC EVEN THOUGH I SPELL IT DIABETK IT DOES MEAN THAT I DO HAVE DIABETIS AND MY PANCREAS IS SOMEWHAT *AH HUM* DYSFUNCTIONAL...........LITTLE FACTOID HERE MY LICENSE PLATE ALSO READS DIABETK. And for Communist Hamster I do not put my beliefs into physic powers, as I have said before on another thread I am a Christian and put my belief in God not some two dollar palm reader(contrary to what you believe). Maybe you would have known this if you took time to figure out what I was about, if you actually cared or you just are being yourself and ignorant i just simply do not know that yet. Spider Goat I can understand that there comes a time when one will not want to continue posting on a particular forum but that should not come within a few weeks after their first post because they feel like a target, is that how it should work(i don't know you tell me........IN THE FIGHT CLUB....once its made that is). Tablariddim maybe your not as full of yourself as I thought, but once there is a Fight Club and even before I am sure we will be in touch and having some pretty sweet heated debates........ahahahhaa fights are sweet. You guys have all showed me how cool and understanding it can be on this forum, and have convinced me to stay so I would like to say thank you to everyone and peace out im going to bed
I came to this forum because I thought that I could logically figure out a problem

Really? It appeared you came here only to find others that agree with your so-called preminitions (sic); ie. duendy. Rational answers were presented to you and you discarded them and those who presented them as 'immature behavior.'
tablariddim said:
...but there are also quite a few open minded and very intelligent people around that never say never and are always willing to explore different concepts and ideas, just be sure to use the correct Forums for what you've got to say.

What - who - where - what... where are these forums? ;)
diabetk said:
I am now leaving and am done with it due to the immature behavior of some of the other members of the forum(whom which are most likely older, at least double my age). I came to this forum because I thought that I could logically figure out a problem or a recurring(if I can say that due to that it only happened twice) idk lets say insight on stuff that may happen(and they did both times)......anyways i am not saying that all the members on this site are terrible I would like to say thank you to Duendy and C20 because they actually put thought and effort into their responses and did not waste my time or that of others by just trying to start an argument under my thread......on another forum im on they actually have an area of the forum titled FIGHT CLUB which is reserved for the members who feel like arguing so that it doesnt waste the time of others actually trying to get something out of their thread.......well i guess this may be it unless i see something cool happen after i post this otherwise its been a good time and peace out peeps and keep your chins up

There is no point. The world is full of haters, troublemakes and evil. If you find a nice forums, I want to hear about it. I been on the internet for years. No matter where you go, there is always a group of 4 or 5 haters that make life miserable for the entire board. It is a law of nature. Just like every society has criminals who steal and hurt people. Every board has people who live to hurt others for fun.
diabetk ....

Perhaps you will learn more by staying rather than leaving and only believing what you want to think is real instead of finding the truth no matter what or where it may be.